Bruhs...if you have Neptune and need anything at all from the Violet FN, you should absolutely be clearing with double Neptune. 50K exp per run is bananas, that's like running the Rayleigh training island every single time. This team cleans up very nicely:
Nearly max cola, finally managed to find the motivation for another forest. Since I will obviously pull a striker legend tomorrw, I got myself the Kiji bike and maxed it with 350 cola.
Nearly max cola, finally managed to find the motivation for another forest. Since I will obviously pull a striker legend tomorrw, I got myself the Kiji bike and maxed it with 350 cola.
You can also use a FC Neptune for additional EXP, run is pretty easy and fast with Kuma and maybe Wild Sanji if you have him.
Still undecided if I should socket TS Sanji or Wild Sanji first.
Edit: And while we are at it: FN or RR Violet? The FN actually seems more useful in Cerebral teams with Raid Kuma.
Congrats! And I'd socket TS Sanji unless you use Slashers really often/don't have RR Zeo for PH. TS Sanji gets real fun once we get his books for speedrunning. As for Violets, I'm maxing FN Violet's special then finishing Swimsuit Violet's sockets. RR Violet is ironically enough, probably the least useful of all Violets.
Yeah, I found that out, Neptune + Lucci is still damn easy.
But ugh, I should by that Sanji, right? I'm currently socketing his STR TS one, the one that does damage reduction. I used it in one of the Neo raids, Doffy I think. I'll probably end up buying Wild Sanji along with the Dutchmen, but that means pulls and units to sell..
As for VIolet I'm sticking with FN for now. It's going pretty well actually, and I'll stay with that until she's at a nice low level
3 gems got me super far in farming the Violet FN thanks to mad level ups. I've got every unit's special maxed except Onigumo, who's 3 from max and Sanji, who's rather useless and has been turned into socket fuel instead. I'm gonna drop 2 more gems into farming the Kid Donquixote FN and cross my fingers that I make some good progress on PSY Law. I'll return to farming the last three skillups for Onigumo next week, assuming I spend the rest of it on the Donquixote FN.
I got five Legends in four pulls, four dupes, and QCK Law! Finally! It only took me pulling PSY Law twice since his release, but at last, a new Legend! :')
May do more pulls. We'll see.
Did two multis. First one was all dupes and a legend. I was annoyed at first glance when I saw it was Law because I already pulled QCK Law but it was the PSY version so that's actually new for me. He's a somewhat dated legend but he can do some cool stuff with INThawk against barrier enemies in coliseum. I also skill maxed him with his books right away so that's neat.
Second multi got me Pedro and Kanjuro, the rest were dupes. Kanjuro was the unit I wanted the most from this RR batch so I'm happy with that. Now only if I didn't have to socket him...
A couple multis. No legends, tons of silvers/fake golds, and only three new units: Carrot, Abdullah and Jeet, and Ricky. Really shouldn't have done the second pull. My +1 was Kohza both times.
At this point it's guaranteed G4 or nothing. My luck isn't bringing me anything. In addition, I'm starting to feel like anything but gold-only is a waste of gems.
The rates are on Reddit again, and they're bizarre. Carrot is the RR with the highest probability, despite not being a Striker. The Striker boost also seems to not have any effect on legends, beyond Law/Hoshi/Cat's general boost. The legend rate is only ~4.5%, even with this being a "double" rate sugo (it may well be double the usual rate, but it's still lower than what I'd expect. Comparatively, JPN has a 7% legend rate, I think?)
I don't play much anymore (just logging in for dailies) but figured I'd do two multi-pulls (since I'm trying to keep 300 gems in-case we get that guaranteed TS Luffy for the anniversary). I got two Legends that were new, but they're...not the best (Corazon and Hody Jones). I got two Legend posters back-to-back and my heart skipped a beat, shame they weren't what I had hoped.
Back to saving, still at 280 gems so it's not too bad.
