Since we've had some issues over the last few months:
What does it mean to claim a thread here?
- Claiming a thread here means you are willing to work on it.
- If you don't want a thread, don't claim it here
- If you change your mind, reply here to say you're not claiming it
- If you claim a thread and don't make it or give it up in here, you've negatively impacted others and that's not fair to them. You may be juniored as a result.
- If someone else wants the thread after you,
WORK WITH THEM. You are not entitled to make the thread exclusively. It's not your personal fortress. The claiming is about preventing two people wasting their time making duelling threads, it's not about allowing you to exclude others. If there are any problems cooperating, solve them yourselves. This is not kindergarten, moderators here are not your teachers.
- If you make a thread on someone else's behalf, it's your thread. If there are errors in the thread, you will be held responsible. If the thread is the kind of thread that needs updates and the person doesn't deliver them, you will be held responsible. Don't volunteer to make threads on someone else's behalf unless you are going to be responsible for them later.
- We are considering asking prohibiting people from claiming threads that are for the distant future and limiting users to games that have actually been locked down for release. We haven't stopped you from doing so yet, but use common sense; there's no need to claim something 4 years in advance.
I guess posting in this topic means nothing anymore >_<
Well, you could immediately complain about it in here and be bitter about it, or you could wait a few minutes and chill out. You successfully claimed the OT for a week-long conference. During that conference, there is a keynote video. Since your conference thread was posted as early as possible (actually, well before the actual guidelines for posting OTs here, for some reason?), the actual event of the keynote got lost in the shuffle a little.
Another user elected to create a thread specifically about the keynote stream. This isn't because they usurped your divine right to make exclusive threads or to undermine you or because he hated you, it was to call attention to the keynote stream. He started a thread because he thought it was attract more attention, and several people replying to that thread made it clear that they were not aware because they didn't really pay attention to the conference as a whole, they just wanted the keynote. It is common to make a thread about a live stream event on the same day as the event. Your thread is bigger than that, because it's for the full conference.. Because we had two threads covering the exact same thing, we locked yours during the stream by selecting a thread randomly to lock. In hindsight, it was actually the right decision anyway since the thread was more directly focused on the event.
After the stream, for the purpose of covering the rest of WWDC, we're happy to unlock your thread (or if you'd prefer to keep it locked, keep it locked)
In the future if you want to help coordinate a thread for a livestreaming event, claim a thread for a livestreaming event and post it on the same day. If you want to help coordinate a thread for a week-long conference, do that.