I'm not happy that EA are making them as I don't think they'll quite reach their highest potential, but I'm happy Iron Man and Black Panther are getting games. I just hope the 3rd Marvel character they have isn't anyone I name next.
On the Marvel side, Daredevil and Captain America demand games at some point. Daredevil might be more interesting to some people, but Cap having a full suite of combat moves with and without the shield, whilst also maybe incorporating gameplay segments with Winter Soldier and Falcon would be cool. And keep Rogers as Cap the whole way through. I don't want it otherwise.
Obviously can't wait for Wolverine.
For DC? Superman and Flash are no duhs that had games cancelled before, so them - though my preference would be Superman. I'm excited for Wonder Woman (started a thread about it even), and I can't imagine a Superman title isn't on the table big time at WB. The only question is whether or not Gunn is that intent on fucking up the games side by making them subservient to his films universe - a terrible idea btw.