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Other Than Spybot S&D ...

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Did you try Ad-Aware SE? The new one?
Spy-bot checks for things installed, Ad-Aware checks every file, regardles off location against signatures.

Just be careful in your search, many companies like to add false positives to their programs to make them look better.


I got McAfee's free through that lawsuit thing. It works pretty well. Checks every file so it takes forever, it catches most things. Though it doesn't bother with cookies, but maybe that is a setting somewhere. And it didn't catch something with the latest updates that Spybot did with like a 3 month old update.

Nothing is perfect.


Well my computer has been acting up a bit lately, so I downloaded Ad-Aware SE even though Ad-Aware, Norton and Spybot didn't find anything...

And the final grand total of spyware missed by those three programs is...

124!!! DEAR LORD!!

One was a 'possible browser hijack attempt' which is bad since I recently bought something online... hope they didn't get no credit card number or anything.
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