On the Gaming Forum, Official Threads (designated with |OT|) serve specifically to contain the at-release and post-release discussion for a game, with the original post in the thread providing information about the game. The key word here is discussion, though. They are not intended to be marketing websites, hype-building or fellating as a result of the highs of the PR hype cycle, or all-encompassing megathreads for news.
When you create an official thread for a game, ideally after notifying the rest of the community here (especially for major releases so that you don't step on toes), you should follow these rules:
-Do not be affiliated in any way with the game in question, whether as a developer, publisher, or marketer.
-Do not exceed one post in length unless you have a very good reason to.
-Focus on presenting the facts in a clear and concise manner. You can be stylish, but avoid being bloated, in formatting or bandwidth usage.
-Avoid letting hype distort your perspective. Don't fellate the game in the thread title or otherwise, doubly so if its marketing budget is reminiscent of Apple's bank statement. It doesn't need it, and you'll come off as a viral.
-Don't post your official thread more than seven days prior to its game's release (excepting multiplayer-centric games with large-scale long-term open betas, like Dota 2, which are addressed individually). |OT|s are not for news, so they have no reason to exist while we're still in the news cycle.
-Satirical |OT|s can be acceptable, but whether you get a lock will be on a case-by-case basis.
Bear in mind, as of recently we are moving game |OT|s to the Community Forum one month post-release so that the Gaming Forum isn't clogged up and can focus on more relevant content.