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OPM: New Kojima Quotes Regarding The PSP?


Taken from the IGN boards (yeah I know)...
OPM asks him three questions. He basically says that the PSP seems cool for all sorts of things... other than gaming. He also explains his position on handhelds, that they should offer a different type of gaming than a console:

Portable systems should not be smaller version of home consoles that you carry around.

The third question is particularly interesting:

OPM: As a game creator, why does PS interest you?

HK: I am more interested in the PSP as a consumer than a gamemaker. It's something I would like to carry around. Personally, if I carried around a PSP, videogames would be lower on my priority list.


Anyone have the new issue? Is this true? Comments?


Banstick Emeritus


Lost Weekend said:
He also explains his position on handhelds, that they should offer a different type of gaming than a console:

Portable systems should not be smaller version of home consoles that you carry around.

So then, is Kojima really trying to say DS > PSP as a handheld? I don't understand...


My bad, the title should read OPM (Official Playstation Magazine)

I'd like to see the quotes in their original context. Does anyone have the issue?


And to be fair, Metal Gear Acid is nothing like a regular MGS game (it's more like a card game). How much involvement does Kojima even have in this title?


Mistaken iRobbery!
Was his interview similar to his Kojima Country interview with Gamespy a while back?

GameSpy: What do you think of PSP?

Kojima: I have not seen it, but I personally want one. My nine-year-old son loves Game Boy Advance; but with PSP he will be able to listen to music. As a parent, I like that.
I play Super Mario Bros. for Game Boy Advance on Famicom Mini, and I know that it is enjoyable and fun. But the PSP will enable kids to play games, listen to music, maybe even watch a film. I look forward to that.
GameSpy: Is it too expensive?

Kojima: I don't know the price.

GameSpy: They are estimating PSP will retail for between $250 and $350.

Kojima: I personally want one. I don't think kids will buy PSP. It will allow you to do many things, but kids do not necessarily need all of those features.

I view films on my PlayStation 2. As a person in this industry, I recognize that films and music are rivals of video games. But as a consumer, I think it is great that one machine allows you to do all of these things.

Western people enjoy films and video games. The differentiation is that video games are interactive. I guess that is why people demand a high level of interactivity in games. That is not the case with Japanese consumers.

But when one machine allows you to play games and watch movies. … Visually, you cannot beat films. So you need to raise the level of interactivity in games. So when you can see films and games on one machine, I think consumers start demanding more from their video games.

Sony says that they want this PSP to be the next Walkman. The Walkman, when it came out, had different models. In my imagination, the PSP will come out with different models. Maybe there will be a very small, basic one, and a much bigger and sophisticated one with a lot of control buttons.

Kon Tiki

Lost Weekend said:
OPM: As a game creator, why does PS interest you?

HK: I am more interested in the PSP as a consumer than a gamemaker. It's something I would like to carry around. Personally, if I carried around a PSP, videogames would be lower on my priority list.

PSP: Spinnuahz for your Hands!


Oh, yeah. He wants one (even though that Gamespy interview was Pre E3 judging by context)

He just says that the PSP doesn't excite him as a gamemaker

That's the curious part.


Party Pooper
Lost Weekend said:
My bad, the title should read OPM (Official Playstation Magazine)

I'd like to see the quotes in their original context. Does anyone have the issue?

got the issue just for the burnout 3 demo, but here's a transcription... sorry about any typos, i'm just doing this quick and dirty

opm: what do you look for in portable game systems?

kojima: if [i am] restricted to games only, i want to see [new] areas explored with portable game systems that cannot be explored with home consoles. portable systems should not be smaller versions of home consoles that you carry around.
the games you play on portable systems should take advantage of the fact that they can be carried around, leading to new forms of gameplay. for example, with the Bokai series, changes in the environment [such as sunlight or lack thereof] affect the gameplay.
portable games should not be like a regular meal carried around in a fast food dish. its more of a dish that you can enjoy only because of the fact that it is takeout food. thats the kind of [experience] i expect portable game systems to provide.

opm: what do you like about psp?

kojima: its more of a fashion tool with pop [style] and laid back positioning than a toy or game console. its a Walkman that allows you to enjoy video music and games.
during my generation, the Walkman was a musical revolution. it enabled us to take music outdoors and pursue our own musical tastes. [sony has now added] visuals to that experience. "is it a game console?" is a question that does not have to be asked. you dont necessarily have to play games on the PSP. you dont have to watch videos either. you dont have to listen to music. let the consumer choose between videos, music, and games. let the consumer choose whether he or she feels like watching movies, listening to music, or playing games every day. i think the balance among the three media will differ from consumer to consumer.

opm: as a game creator, why does PSP interest you?

kojima: i am more interested in the PSP as a consumer than a gamemaker. it's something i would like to carry around. personally, if i carried around a PSP video games would be lower on my priority list.
as a game creator, what interests me is a system that makes me ask myself, "what kinds of new games can i create?" the [Nintendo] DS offers that challenge.
the PSP makes me want to buy it as a consumer.


Kiriku said:
Where did he say that?

"HK: I am more interested in the PSP as a consumer than a gamemaker."