Yeah I broke my own rule of all gold or nothing and it was a mistake, even with new Legends. And with my current pool of Legends i really didn't need to pull at all. I think it's time to just not bother with Sugos until next year's Anniversary because otherwise it's just needless disappointment
Whooboy....OPTC-GAF, I equal parts fucked up and regret nothing. So the part where I fucked up is where I did 13 multis while swimming in Sugolust after pulling QCK Law + Doflamingo. I've already lied down and taken my big breather, so I honestly couldn't tell you what order everything fell in except the following:
4th Multi - QCK Law
7th Multi - Hody Jones
12th Mutli - The Sugolust Nekomamushi, just a lot of other dupes including another QCK Law
I was legitimately swimming in Legends. I averaged over 1 Legend per multi overall, it's just a shame that most of them are dupes to me. As I go to disconnect my credit card until at the very least next year because goddamit do I have no self control, I decide you know what, fuck it. Let's do one last multi. Who knows what'll happen?
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS once this Sugo is over, I might throw a few pulls out and cross my fingers for Log Kid. And when the Boa sisters drop, I'm 110% interested in pulling because those two are fucking silly. But other than that, I feel so content right now. After way too much regret, I finally have one of the broken Legends...and every single Legend that breaks him harder, lol. I can't see myself pulling at all for a VERY long time now.
On the plus side for me, I went 2/2 on the two Whitebeard books I've collected while playing for two and a half years
edit: Then 0/5 on almighty manuals on Law. That cursed bastard.
Instead, I shall embark on a Treasure Cruise of Buddhist-style suffering, and analysis of the nature of such suffering. Why does Bandai wish this lack of RRs, this red poster-less life upon us? Is the pursuit of ATK boosts higher than 3x impossible? Why haven't I pulled Capone after like two damn years?
Only by self-reflection can we discern the answers to these questions, and receive our G4 in the next life.
Damn, EMT you went the distance and stuck with it, even through the failures. Even if I had the patience to keep going after the three pulls I had I would have tapped out at 5 regardless of what I pulled. All the same though congratulations dude, you're pretty much sent on Pulls for a while...
Congrats @EMT0. Went also way over my planned number of multis but only because I'm getting dupe after dupe after dupe legends. Another Ace, Cora and WB out of 8 multis... I only got one Carrot in my last multi but also got Neko (sadly no Shira). So in the end I got all the new nits from the batch and 3d2y Nami as new units. 3 dupe legends are sadly the norm for me now, thoigh I still don't have over 50% of the legends...
A couple multis. No legends, tons of silvers/fake golds, and only three new units: Carrot, Abdullah and Jeet, and Ricky. Really shouldn't have done the second pull. My +1 was Kohza both times.
At this point it's guaranteed G4 or nothing. My luck isn't bringing me anything. In addition, I'm starting to feel like anything but gold-only is a waste of gems.
The rates are on Reddit again, and they're bizarre. Carrot is the RR with the highest probability, despite not being a Striker. The Striker boost also seems to not have any effect on legends, beyond Law/Hoshi/Cat's general boost. The legend rate is only ~4.5%, even with this being a "double" rate sugo (it may well be double the usual rate, but it's still lower than what I'd expect. Comparatively, JPN has a 7% legend rate, I think?)
Once again, this just goes to show that Bandai loves making global players suffer for choosing to play in their own language. 200 box space, waiting 2+ months for skill up events, no Zephyr for the longest time. Yeah I still haven't forgotten, Bandai. On top of that, our pull rates are worse, even though dupe characters are very common.
Since I already have Law my striker teams look quite good. (Might go for Log Kid now)
Neko would be my captain for a one turn burst kill. Double Neko, Law, WB6+, raid Aokiji (Kid?), Kanjuro seems like a great team though not viable for all the content.
Law will probably be still my most used captain for harder content now. Double Law, raid Aokiji, Neko, WB6+, Barto (TS Nami, Mansherry depending on the content) is a really save and high damage for two turns team.
Still unsure if I should go for Log Kid but maybe I should do a multi and hope for the best...
On the plus side for me, I went 2/2 on the two Whitebeard books I've collected while playing for two and a half years
edit: Then 0/5 on almighty manuals on Law. That cursed bastard.
Instead, I shall embark on a Treasure Cruise of Buddhist-style suffering, and analysis of the nature of such suffering. Why does Bandai wish this lack of RRs, this red poster-less life upon us? Is the pursuit of ATK boosts higher than 3x impossible? Why haven't I pulled Capone after like two damn years?
