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Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber to resign amidst scandal

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Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber is expected to announce shortly that he will resign, according to multiple sources.

The date his resignation will take effect is uncertain.

Kitzhaber was meeting with his staff late morning to tell them his plans.



SALEM, Ore. — The allegations swirling around Gov. John Kitzhaber and his live-in fiancée did not seem to bother Oregonians much when they re-elected him last fall to an unprecedented fourth term. But now, with hints of scandal tumbling out almost by the day — about the business dealings of the fiancée, her previous marriage and her role in state government — the reaction has descended into a mix of tittering gossip, outrage and dismay, threatening to tarnish the last years of one of the state’s most enduring politicians.

Mr. Kitzhaber, a 67-year-old Democrat in a heavily Democratic state, faces a long list of problems: two petition efforts to recall him, demands for his resignation from various newspapers, and an ethics investigation by the state into the business dealings of his fiancée, Cylvia Hayes. Separately, the Oregon attorney general, Ellen Rosenblum, said Monday that she was opening a criminal investigation of the couple.

The inquiries stem from contracting work that Ms. Hayes, 47, a clean-energy consultant, performed and was paid for while living with the governor and advising him on clean-energy issues. Those issues have long been a priority of Mr. Kitzhaber’s administration, but now they are bound up in, and perhaps undermined by, questions of whether love and politics got too cozy in the governor’s mansion.

But the deeper trouble is that after 12 years in office, the governor’s enemies and critics — and erstwhile supporters, who think he has simply stayed in office too long — have grown like compound interest over everything from his laid-back management style to the disastrous rollout of the state health insurance website, which never fully worked and cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

And unlike last November, when voting against Mr. Kitzhaber would have meant electing a Republican, Democrats can now contemplate a change in chief executive without such a risk. Under the Oregon Constitution, the secretary of state, Kate Brown, would take office should the governor not complete his four-year term. And many Democrats are quick to say how much they like her.

Questions and rumors about Mr. Kitzhaber’s immediate future intensified on Wednesday when Ms. Brown, who was attending meetings in Washington, D.C., and had been scheduled to return to Oregon on Friday, cut the trip short to return home, though a spokesman for her said she had no events on her schedule.

The resulting buzz of speculation here in Oregon’s capital city reached such a pitch by midafternoon that Mr. Kitzhaber issued a statement to say that he was not quitting.

“I have no intention of resigning as governor of the state of Oregon,” he said. “I was elected to do a job for the people of this great state, and I intend to continue to do so.”

Mr. Kitzhaber, a former emergency room physician who rose through the Oregon State Legislature, also declared his attention to stay in the fight in a defiant news conference last month, where he said that appearances of impropriety by Ms. Hayes were deceiving.

“Cylvia and I have some areas of common interest — climate change being one, low carbon fuels being one,” he said. “We knew there was a gray area, and we took intentional steps to try to clearly separate her volunteer activities as the first lady from her paid professional work.”

His office did not respond to calls and emails this week, and Democratic majority leaders in the Legislature are saying just about nothing in his defense, either.

“I will not speculate on his future,” the Senate president, Peter Courtney, said in a statement. “We have a lot to do, and we need to get it done before July. We can’t let anything distract us.”

Other Democrats, particularly those who are out of office and thus less gun-shy, have all but called for the governor to step down.

“The governor has said he is not resigning, but sometimes you make a statement like that before you understand how much is at stake in terms of your long-term reputation and in terms of the state — doing what’s right for the state of Oregon,” said former Gov. Barbara Roberts, a Democrat who served one term in the 1990s.

“It’s disruptive, it’s disappointing, it’s occasionally shocking,” Ms. Roberts said in a telephone interview, referring to the news reports coming from Salem, the state capital, over the past few months.

Questions about Ms. Hayes began last fall, when she confirmed a newspaper report that said she had married her third husband, an Ethiopian immigrant, for money in a sham marriage in 1997. She said she had been 29, struggling financially, and was paid about $5,000 to marry an 18-year-old man who wanted to stay in the United States.

The marriage — dissolved in 2002 with the couple never having lived together, Ms. Hayes said — was first reported by the Willamette Week newspaper. The revelation prompted her to apologize publicly, not least to the governor, who she said knew nothing about it. Marriage fraud is a federal crime, but the five-year statute of limitations had passed.

“It was a marriage of convenience; he needed help, and I needed financial support,” Ms. Hayes said at a news conference in October. “It was wrong then, and it is wrong now.”

