One Punch Fight : Saitama vs Blast

One Punch Man Saitama vs Blast

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Airbus Jr


Nothing need to be said about this guy


Hero Spotlight: Blast







Hero Association

Chapter 29 (First mentioned)
Chapter 84 (Silhouette)
Episode 10 (First mentioned)

When humanity is in peril and must be saved, he will surely take action.[1]
Blast (ブラスト, Burasuto) is the S-Class Rank 1 professional hero for the Hero Association. His whereabouts are currently unknown.


Blast is a middle aged man with a muscular build. He has spiky black hair and wears a superhero suit with a cape.
The following section contains Webcomic spoilers. You have been warned, manga-only readers.
In the webcomic, his suit's zipper is outlined by a fiery contour.

Nothing is known of Blast's personality, as he hasn't made any appearances in the manga.[2] He does not disclose his personal information in the Hero Association Catalog.
The following section contains Webcomic spoilers. You have been warned, manga-only readers.
Similar to Saitama, Blast considers his hero work as a hobby. He also seems to have independent tendencies, advising Tatsumaki to use her own powers to defend herself rather than expecting others to save her and only showing up on his own terms (in his case, according to Sitch, when humanity is in peril).


The following section contains Webcomic spoilers. You have been warned, manga-only readers.
At some point 18 years ago, Blast saved Tatsumakifrom a monster. He then encouraged Tatsumaki to use her powers when in danger.
At some point 15 years ago, Blast defeated the leader of Sonic and Flash's old Ninja Village and put him into a coma.
Two years ago, Blast fought Elder Centipede and brought him to the brink of death. However, the monster managed to escape underground before he could finish it off.[3]


Hero Association Saga
Alien Conquerors Arc
During the S-Class meeting, Child Emperormentioned Blast's absence[4] which was later confirmed by Sitch who mentions his unknown whereabouts.[5]
Human Monster Saga
Monster Association Arc
Blast is mentioned in a Hero Association meeting. A staff member was frustrated at Blast's lack of activity despite being S-Class Rank 1. Sitch says that Blast cannot be ordered around but has enough faith in him that should humanity be in need of saving, he will appear.[6]
During the battle between the Monster Association, Hero Association, and Garou, Psykosmanages to successfully take down Tatsumaki and mentions that it was naive for the heroes to be dependent solely on Tatsumaki to take down the Monster Association. Psykos says that they should have brought along Blast and Metal Knight to their hero team in which she refers them as bishop and rook respectively. Even so, she thinks that they would have not helped.

Abilities and Powers

Being the highest ranked hero of the Hero Association, it can be presumed that Blast is a very powerful S-Class hero. Fubuki mentions that Blast is "the one at the top of all heroes" during her talk with Saitama in his apartment, putting Blast alongside King in terms of power.[7] Sitch also mentions Blast would only present himself if humanity is in peril.[8]
Blast was able to bring Elder Centipede—a Dragon Level threat strong enough to combat the likes of Bang, Bomb and Genos simultaneously—to the brink of death, although he was smaller and as such presumably weaker when he first fought Blast.[9] Despite this, Psykos believed that Blast could still defeat Elder Centipede even in his current state.
Fubuki speculates in the databook that Blast is stronger than King, can shoot lasers from his eyes and rules over psychic powers and the ability to command trillions of robots. She hypothesizes that he could beat the rest of the S-Class all at once.[10]
Blast also defeated the leader of the ninja village, who is regarded as the most powerful ninja to ever exist, and put him in a coma for 15 years.


  • "You sloppily formed your team, without Blast and Metal Knight. You naively thought Tornado alone could win this war? You started this game without the bishop and rook. Though, I don't think having the bishop and rook would've helped you much." - Psykos
  • "Because...Bla-...On second thought, No."- Tatsumaki
  • (To Tatsumaki after saving her) "When the time comes, don't go expecting someone to come save you."
  • (To Tatsumaki about being a hero) "...I guess this is more of a hobby."

  • Blast's previous debut in the manga.Blast's debut in the manga was originally less ambiguous, clearly showing a long head of hair and a cape. However, in the tankōbon release of the manga his appearance was changed to be even more mysterious and equivocal.[11]
  • The rumor that he can shoot lazers from his eyes and command an army of robots is most likely a reference to Superman.
  • Blast was the reason Tatsumaki became a hero.
  • Blast is the first known human to become a hero in the series.


