I wouldn't bother with Trim. OS X upgrades always seem to break it or cause major problems when it's enabled.
Ok good to know
I wouldn't bother with Trim. OS X upgrades always seem to break it or cause major problems when it's enabled.
Clean installed Yosemite on a Samsung EVO in a 2010 MBP. I should have gotten an SSD years ago what a diff.
Any of you cats enabling Trim in Yosemite. Apparently it's a bit of a chore and not worth the security risk.
I use TRIM Enabler and it works fine on Yosemite.
I dont want to disable a security feature! Is there no other way to get Trim?
Unfortunately not. It is important to note that disabling the kext-signing to enable Trim is best described as taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and for most users it will not be worth it. But I have been unsuccessful in creating a less invasive method to enable Trim, as all of Apples AHCI SATA drivers are closed source and undocumented, which makes it impossible for me to create my own Trim driver and get it signed. This is the only alternative for enabling Trim for the moment.
I use TRIM Enabler and it works fine on Yosemite.
The description of the authors own product had me in doubt of using it.
So I'm really mad at the Wifi problems after upgrading to Yosemite.
Its like my wifi range decreased significantly. My room and the router are on the opposite side of the house but I never had wifi problems. Now if I'm not close to my door, I lose signal. Its so freakin annoying. All my other devices work, my iPhone and all but I have to now sit closer to the door to get good signal. Sometimes closing the damn door makes me lose signal.
I'm incredibly frustrated. Something is causing this interference and I cant figure out what. I never had this problem before upgrading.
Until you zap your NVRAM and then your Mac won't boot.
anybody got a fix for app updates in iTunes not showing any info?
anybody got a fix for app updates in iTunes not showing any info?
Having the same problem here. No change logs.
edit: Searched before about this, no work around yet, but seems to be a known issue.
Having the same problem here. No change logs.
edit: Searched before about this, no work around yet, but seems to be a known issue.
Mine does that too. It's just a bug that in sure will get ironed out.
Same here. I too wasn't able to find a fix. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for the update. I always read the changelogs before updating apps, and there are 40 pending updates already..
you can still read them on the device, or go to the app in the store (right click)
I know, but I don't have all my apps on my iDevices. I keep lots of them solely in iTunes just in case there's a cool update that makes it worth installing again.
The app store workaround is a bit inconvenient as I've got so many updates already, but whatever. That'll do, thanks.
Chrome... doesn't seem healthy from that list. oOMy iMac has been running damn slow since the launch of Yosemite. Im starting to panic as it really bugs me and bogs way down when i'm working on powerpoint, word, and even chrome for christ sake. Is it still indexing? Or is there something wrong with my instal? Ive posted an activity of my memory for you guys. Help is really appreciated. Thanks!
Some days are better than others i guess and i didn't post the CPU activity as its pretty non existent in terms of usage.
I'm working with a 2009 Macbook, 2.13 Ghz with 2 GB of RAM and a spinny disk.
I'm positive that RAM and an SSD will help me out, but I've been waffling over that for so long now, I should probably just get a new machine instead.
For the love of god, has anyone got their Hotmail or Outlook account work with they Mail app?
I can't seem to find any of my emails in my inbox even though I add my account and no matter how I try it, I just can't get it to work.
Does it work for any of you guys?
Chrome... doesn't seem healthy from that list. oO
Is anyone els having this problem? Ive uninstalled chrome and reinstalled. Safari is obviously fine.
Yeah my hotmail worked fine, I just added it via preferences in the app.
Firefox on OS X is terrible. Utterly terrible. No one should ever consider switching to that.Noticed that with someone else earlier in this thread. It's not uncommon. I had the issue with Chrome,just switch to FF already.
Firefox on OS X is terrible. Utterly terrible. No one should ever consider switching to that.
What's the best (ideally free) app cleaner for OS X? Not sure what I had installed prior to my rebuild.
I haven't touched Chrome since Mavericks when I finally said good riddance.Better than Chrome! I use Safari as my default, anyway.
I have Hazel and it has this feature as an extra option. (Like how BTT has Windows snapping as an extra feature too.) It works great. And Hazel is well worth any money you spend on it. Automation is heaven.What's the best (ideally free) app cleaner for OS X? Not sure what I had installed prior to my rebuild.
?so you can't tap highlight anymore? you have to click + highlight? kinda stupid
I was looking around on Mac App Store for a simple timer/alarm app that has updated with Notification Center Widget support and I'm surprised I couldn't find any.
I just use my phone and Siri.I was looking around on Mac App Store for a simple timer/alarm app that has updated with Notification Center Widget support and I'm surprised I couldn't find any.
Thanks, this is what I had before.I like AppCleaner.
Thanks for the recommendation. I don't consider myself anything close to a power user on Mac though, so the other functionality isn't really of interest to me.I have Hazel and it has this feature as an extra option. (Like how BTT has Windows snapping as an extra feature too.) It works great. And Hazel is well worth any money you spend on it. Automation is heaven.
You don't really have to be a power user for Hazel. That's what it's for. It just allows you to automate things. Like clean out and organize your downloads. Move things to/from your DropBox/iCloud Drive/Google Drive for transferring between computers. Automatically add MP3s to your "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder. It also can keep your trash clean too. All kinds of stuff.Thanks for the recommendation. I don't consider myself anything close to a power user on Mac though, so the other functionality isn't really of interest to me.![]()
I thought your phone needed to be on iOS 8.1 to send sms through messages? but it just sent one via sms through messages even though I'm still rocking iOS 7.1 on my iphone.
But Chrome was removed pretty much instantly as soon as Mavericks and iOS 8 were released. I loved Chrome until like the 4-6 months preceding Mavericks when it became utterly broken in EVERY SINGLE BRANCH (And believe me, I tried them all) and it got to the point I couldn't wait for Safari 7. It took me a couple more months to finally get around to unsubscribing from the Chrome threads I was subscribed to.
So Chrome isn't great again? I switched from Chrome to FF probably a year and a half ago due to some performance issues that weren't getting fixed (gifs, among other things). Apparently that stuff has been taken care of since.
Now, fullscreen in FF is broken and it's driving me up a wall. Safari's UI is terrible so I certainly can't switch over to that.
Huh, weird. Should be iOS 8.1. If I were you I'd just take it and keep quiet.