Haha that's me, no idea why Shiryu was up when I've been using Jinbe to farm the raid. You probably saw me because I'm cleaning out the Friendlist.It's a small world in optc. Just had someone from GAF show up under "guest" on my friends list. What are the chances? (Lucy Pirates) Couldn't add you this time because I'm not running Shiryu. Thought I already had you on my list but I guess not.
Are you on the new updated spreadsheet? If not pm your Id and I'll add you today.
In the interests of maybe having some gems for later, if you never saw Gild Tesoro until yesterday what's a good amount of Tesoro's to save for the skill-up? I'd really only like to just gem when absolutely necessary.
I maxed him with around 50 copies, he requires a little less than most raid bosses. Of course, RNG will be the real decider there.
The main thing to remember with him though is that due to his five slots, you'll likely skill max him before you finish his sockets. So depending on what you need out of him, you might need the usual 60-70 copies like other raid bosses.
Are there any nice Z or Ain teams that use any legends I have? Seems like it's all Croc and LL on the reddit guide.
I've got Doffy, what team do you use?What legends do you have? I used a Double Doffy team to farm Z very quickly. Max'ed him in three hours during the 2X skill event.
Posted a double Fuji team days ago,check back if you have himAre there any nice Z or Ain teams that use any legends I have? Seems like it's all Croc and LL on the reddit guide.
team is
fuji x2
raid doffy
marco psy
stall freely on the first turns since ain will despair you,so half of your hp are useless
binz is easy to defeat if you reserve some matching orbs from the first stage
ain it's easy too since she gives you rcv orbs every 2 turns..stall if you have yet to charge marco psy,otherwise kill,beware of her <20% attack
to sengoku just stall the first 3 turns killing the guys with 1 cd and limiting the ones with 2 cd,since it can get nasty..you can use one fuji if you think you will have problems keeping the pace,marco psy is your emergency reserve if you think you will not be able to tank the next attack(s)...once the 3 turns pass and the debuff protection disappears,then it's diamante time to shine..his special will both delay everyone and kill everyone but sengoku every turn for a good amount of turns,so you can just concentrate all your attacks on sengoku and kill him.
zephyr is standard burst...farm orbs and let the second fuji's special do its magic..then doffy and shiki and burst him down..use marco psy if you haven't already in the previous turn since you need to tank an attack to get everything out fo fuji's special
it will probably work with a shiki+fuji variant too,just check the damage calculator for certainty
This team works wonders. Just sub your hardest hitting INT driven unit in for Fuji if you don't have him.I've got Doffy, what team do you use?
Thanks this worked well until Trebol's low level screwed up Sengoku for me. I'll level him a bit.This team works wonders. Just sub your hardest hitting INT driven unit in for Fuji if you don't have him.
Either a double killer team or a log luffy and sabo one...check out zeenigami's guide on youtube for detailssaving my gems for the big anniversary sugo
just wondering if people have a good team for the baccarat mission just cant seem to do it
Either a double killer team or a log luffy and sabo one...check out zeenigami's guide on youtube for details
Don't, a lot of these are horrible.I just shiryued my way through three and a half colis.
Now I feel kinda dirty.
Thanks this worked well until Trebol's low level screwed up Sengoku for me. I'll level him a bit.
Also thanks for the Fuji suggestion Maju but I unfortunately don't have him![]()
Thanks this worked well until Trebol's low level screwed up Sengoku for me. I'll level him a bit.
Also thanks for the Fuji suggestion Maju but I unfortunately don't have him![]()
*chef kiss*
*chef kiss*
Yeah, Zephyr farming is going well for me too, I've managed to fine-tune my Marco team to being basically completely reliable (as long as I don't screw up, anyway). Hoping to get enough copies to finish him this weekend, which gives me plenty of time for Ain and maybe Binz over the next few colo days.
2x stamina is an absolute godsend for this, particularly since I'm a bit limited by how many Marco captains are available. Not to mention how amazing it is to get runs where you get 4-6 "copies" of Z between the unit and skillbooks.
Hody sugo officially announced
holy shit there's even strawhats among the boosted RRs. Gonna be a Strawfest
Okay guys what's a consistent team to get this mission done because I'm getting annoyed trying to do this thing easily.
killer/killer plus your four strongest red/green/yellow/purple guys. It's not easy, but it'll work. Just hit 50k on every single thing, get a few hits in on Dice, and you should be good.
It almost seems fitting that Baccarat's ranking is pretty reliant on luck
40 Shiki so far, and a host of dumb deaths at 120 stamina. Right now, I'm just wishing raids dropped skillbooks. I feel like it's a QOL improvement that should eventually drop, as atm raids just feel like coliseums with generally crappier returns on stamina.
Current box status:
Gonna be lots of fusing tomorrow. Also some crying if it goes bad.![]()
oh,didn't realize we already had the skillup tomorrow..i have around 50 between skillbooks and copies of zephyr,7 ain and 5 binz...
checking the calendar we willl have only have 5 hours where the coliseum and the skillup collide again...i'l try to max ain in that period..probably not gonna touch binz since leo's fortnight will be in town with its fuji books
I'm at 72 Shiki atm, I'm waiting for a natural stamina refill to get a levelup, then I'll continue until 80 copies of Shiki. Please lord let it be enough.
He's still coming back in a few days with that movie clash.