Only by self-reflection can we discern the answers to these questions, and receive our G4 in the next life.
Damn, EMT you went the distance and stuck with it, even through the failures. Even if I had the patience to keep going after the three pulls I had I would have tapped out at 5 regardless of what I pulled. All the same though congratulations dude, you're pretty much sent on Pulls for a while...
Congrats @EMT0. Went also way over my planned number of multis but only because I'm getting dupe after dupe after dupe legends. Another Ace, Cora and WB out of 8 multis... I only got one Carrot in my last multi but also got Neko (sadly no Shira). So in the end I got all the new nits from the batch and 3d2y Nami as new units. 3 dupe legends are sadly the norm for me now, thoigh I still don't have over 50% of the legends...
Thanks guys! I'm pretty damn pleased with this Sugofest...I walked away with every single relevant Striker Legend at the end. That shit's bananas, now that I'm thinking back on it. I've already socketed Nekomamushi(I was hungry for sockets so I spent part of my war chest of Rayleigh points on socket books) and am halfway done with Law thanks to all the FN Law dupes I've gotten from farming the Donquixote Kids FN. Looking ahead at future FNs, I'll be waiting on Shirahoshi sockets till her FN drops in a few months. Law'll hopefully get close to done by the time I finish with Don Sai. PSY Law is really low on the priority list for specials to max, even more so now, and the next FN with his books is the Shirahoshi FN anyways so....not a big deal at all. Don Sai hasn't had his books rereleased yet, so I'd like to get his 3 remaining skillups done before the week ends. Once he gets done, I swap back to the Violet FN to finish getting Onigumo's last 3 skillups. Additionally, I'd like to socket RR Kanjuro before this current Coliseum rotation ends.
My new priority for socket books is Hody(no farmable sockets), afterwards I return to maxing out SW Shanks. I'm content to wait on Hirahoshi for her FN, so I'll focus on dropping my socket books on units whose sockets I really don't want to farm for like Legend Sabo/Hancock whose sockets would cost me a ton of gems, or Lucci whose sockets are a complete pain in the ass to farm. I'd rather get them done on the side while farming the coliseum if I can help it. I'm banking on getting both of my Laws done between the Donquixote FN and the Law/Monet FN. Doflamingo's raid is relatively easy to run and farm so I won't be socketing QCK Doffy via books unless literally everybody else is done before he's maxed(This won't happen). Speaking of QCK Doffy, he's 1 from max thanks to the 18 books I'd been hoarding for him.
So the Legend socketing order is now Hody - > Shanks -> Lucci > Sabo -> Hancock -> QCK Doffy, with both Laws, Sengoku, Buggy(super low priority), and Shirahoshi will get maxed via FN farming. Almighty Manuals will all go to QCK Law until he's maxed, afterwards, probably Nekomamushi to 15CD to match Law and then on to Hody, because I thirst for speedrunning? He may be the Legend I was least hyped about on paper, but I'm damn pleased to have pulled him for the future.
Finally, I'm definitely gonna drop a multi for Log Kid once this Sugo is over. I've been doing my team research, and as far as I can tell until RR Marigold there aren't all that many meta-relevant STR Strikers. I'll also then have the entire Striker dream team for Global, so I may as well shoot for the stars. I've already got the hard part covered. But goddamn can I not wait until RR Sandersonia/Marigold. This is silly. Lasagna Cat is so damn silly :3
Basically as long as you can ensure you've got the red orbs on a couple of beat sticks he'll just deal massive amounts of damage; especially on akainu himself.
Generally you want the heavy hitters on his team to either be STR, or units with a "treat str orbs as matching" sailor ability (like for example quick ts chopper); but it's definitely worth taking along someone like neo doflamingo for that 2x orb boost.
His weaknesses are: he's VERY reliant on matching orbs to shine & he's a bit of a glass tank, being a legend without any inherent hp boost, defence boost or healing; so you won't be stalling on enemies doing 10k hits in your face like a Fuji team can.
