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OpenAi announces Sora, new text to video AI generation tool


Gold Member

OpenAI calls its new system Sora, after the Japanese word for sky. The team behind the technology, including the researchers Tim Brooks and Bill Peebles, chose the name because it “evokes the idea of limitless creative potential.”

In an interview, they also said the company was not yet releasing Sora to the public because it was still working to understand the system’s dangers. Instead, OpenAI is sharing the technology with a small group of academics and other outside researchers who will “red team” it, a term for looking for ways it can be misused.
One Day:



It will not for the same reason mechanical watches are still around.

I'm sure they'll exist but they will be a mere shadow of their former glory, nothing like their heyday. I can't predict the future, but I can imagine where individuals begin producing their own high quality films, crafting their own stories and characters without any gate keeping from Disney or anyone. I feel like they will be forced to adapt by catering to audience desires without all the BS that comes with, or they risk being left behind.
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Its going to happen, but id give it 10 years at a minimum.

Agreed. What needs to happen is for technology to capture something flat like a video and convert it accurately into 3d models and camera/animation so that we can "save" what AI instance #29837429365 dreamt of. Then we can remove all the uncanny parts and ideate on top of. What's interesting is that 10 years ago we'd probably imagine capturing a flat video and converting to 3d closer to reality than the AI we have today.
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Call me crazy but with the right prompt, I wonder if this could generate like early CGI cutscenes/demo reels? I never have any luck trying to generate stuff like that with what's out there now.


One thing I forgot to mention, the sad part is that sora will likely be heavily censored, like all these public ais that come out, they get censored into oblivion, even the most innocent of prompts get filtered. I have faith we'll eventually be able to do all of it locally without any censorship, in time of course.
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I'm sure they'll exist but they will be a mere shadow of their former glory, nothing like their heyday. I can't predict the future, but I can imagine where individuals begin producing their own high quality films, crafting their own stories and characters without any gate keeping from Disney or anyone. I feel like they will be forced to adapt by catering to audience desires without all the BS that comes with, or they risk being left behind.
It’ll all just be prompts like:
Big breasted bimbo breakdances boobily


OpenAI calls its new system Sora, after the Japanese word for sky. The team behind the technology, including the researchers Tim Brooks and Bill Peebles, chose the name because it “evokes the idea of limitless creative potential.”
Well that's definitely bullshit, given that it will likely come with limits on what subjects or themes you're allowed to prompt.


This is crazy. It feels like it won't be long until reality is under attack though. Just imagine the kind of FUD this will spread around election times and during major news events. Literally any idiot with access can go on and make a believable enough video that could really cause a lot of problems.


This is crazy. It feels like it won't be long until reality is under attack though. Just imagine the kind of FUD this will spread around election times and during major news events. Literally any idiot with access can go on and make a believable enough video that could really cause a lot of problems.
On the flip side, public figures won’t have to worry as much about being filmed in compromising situations anymore, especially if there are few witnesses or just one video. They can just claim it’s an AI creation.


On the flip side, public figures won’t have to worry as much about being filmed in compromising situations anymore, especially if there are few witnesses or just one video. They can just claim it’s an AI creation.
Is that an argument for more FUD or less? Because that's even worse in my mind lol.


ידע זה כוח
I thought it would take another 5 year for amazing AI video. This will absolutely break the advertising market + movie industry.

I'm all ready for an our robots AI overlords and become a pudgy doing nothing on the couch.


Is it the end of movies? Soon enough anyone will be able to create a movie, swap actor faces and more... and it's just beginning
I've been explaining this to my friends for the last two years and they all think im just hyping the technology. This is literally our near future.

Instead of subscriptions for streaming it will become subscriptions for generative AI that can make whatever movies or shows you can dream up, in any style, staring anyone you wish

We live in a cyberpunk world now.
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All I can think of is how this is going to end democracy as we know it....the disinfo that'll be out there will totally fuck up everything.
Kinda funny that human information trust will go full circle from:

Believing what we see in person with our own eyes -> Believing written word -> Believing photo evidence -> Believing video evidence -> Believing what we see in person with our own eyes


ידע זה כוח
I've been explaining this to my friends for the last two years and they all think im just hyping the technology. This is literally our near future.

Instead of subscriptions for streaming it will become subscriptions for generative AI that can make whatever movies or shows you can dream up, in any style, staring anyone you wish

We live in a cyberpunk world now.
you're giving people a lot of credit. 99% don't know what they want.

The only job security will be for those with creativity.


Just wait until this technology is used for shaders in gaming in the next decade.

If we make it that far...
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May I have a cookie?
I thought it would take another 5 year for amazing AI video. This will absolutely break the advertising market + movie industry.

I'm all ready for an our robots AI overlords and become a pudgy doing nothing on the couch.
Imagine the genocides that will be faked with these 😱
Or the real acts of terrorism that will be handwaved away as fake

The Gaza war is just a preview of the insanity of misinformation
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Everyone whose job is primarily done using a computer is fucked within 10 years.
South Park was right on with their prediction, the last 150 years have been where people who use their brain out earn people who provide physical labor.
But with AI we could be returning to the old days. A handyman who can fix stuff physically cannot be replaced by a computer, every other job that uses the brain (lawyers, accountants, bankers, scientists, programmers, engineers, doctors) can all be replaced with AI.


Wait, I don't get it how this works. How are the videos generated? They are CGI but where are all those 3d models and textures coming from?!


Is it the end of movies? Soon enough anyone will be able to create a movie, swap actor faces and more... and it's just beginning
Well there's much more to making movies than generating moving pictures (storytelling, dialogs, direction, framing,...). It will definitely have an impact on the industry in some way (especially if it can achieve "in the style of..." like generative AI already do for static images), but hopefully there will still be a market for real artistic creativity.
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