Got an Invite for the 64 gig sandstone black. Didn't know invites and e-mails expire in 24 hours so someone please take this off my hands quick I don't want it to go to waste. First PM gets it.
Guys, tomorrow February 10th at 8AM GMT and for 24 hours, an invite won't be required to buy an OPO. Both versions will be available.
So for PST, that'd be the midnight between the 9th and the 10th?
Every Tuesday, we will open up sales for 24 hours, starting at 8 am London time (midnight in Los Angeles; 4 pm in Hong Kong). The OnePlus One will be available without an invite in both 16GB Silk White and 64GB Sandstone Black.
This doesnt mean that our beloved invite system is going away, and it will continue to be the standard method for purchasing the One during the remaining 6 days of the week. And, you will still receive invites to share with friends whenever you buy a One, even on Tuesdays.
My brother ds an invite can someone pm me?
You can buy them direct from One Plus on Tuesdays with no invite.
Cool for how long?
Friend needs an invite for the 64gig - he said its impossible to get one on Tuesdays.
hey can anyone help me out with a 16 gig white invite, I need it bad, because of some problems with my paypal account I missed the sale yesterday, been waiting to get this thing for months
Its every Tuesday. Wait another week.
Or the very post right before yours either.So yesterday I visited the website. I didn't know they open orders for both models without an invite on Tuesdays. Thia is good to know. Someone probably mentioned this already but I haven't gone through the 50 plus pages in this thread. For those that didn't know now you do.
This thread has finally run its course!
Until the second one comes out soon!