Mine is Pikma.
Add me GAF, let's play some multiplayer.
Mine is DarkFlowin, add me up gaf!
I hope they restore some code. I was trying to buy Alice using the code as a discount and payment authorization kept failing.
I shouldn't have to fight to give you my monies, EA. it doesn't happen often, so take it when you can.
Alice is in pretty much every Steam sale. It was 75% off in the summer sale, I think.
Fucking hell... you know you have a back-log problem when you're presented with an entire library of free games and realize you own and yet to play 99% of the games people are getting for free.
I feel like I did EA a favor, I finally installed Origin on my PC.
You're welcome, EA.
Seriously, I got so much shit, I don't even know what a FIFA is. :lol
I hope they restore some code. I was trying to buy Alice using the code as a discount and payment authorization kept failing.
I shouldn't have to fight to give you my monies, EA. it doesn't happen often, so take it when you can.
Only really wanted the Mirror's Edge time trials, but the game keeps rejecting the code in the confirmation email. Anyone else getting this error?
.I can't get my trials dlc working. Says that the serial isn't correct.
Only really wanted the Mirror's Edge time trials, but the game keeps rejecting the code in the confirmation email. Anyone else getting this error?
Only really wanted the Mirror's Edge time trials, but the game keeps rejecting the code in the confirmation email. Anyone else getting this error?
Damn, i missed it. I feel like shit,
Check if it's not already in your Origin account in the addons section of the game.
I just found this screencap of a chat with Origin customer service:
Ruh ohI just found this screencap of a chat with Origin customer service:
Ruh oh
Ruh oh
I think EA may hurt itself more by trying to "punish" (lol) players than by just forgetting this ever happened.
Let people get away with the free shit you gave them and try not to screw up next time looks like the sensible approach...
I don't see how this makes any sense. People exploited the code it it would hurt EA's image if they removed the purchase? If this happened on Steam would you say the same?
yeah once you download them, they will run just fine. Nothing EA can do about that.
I believe this is inaccurate. Almost all of these games, even if they do not require origin to run, do use securom. So ea can always blacklist the keys in securom and then you can no longer activate the game unless you download a crack (or install it now and then never uninstall it). People saying ea can't do anything because they gave out keys are mistaken.
At the same time, I highly doubt ea will do this.
EA can remove your games. They removed Battlefield 3 of an IGN Promo from my account earlier, they can do the same with these games.
Removing the games would be okay, banning people would be a shitstorm.
Are you fucking kidding me? I missed this? god damnit
It was only for US/Can.
Glad I got ME2 and Dead Space out of this, but looking at all the people who have multitudes of games makes me wonder what I did wrong; I couldn't add any more games after the first 2, even when changing browsers. Something to do with me having an Aussie account?
The chat reps are idiots, so take what they say with a giant grain of salt. I asked them to move a game I had from one account to another, said it could not be done even after I had proof of others doing it. Finally said it could be done and they would contact me in 3 days after it was done. That was 4 months ago and it never happened. So yeah I'm not that worried.I just found this screencap of a chat with Origin customer service:
It's one of those right place right time deals. If you just happen to look on GAF or another website when these things are live you make out like a bandit, otherwise you don't.
Ha, how do you do that? That would be really handy.I've got word alerts set for "price mistake", "free", etc. If one gets set off, I get an e-mail.
Glad I got ME2 and Dead Space out of this, but looking at all the people who have multitudes of games makes me wonder what I did wrong; I couldn't add any more games after the first 2, even when changing browsers. Something to do with me having an Aussie account?