Finally! Tiger is just history. Only got to win when i stopped looking at the counter for runs. Had to pay attention only on the game and even then was hard as hell. Got 30 HR, man, this game is hard.
After Tiger, i faced Chris just to see what was all about and didn't find him to be as much of a nuisance. I still got my ass whipped, but at least i can see the fucking ball... Most of the time.
With Tiger, the biggest pain was when you managed to get the ball, but since your positioning was off (which was pretty common since YOU CAN'T SEE THE FUCKING BALL), it was a foul. Christopher uses all styles from all the characters, but since he doesn't use the invisible ball as much, it's not as hard.
Still, 40 home runs out of 50... Worse part is that when you know you're not gonna make it, you still got like 15 plays to go. Damn...