Your 6* Doffy works really well with him. TS Sanji, Wild Sanji, Raid Kuma and Shiki, Colo Kinemon, Zephyr, and Kid will be your new best friends. His special rerolls orbs (his CA basically gives him a 50% STR orb rate) and boosts raid and legend units by 1.75 for 2 turns so you'll probably be able to get by for now with a high skill level Akainu friend. Matching orbs on non-STR units will actually do less damage with them (unless they're dex or you're using an orb booster greater than 1.5x) The math works out to 2.25 x 2.25 x 2 = 10.125x for matching versus the 4 x 4 = 16x for STR orbs. Basically in most instances, you'll want STR orbs on everything.
RR Onigumo, Young Doffy, and Colo Oars Jr. have specials that make STR orbs beneficial to non STR units so keep them in mind. Units like Blenheim and QCK TS Chopper have sailor abilities that make STR orbs beneficial to them.
Eventually Neo Pica and raid Fuji will be really useful units for him.
Akainu actually can make good use of many of the best boats. Strangely enough, he's probably the best user of Garp's boat if you have it. Doffy's ship and the Rocketman are useful with some minor tweaking to your team composition.
Your 6* Doffy works really well with him. TS Sanji, Wild Sanji, Raid Kuma and Shiki, Colo Kinemon, Zephyr, and Kid will be your new best friends. His special rerolls orbs (his CA basically gives him a 50% STR orb rate) and boosts raid and legend units by 1.75 for 2 turns so you'll probably be able to get by for now with a high skill level Akainu friend. Matching orbs on non-STR units will actually do less damage with them (unless they're dex or you're using an orb booster greater than 1.5x) The math works out to 2.25 x 2.25 x 2 = 10.125x for matching versus the 4 x 4 = 16x for STR orbs. Basically in most instances, you'll want STR orbs on everything.
RR Onigumo, Young Doffy, and Colo Oars Jr. have specials that make STR orbs beneficial to non STR units so keep them in mind. Units like Blenheim and QCK TS Chopper have sailor abilities that make STR orbs beneficial to them.
Eventually Neo Pica and raid Fuji will be really useful units for him.
Akainu actually can make good use of many of the best boats. Strangely enough, he's probably the best user of Garp's boat if you have it. Doffy's ship and the Rocketman are useful with some minor tweaking to your team composition.
how do the orbs work for qck units like legend offy?if they got a str orb do they get the boost but then get only half of it because of the contrary orb?
how do the orbs work for qck units like legend offy?if they got a str orb do they get the boost but then get only half of it because of the contrary orb?
STR units are neutral to QCK units so Legend Doffy is fine. He'll still activate the 16x boost.
DEX units are the ones that get a negative effect from STR orbs. Raid doffy will still get a 16x multiplier but it will be halved from the effect of the negative orb.
STR units are neutral to QCK units so Legend Doffy is fine. He'll still activate the 16x boost.
DEX units are the ones that get a negative effect from STR orbs. Raid doffy will still get a 16x multiplier but it will be halved from the effect of the negative orb.
i was thinking about using him with a moby dick and using wild sanji to get the hp back so to give the team a bit more meat in those bones...and maybe later get garp ship when it will come back to global if i have enough points.
EDIT: now that i check,it might not be worth it...starting from half hp and getting all the 6 mats sanji porvides gets me more or less at the same amount of hp than i would have by starting with the sunny...sure i can then get more if i get other rcv orbs (up to 24k it seems)..but with the akainu str rate up i fear that i am not gonna se many rcv orbs.
the first has 1 orb boost and 3 type boosters, while the other is 2 orb boosters and 2 orb boosters
fuji does less damage but has the hp cuts on his side and way more hp..but akainu seem to hae the added advantage of being able to do burst-like damage without any special..fuji can do it to if you manage to get your orbs in place but not with the same strenght
that high CD is gonna bug me to no end though...luckily we are not that far away from dadan's fortnight.
i was thinking about using him with a moby dick and using wild sanji to get the hp back so to give the team a bit more meat in those bones...and maybe later get garp ship when it will come back to global if i have enough points.
