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OnePlus One GAF Invite list.


Hello fellow GAFers this is the thread where we sign up for invites for the OnePlus One smartphone.

What does that mean?
It means that whoever gets an invite from OnePlus to buy the phone will be able to share their extra invites with the people on this list. People on the list have higher priority and the members that are giving away invites on GAF need to respect the list. For the list to work there must be at least one GAF member on it to give an invite away so we can get the ball rolling. When someone gets an invite they will be deleted from the list.

The invite system explained by OnePlus: http://forums.oneplus.net/threads/the-oneplus-invite-system.1150/

-No begging for invites.
-If you get banned you're off the list (I'm sorry but the members donating their invite will have no way to contact you)
-State how many invites you are giving back to GAF
-Give back one invite minimum or you are not getting on the list (For now just put one as we don't know ho many each one will get to give away.)
-No bragging.
-Reply to the thread if you registered so I know the username you gave is legit.
-To share your invite with a member send a PM to the member with priority and ask them if they still need/want one. If yes reply with the invite, if not procede to contact the next member on the list.
-Do not ask me to put you on the list, fill out the form linked below in the"How to enter" section or you are NOT in.

To find out more about the phone go here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=109252179

Initially only a hundred will be given out through a contest starting April 25th:

The first 100 OnePlus Ones will be available through the OnePlus Phone Smash, starting April 25th. OnePlus fans can go to oneplus.net/smash to apply to smash their current phone in exchange for a OnePlus One

This means that if you smash your phone you are entered in a pot where a random 100 people that participated will win. It's not certain you will!

How to enter:
To enter quote the OP and right under this sentence there is a Google form to complete in between email tags so lurkers don't see it.

List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuSb4lmvU3s2dG9KbGZSS3VjWkFXVmxCcTEweE5jUXc&usp=sharing (Can't be edited so don't even try)

Let me know if you got the OPO or an invite with the link below: (hidden in an email tag, quote the OP and right under this sentence there is a Google form to complete.)



I'm in too! How do we know how many invites we can offer up though? Does OnePlus give you five invites if you get in?
Count me in.

Edit: Wait, not quite sure how this works. If you're chosen, do you automatically receive invites to share? Are you guaranteed five of them, or is that the max you can get? Do the people you invite also get their own set of invites?


( ≖‿≖)

Also if OnePlus invites you, how do the invites work? Do you have to purchase a phone before being allowed to invite people or?


I would like to be on the list. Also I will surely deliver just like reddit does. Will give one back at the very least. Or however this is supposed to work.
I'm totally in.
I have no idea how many invites you would receive if we are in.
I'm down for 3 return-invites but probably more since most of my friends are iphone users.


Hell yeah wife needs a new phone, I am in

Oops will be giving the max to gaf of what ever invite is allowed minus one because I might want one for myself lol

Camp Lo

I added myself to the google doc, but do I have to subscribe to that smash site too?

The smash is the contest, iirc. Can't get a phone without subbing to that.

Anyone know if this phone will work on straight talk? I wanna buy out of my at&t if I can get this phone
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