  1. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 85, page 5
  2. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 29, page 20
  3. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 84, page 116-117
  4. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 29, page 11
  5. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 30, page 2
  6. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 85, page 4
  7. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 44, page 13
  8. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 85, page 5
  9. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 84, page 62
  10. One-Punch Man Encyclopedia; One-Punch Man: Hero Perfection, page 79
  11. One-Punch Man Manga; Volume 17

The Hero Association
S-Class1. Blast • 2. Tornado of Terror/Tatsumaki • 3. Silver Fang/Bang • 4. Atomic Samurai/Kamikaze • 5. Child Emperor • 6. Metal Knight/Bofoi • 7. King • 8. Zombieman • 9. Drive Knight • 10. Pig God • 11. Superalloy Darkshine • 12. Watchdog Man • 13. Flashy Flash • 14. Demon Cyborg/Genos • 15. Metal Bat/Bad • 16. Tanktop Master (Tank Topper Army) • 17. Puri-Puri Prisoner
A-Class1. Sweet Mask • 2. Iaian • 3. Okamaitachi • 4. Bushidrill • 5. Heavy Tank Loincloth • 6. Blue Fire • 7. Magic Trick Man• 8. Death Gatling • 9. Tanktop Vegetarian • 10. Stinger • 11. Twin Tail • 13. Great Philosopher • 16. Butterfly DX• 17. Lightning Genji/Genji • 19. Lightning Max/Max • 22. One Shotter • 24. Green • 25. Crescent Eyebroll • 26. Golden Ball • 27. Smile Man • 28. Spring Mustachio • 29. Narcisstoic • 30. Peach Terry• 31. Forte • 32. Shadow Ring• 33. Doll Master • 34. Feather• 35. Air • 36. Chain'n'toad • 37. SneckHeavy Kong
B-Class1. Blizzard of Hell/Fubuki (The Blizzard Group) • 2. Eyelashes• 3. Mountain Ape • 6. Wild Horn • 7. Caped Baldy/Saitama • 20. Glasses • 25. Pink Hornet • 29. Double Hole • 39. Smell Master • 39. Reclusamurai • 43. Gun Gun • 49. Butcher • 50. Jet Nice Guy • 60. Needle Star • 65. Piko • 69. Crying Man • 70. Trap Tengu • 71. Mizuki • 74. Lily of the Three Section Staff/Lily • 77. Bone • 81. Tanktop Black Hole • 93. Mushroom • 99. ShooterDarkness BladePineapple
C-Class1. Mumen Rider • 3. Strange Binding Shell • 13. Tanktop Tiger • 22. D-Pad • 40. Funeral Suspenders • 66. Food Battler Futoshi • 85. Battery Man • 89. Red Muffler• 111. Armored Chief Clerk • 133. Gearsper • 141. Gasmask Cowboy • 174. Grave Eight • 179. Ecolo G • 203. Monocross• 221. Dynamite Man • 225. Angry Man • 283. Horse-Bone • 295. Studless • 300. Poison • 331. Bunbunman • 347. Hyottoko • 359. Saturn Man • 385. Red NoseMohicanCherion (Soda Pop Boys) • SwimWater GunShoulderpadsHacker NetMeat HammerRabbit
Ex-HeroesAll Back-ManGrad School GraduateSerial Bomber
Undetermined ClassTanktop GirlTanktop RockabillyTanktop RacerTanktop Al DenteTanktop SwimmerTanktop JungleTanktop MaskTanktop HatterPandaman
Staff MembersAgoniSekingarSitchExecutive GirlZeimeetGuichesNarinkiBearded WorkerMcCoyZ Branch OperatorBespectacled WorkerSpecial Committee GirlShelter Nr. 7 GirlZ Branch Committee Girl

Whos gona win in a fight?
The anime/webcomic/manga never seem to make it a question that anyone could be stronger than Saitama (maybe Garou but that is really only to keep the storyline interesting)

Plus Saitama fully destroys Elder Centipede when Blast failed to do so.

Another funny thing is in Episode 10 "Unparalleled Peril" when they list the Heroes in order of rank, Saitama is announced last after all other S class heroes including Blast, alluding to his overall superiority as a hero even though he is only a lowly "B queue".

Airbus Jr

The anime/webcomic/manga never seem to make it a question that anyone could be stronger than Saitama (maybe Garou but that is really only to keep the storyline interesting)

Plus Saitama fully destroys Elder Centipede when Blast failed to do so.

Another funny thing is in Episode 10 "Unparalleled Peril" when they list the Heroes in order of rank, Saitama is announced last after all other S class heroes including Blast, alluding to his overall superiority as a hero even though he is only a lowly "B queue".

Blast didnt intended to kil centipede, he wanted to captured it but slipped

Mentioned that he can beat all other S Class heroes at once

That quite a powerful feat
Also we should never forget the best enemy in the series is Star Guy from S1 OP. He seems to be holding a clean knife with a bloody hand for some reason.

Saitama made Bangs jaw drop and beat the galactic equivalent of Tornado. Don't wanna spoil the end of s1 but that guy was no amateur either. Excited for the eventual matchup.