Willamette Week also suggested in a story that Ms. Hayes had used access to the governor for economic gain in consulting contracts for her company, 3EStrategies. And a drumbeat of new questions has continued since. The Oregonian, the state’s largest newspaper, reported last week that two people involved in Mr. Kitzhaber’s 2010 campaign helped Ms. Hayes find paid work with groups interested in Oregon policy. In an editorial last week, the paper called for the governor’s resignation.

Ross Swartzendruber, 50, an advertising salesman and Democrat who was walking through downtown Salem on a recent lunch hour, said that “Kitzhaber fatigue” had set in among Democrats like him even before the November election. Mr. Kitzhaber beat Dennis Richardson, a Republican state representative, by about 85,000 votes out of about 1.5 million cast.

“Oh, yeah, they’re fatigued,” Mr. Swartzendruber said, adding that his own disappointment with the governor had grown over the years, especially regarding education — the state was ranked 41st in the nation in a study last month that examined school funding and student achievement. “There’s a lot of issues he should be supporting that he’s not,” he added.

Asked about the possibility of Ms. Brown, the secretary of state, becoming governor, Mr. Swartzendruber brightened visibly. “She’d be great,” he said.

No matter what happens in the next few weeks, an effort to recall the governor is likely to stay on the boil here, as organizers, led by two people who worked for Mr. Richardson last year, start to raise money for the effort. Ms. Brown, whose office oversees elections, said in a decision last week that the signature-gathering effort itself could not start until at least July, after the governor has been in office for six months. Oregon has no impeachment provisions in its Constitution.

But the indignities for Mr. Kitzhaber, if only in Oregon residents’ offering criticism and advice about his personal life, will almost certainly continue.

“I understand about making mistakes in personal relationships,” said Robert W. Tormey, 70, a retired schoolteacher who was having coffee in downtown Salem this week. He described himself as a libertarian who had supported Mr. Kitzhaber in every election and still admires him.

“I’ve been married and divorced three times, and I like smart women also — and Cylvia Hayes is obviously very smart," Mr. Tormey said. “But I have kind of learned the hard way: Don’t mix politics and pillow talk.”

The best thing to come from this? This press release from Secretary of State (who will become governor), Kate Brown. Is there a Pulitzer for press releases?


Cat Party

Dude's done, and I voted for him just months ago. This scandal has rapidly spiraled out of control.

Pro tip: when facing ethics concerns, do not ask people to delete your emails.


Literally in bed with politicians.

Clearly wrong but there is so much legal favortism that it is hard to get worked up about it.
The lesson to be learned from any politician who cares to try ANYTHING in Oregon: Nigel Jaquiss is your personal Eye of Sauron, and not even the eagles can save you if he looks in your direction.

Kate Brown gets to run the state til 2016, and then we'll see what limpdick Republican they put up against her to lose, because it's not like anyone really wanted Kitzhaber this time around, they were just familiar with him & his mulleted, bluejeaned ass, and the alternative (Dennis Richardson) would have been like voting for a mummy.

It's kind of why this fell apart as hard as it did. Pretty much nobody cared enough to try and get in front of the guy to slow this down.

Shrugged him in.
Shrugging him right back out.

He can return to being an ex-governor for the second time, and enjoy his downtime having a ton of sex with his fiancee.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Boom. Knew this was coming....sucks that this is what has become of his office. Just terrible.


I don't mind him resigning; it seems like he only won the election based on his personality and nostalgia for the '90s. I didn't vote for him.

Kate Brown isn't that much better. She's one of the many who used Comcast's prescripted letters to support the Comcast/Time Warner merger.


And he's 67? He never stood a chance. Now the real question is if he willingly went along with this, if he was coerced into it, or if she did this behind his back. In all 3 scenarios, he'd still have to step down, but it still matters I'd say.

it only costs $5000 to marry her


Texts from my mom: " You move to OR. 2 weeks later the governor resigns amid scandal. Coincidence?"

Thanks, I think?


And he's 67? He never stood a chance. Now the real question is if he willingly went along with this, if he was coerced into it, or if she did this behind his back. In all 3 scenarios, he'd still have to step down, but it still matters I'd say.

Not bad looking lady for almost 50. Seems like the Gov made a pile of bad moves.
It's weird this takes down a guy (I'm not saying it wasn't unethical), but Rick Scott and Rick Perry will happily stay in office.
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