What is used to look like supposedly:
One of the nation's greatest historical structures is under siege. According to the Downey Patriot, the building that once housed the world's first Taco Bell restaurant is under "imminent threat of demolition." In other words, the very bastion from which later generations would birth culture-bending creations like Waffle Tacos is in danger and somehow not listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Taco Bell's founder Glen Bell built the first location of the chain in Downey, Calif. in 1962. The location eventually shuttered, and the space was most recently occupied by another independent fast-food restaurant called Seafood and Tacos Raul. Tacos Raul closed at the end of December, and the now-vacant building has been fenced off ever since.
The Downey Conservancy, a historical preservation group, plans to fight to save the building. They are even suggesting moving the building to another location within the city because the site where it currently stands "may not be the best for its future."
Earlier today, we told you how the original Taco Bell building in Downey, CA, now faces possible demolition after its most recent tenant left the place empty in December. We asked Taco Bell corporate for comment on the story and its response is apparently to start a social media campaign though were not exactly sure to what end.
This is a very special place in our history, and for the entire Taco Bell community, a rep for Taco Bell HQ tells Consumerist. For passionate Taco Bell fans who want to share their support, we encourage them to use #savetacobell in social media.
The question is whether Taco Bell actually plans to do anything if people use this hashtag enough, or whether the company is just throwing up its hands and suggesting that this is a possible way people could preserve the building that company founder Glenn Taco Bell erected by himself with only the assistance of a stubborn burro named Justin in 1962. (We may have embellished on that part about the burro.)
What is used to look like supposedly: