AW IT'S FUCKING ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! Playing 15 minutes from where I'm at in PA. This is the only movie I downloaded because I thought I had no shot of getting a legit copy. Elbow smashes of death are going to be the best follow-up to birthday #22.
I can't wait to hear that motorcycle guy get his head caved in through his helmet in glorious 28.7 surround sound.
Sweet, looks like the movie is being played at my theater. I thought it was a limited release but suggests otherewise. It's even being played in one of the shitty movie theaters here
Yah I just saw it and I think it was fucking great. The story is a simpleton but the fights, oh man. WOW. They don't boggle the mind but they're cool as hell. I so want to do the knee elbow combo to one of my professors. Go watch it!!!
I hope that all the people who downloaded it will see it in theater too. This is a low budget affair and this kind of movie actually NEEDS the money to finance other projects. Jackie and Jet are getting old, and i'm sure we would all like Tony Jaa to have a successful career worldwide