EDIT: now that i check,it might not be worth it...starting from half hp and getting all the 6 mats sanji porvides gets me more or less at the same amount of hp than i would have by starting with the sunny...sure i can then get more if i get other rcv orbs (up to 24k it seems)..but with the akainu str rate up i fear that i am not gonna se many rcv orbs.
the first has 1 orb boost and 3 type boosters, while the other is 2 orb boosters and 2 orb boosters
fuji does less damage but has the hp cuts on his side and way more hp..but akainu seem to hae the added advantage of being able to do burst-like damage without any special..fuji can do it to if you manage to get your orbs in place but not with the same strenght
that high CD is gonna bug me to no end though...luckily we are not that far away from dadan's fortnight.
Honestly I'm a bit tired, so I'll make it short Matching orb level actually improves Sakazuki, though only in pure STR teams you'll see a strong increase in STR-orbs. The important thing is that it does not lower his STR-orb rate at all, even with 4xDEX-subs. The data implies that double Sakazuki actually seems to have a fix ~40% STR orb-rate, which will come into action before matching orbs are rolled!. Even if you run a full DEX-sub team, MO sockets only improve your overall damage in non-burst turns by giving a higher chance of matching orb if you didn't roll a STR-orb. This is in fact very good because if you don't use a 'counts as matching-orb'-unit like RR Onigumo or Colo Oars, you'll get the following damage calculations:
seeing all these legend pulls makes me think the rates really are good. Granted we're a small subsection, but still. I'd pull again if not for these beauties, which basically ensure I don't have to pull again until 3-year anniversary:
And both from the same multipull! First was was a 50/50 real gold/fake gold, but that second set. I didn't even process anything after I saw those beautiful red posters. Counting legends, I actually only went 7/22 new units, but obviously I'm more than fine
Also, since we're like 3-4 months away from TS Luffy books, I used my almighty manuals on him last night while skillup was in effect. Went 2/7, which is pretty good!
So, yeah, still unwinding. I can do so much now, I need to actually teambuild again and get used to these legends. TS Luffy is already evolved and max level (pigs for first part, Meat for second), and Neko's at 50, so once I can get some exp boosters I'll use another meat on him. Need to get CC again for both of them, and Luffy I need sockets (afro/kimono luffy were just here I think). Neko is a beast in and of himself, I really need to evaluate my strikers. Free Spirit I've made teams before with friend TS Luffy, but strikers? Always been my worst
Seeing all these legend posts makes me happy! I hope everyone gets at least something good!
I just realized that id i bring another orb boostr,RR kuma might come back to be useful now that i have akainu...but i really don't wanna socket him too ..i'm already behind the schedule between shiryu,RR tashigi and now a brand new legend
Guys, it took me a while but I finally got my first (colo) Kanjuro copy. Given that I also got Doc Q and 3D2Y Nami for a full matching orb combo, should I try maxing him out?
Guys, it took me a while but I finally got my first (colo) Kanjuro copy. Given that I also got Doc Q and 3D2Y Nami for a full matching orb combo, should I try maxing him out?
No sockets, but I took him and a quick team to take on ColoVista, who I struggled with before. Apparently I just have all the right subs, because finally, FINALLY I can farm vista reliably. He's a big help for my INTHawk teams, and a good unit overall, so... I'll probably work on maxing him today. I should work on the others, but Kinemon is at a decent place, and without a meatup or enough sockets on TS luffy, I'm not risking the 50-stamina ones just yet. They'll come back, and I'll be ready for them then.
But just.. wow. So, so happy with this. I've been missing a top-tier legend for a while, and this just completely changes my approach to the game. Also, I still need to figure out strikers for Neko, but for now, I'm enjoying TS Luffy's wild ride
Edit: Naturally, got ambushed. Surprisingly, 5/6 QCK team does not do well against Beckmen
Free Spirit is king, easy. Global Strikers simply won't be as good as Free Spirit for the average player and is way, way more P2P versus Free Spirit, which is almost entirely F2P.
[URL=",1652:99,1621:99,1658:99,1473:99,1751:99C10,10B0D0E1365Q0L0G0R45S100H"]Striker[/URL] vs. [URL=",1404:99,1492:99,1310:99,865:99,1380:99C14,10B0D0E1365Q0L0G0R11S100H"]Free Spirit[/URL]
Sure Strikers can put out slightly more damage, but you have to be a whale among whales to get those types of results.