I'm at around 230 stamina so I guess there wasn't too much of difference in the number of runs between us through stamina refills, although there were 2 days during the meat rate up event that I didn't get any refills. I guess it goes to show you the power of double Haruta.
I wanted to run double Haruta but all the teams I've seen run skill maxed raid Sabo and I'm still 5 levels off. I'm somewhat annoyed he hasn't had a return like you see in most new raids yet.
My Haruta team uses raid Shiki and raid Doffy. 3d2y Zoro and IntHawk are also in my team but not that important (you need a slasher booster and an Int slasher beatstick).
You can clear every stage turn one until the boss stage. You can stall a bit to get Zoro special up to max level but that is not needed.
For Brook stage use Shiki (kills fodder + atk boost for Doffy) and clear.
Boss stage: get him close to 50%, I wait three turns so that Haruta specials are up for the guaranteed int orb and use Doffy and Zoro special and clear it.