Love Deterrence
Wut. Dafuq.
That was awesome!!!! The wait for season three just got that much harder.
That was awesome!!!! The wait for season three just got that much harder.
The best part about the Castor clones is it means Mark and Gracie will be around next season.
That guy. He sure seems stable.
"Auntie Helena!"
"Auntie Helena!"
Why didn't we see Rachel with her badass eyepatch!?
Ha!!!! Yeah, you nailed it... Helena, pls.
I hope you guys stick around during "off-season" updates; I love GAF's Orphan Black community. You guys and gals are nice dudes!
Big Boss...
Clone Club high five.
I mean, they aren't my favorite characters by any measure, but I hate loose threads in serialized television. Having them simply drive off into the night is fairly unsatisfying.
lolHoly sausage fest at the end thurr
Why didn't we see Rachel with her badass eyepatch!?
The Prolethean subplot gives them a worthy exchange. I don't think Sarah is enough of an exchange for the Dyad, but Helena and her clone baby embryos...
Aren't you guys kind of jumping the gun a bit? We still have one episode left and barring that an entire Season after this one.
Heh, that turned out to be more MacGuffin and less Chekhov's gunOrphan Black: "Let's got out of our way to mention the Prolethian matriarch is out of town when her husband is murdered and their house is burned down."
GAF: "Welp, looks like they definitely wrapped that story up forever with no loose ends."
This, so much this. Big bad (but really super good?) says come and gets answers but then just reveals more mysteries. Has Season 3 been announced/confirmed yet? (what's taking so long?) More importantly, have the confirmed how more seasons there are going to be? I feel like the show runners are just stringing me along with no actual endgamebut instead plan for moments like:If they want us to care about their conspiracies, they need to actually resolve them in satisfying ways instead of just layering them on top of each other
Here's what I got
This season was all over the place for me. What was the point of the whole farm arc? Wasn't the suit lady at the end the big bad? Why did she turn on Rachel at the end? Wasn't Rachel working for her? I'm all sort of confused at the plot this season tbh
Sooo good. Who's the best dancer?Kira
That would be rad. Didn't look like it killed her.
Rachel Duncan: Villain Perfected
It's always so good when they get everyone together.
also I hope these new Mark clones don't take the spotlight away from Tat
I don't think these clones are going to play the same role in the story as the Maslany clones. We're likely not going to be spending as much time with them. I think they're just going to be the new Big Bad for next season.
"Auntie Helena!"
Alison, hahaha
Simplest reason the suit lady "turned": maternal instinct. But I don't really buy that.
I think Rachel's job was just to get Sarah in custody (technically, all the Dyad is supposed to be doing is keeping an eye on the female clones [and figuring out how to make more of them], and also technically Sarah and Helena are the only ones without monitors). The kidnapping of Kira was a means to that end (which worked), but the taking of her ovary plus Rachel letting her father die under her responsibility would have probably shown that she wasn't the right person for the job, even without the whole getting stabbed in the eye with pencil thing. That, in and of itself, might have made Marian turn on Rachel for Sarah (or, in reality, turn on Rachel for the inside information on Castor).
Also, I guess this means Rachel can't pretend to be any of the other clones anymore without sunglasses.
Pretty average finale until the scene with Kira and Cosima (man, those were a few tense seconds) and the final couple of minutes. I hate to say it, but I think the show is already starting to wear thin a little.
They keep going in more and more crazy directions with the cloning and I can't help but feel that any resolution we eventually get will be extremely disappointing.
Anyway, bring on season 3, but I do hope there's an end in sight. We don't need another show like Dexter or True Blood where they stretch the original idea so far that it snaps and we're left with utter garbage for the most part.
Oh and please, no Tony in season 3. I know he might reappear, but please no. Don't do it. Just don't.
Mark and Gracie end of season spoilers:so we're to assume Mark is working with the military, and the other clones right? So the military wants the baby when born?