Haven't read the manga so all from TV show.
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Caped baldy takes this one. I wonder if Blast is a universe hopping alternate future timeline Gohan who somehow got stranded in OPM universe.


in the webcomic he kinda looked like saitama with hair, but then why wouldnt tornado recognize saitama if they were the same person. His outfit looks like saitamas too. Evil brother ?
but then in the murata version he looks more like King. Maybe he is king from the future after he followed saitama workout advice? and styled his outfit in saitama honor or something?

just theories

Airbus Jr

I'm also 100% sure Saitama is Blast.

I dont think so

His power and feats are different from saitama

Blast can shoot laser from his eyes, control robots, have psychic powers

His age when he rescue tornado isnt right too

His manners aswell different ( the way he talk to tornado that she must survive on his own next time, something that saitama wouldnt say)

Saitama were still a regular guy back then
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Unconfirmed Member
I dont think so

His power and feats are didferent from saitama

Blast can shoot laser from his eyes, control robots, have psychic powers

His age when he first met tornado isnt right too

Saitama were still a regular guy back then
The association was built because Saitama saved that dude and his powers have been greatly exaggerated unlike Saitama's actual power which makes perfect sense.


Or he is his clone? Dad?
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didn't the ninja village's survivors were plotting to take down Blast in recent webcomic, saying he's old and gotten weaker?
Of course, I'm sure they were mistaken to think that way...

But either way, I think OPM is a comedy where you feel catharsis from Saitama's overwhelming power, overshadowing all the serious arcs and all. Thus, I think Blast would be no match (he may be stronger than the galactic dentist)... but I don't think he would be a match for Saitama.

Then again, there are so many mysteries - the organization, the mad cyborg that destroyed Genos' village and family (although I do think perhaps the mushroom hair doctor Kuseno may be the evil doc, or perhaps Metal Knight Bofoi is the mad scientist...) - along with other S class heroes stories (the mobile knight guy) etc...
Also Saitama is mostly a side character now who just comes in to finish off the bad guy in the end. The main story is the struggle and character development of the others. That is what I feel after the conclusion of the monster association story line.


Unconfirmed Member
Then again, there are so many mysteries - the organization, the mad cyborg that destroyed Genos' village and family (although I do think perhaps the mushroom hair doctor Kuseno may be the evil doc, or perhaps Metal Knight Bofoi is the mad scientist...) - along with other S class heroes stories (the mobile knight guy) etc...
It has a bunch of stuff that will never be looked into as it moves more and more into villain of the week. After Boros OPM has suffered quite a bit in quality and themes. I'm still hoping it gets better again.


Neo Member
I've seen this theory on Apknite before, I hope he's stronger than Boros and AG but we never find out how strong he really is, I understand Tatsumaki fighting Saitama because she's childish but Blast must be like 40 years old or older, a 40-year-old fighting someone just to find out who's stronger is childish.
Blast vs Saitama would just be fan service.


It has a bunch of stuff that will never be looked into as it moves more and more into villain of the week. After Boros OPM has suffered quite a bit in quality and themes. I'm still hoping it gets better again.

I agree - but to be fair to One, at least his web comic has seem to touch on some of those stuff, such as Ninja village and etc. We'll see how it will all end up - but I do think after the Garou battle, it seems to have slowed down quite a bit - even though I love those King episodes. :D Murata's remake seems to add some meat on the bones in retrospect, but some episodes like the Bodokai, felt like it was dragging its feet too much.


I don't know who this Blast is, but isn't Saitama just a gag character? His whole point is that he finishes every fight with one punch. It's the name of the damn show. He's as strong as he needs to be to win whatever fight he's in. Vs. topics with him are all very simple. There's no need for all this fanfare.


It has a bunch of stuff that will never be looked into as it moves more and more into villain of the week. After Boros OPM has suffered quite a bit in quality and themes. I'm still hoping it gets better again.

It won't get better because it lost its touch with what made it great.
OPM premise is parody of shounen and this is why it was so refreshing to read/watch.
Now it is actually full shonen and saitama isn't even main character, most of the story is focused on other heroes making them real characters instead of parody which devaluated whole parody of shonen concept.

One should go with Gintama/Saiki aproach instead of shonen to stay good.

And it is not like it is the first failture in One library. Mob also went there. Started as heartfelt parody of shool kids getting power ended up as exactly that.

It is also not exlusive One problem. Goblin slayer started with simple premise that made it special and now it is full on UGUUU anime.


Unconfirmed Member
It won't get better because it lost its touch with what made it great.
OPM premise is parody of shounen and this is why it was so refreshing to read/watch.
Now it is actually full shonen and saitama isn't even main character, most of the story is focused on other heroes making them real characters instead of parody which devaluated whole parody of shonen concept.

One should go with Gintama/Saiki aproach instead of shonen to stay good.

And it is not like it is the first failture in One library. Mob also went there. Started as heartfelt parody of shool kids getting power ended up as exactly that.

It is also not exlusive One problem. Goblin slayer started with simple premise that made it special and now it is full on UGUUU anime.
Goblin Slayer was never good though?
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