There's the quote, unless you're actually being petty and trying to argue semantics.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm surprised...I thought this thread would be a killing field by now. I don't care what handheld he supports more, they just need him to help out with a portable MGS game. He doesn't have to direct it, just watch over the project.


Zilch said:
"HK: I am more interested in the PSP as a consumer than a gamemaker."

There's the quote, unless you're actually being petty and trying to argue semantics.

You might call it semantics, but I think there's a big enough difference in what he's actually saying. He's saying that PSP is more interesting from a consumer perspective than a gamemaker perspective. That doesn't mean PSP doesn't excite him as a gamemaker. Why wouldn't a gamemaker be excited about new hardware to explore?


Kiriku said:
You might call it semantics, but I think there's a big enough difference in what he's actually saying. He's saying that PSP is more interesting from a consumer perspective than a gamemaker perspective. That doesn't mean PSP doesn't excite him as a gamemaker. Why wouldn't a gamemaker be excited about new hardware to explore?

PSP is still pretty standard stuff and the tech, gametypes, challenges have been done already on home consoles. He is probably much more interested in new frontiers like next gen or the DS

sohka88 said:
What the hell? In what way are they getting worst?

It hoguht adding wireless play for proximity was good recently. Although DS already does that.


I'm not impressed with either.

The PSP is doing the multi-entertainment focuses so much worse than the PS2, nor have they presented almost ANY decent software.

The DS has a few good looking games, but maybe I'm missing something, because so much of the lineup looks very gimmicky and short lived. The new elements of the system are keen. Not so much the dual screens, but the touch screen and stylus.

There's just too much fluff at the moment, and I'll be more excited once we see some more meaty or conventional games using the hardware in smarter methods. Someone mentioned Starcraft awhile back, and stuff like that would be really, really cool shit.

The ammount of multiplayer games also seem confusing for a handheld, I figured it had netplay at first with all these odd titles. Metroid, Mario 64x4, but no...?

Anyway, no, not impressed at all, Sony has done a pretty poor job so far, IMO. And if this is the general style Nintendo is going to be releasing games in, then I'll be pretty pissed as the GBA was fucking awesome.


hyperbolically metafictive
kojima's right on. ds will please self-important developers, psp will please consumers, and then the self-important developers will have to swallow their self-importance and develop for psp if they wish to please consumers! EVERYBODY WINS.


Although I'm sure PSP will pan out alright, Sony has been doing a very terrible job of explaining PSP.
Everything is up for speculation.


Shoryuken said:
It's possible. He's making a Boktai game for the NDS.


And to be fair, Metal Gear Acid is nothing like a regular MGS game (it's more like a card game). How much involvement does Kojima even have in this title?

Bingo! Kojima's actions and words indicate he is more interested in the NDS as a gaming machine than the PSP. A Metal Gear card game....yeesh!
The Policenauts/snatcher type of game should go well with the DS.......maybe he can actually do something interesting on DS with those titles....


Tag of Excellence
Thanks Kojima for providing me absolutely nothing of value.

Kojima said:
Personally, if I carried around a PSP, videogames would be lower on my priority list.

Is that a compliment or a slam, the hell is up with that quote?


Console Market Analyst
TekunoRobby said:
Thanks Kojima for providing me absolutely nothing of value.

Is that a compliment or a slam, the hell is up with that quote?

He's one of the few devs who admits games are in direct competition with movies and music. He's saying that he might have other priorities with the PSP. Like, say, Spider-Man 2 UMD.
Lost Weekend said:
I'd imagine SolidsnakeX's head has exploded by now. ;)

Ofcourse you'd also be wrong. If you've read Kojima's interviews in the past it's not exactly surprising that he'd be interested in the DS more than the PSP, for several reason. Hehehe...

Still him buying it for it's movie playback doesn't in anyway take away from it's fanbase increasing. So I don't see what the big deal is.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
those kojima pictures rule. i have no idea how i managed to pull off that one of him holding the beer. god smiled upon me on that day.


Goreomedy said:
He's one of the few devs who admits games are in direct competition with movies and music. He's saying that he might have other priorities with the PSP. Like, say, Spider-Man 2 UMD.

Bingo. It's nice to see that at least one other person here actually gets it. As a consumer, Kojima's more interested in the PSP in its potential role as a pocket media center. When you're carrying around a device that can let you watch movies, listen to music, and play games no matter where you are, gaming won't necessarily be the first thing he wants to do with it when he has some time to kill. Gotta love how some posters here automagically translated that into 'Kojima slams PSP! PSP is d00m3d!' when they read it. :p


Basically, as a customer, he likes the PSP for its possible applications, but as a gamemaker, the PSP media capabilities are a threat to its job
eXxy said:
those kojima pictures rule. i have no idea how i managed to pull off that one of him holding the beer. god smiled upon me on that day.
Is that in the shitter at this year's Sony party?


Grizzlyjin said:
I'm surprised...I thought this thread would be a killing field by now. I don't care what handheld he supports more, they just need him to help out with a portable MGS game. He doesn't have to direct it, just watch over the project.
I think Boktai DS is as close as you'll get... Kojima said something about PSP not being suitable for a "stealth" MGS, hence the card game.
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