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Otogi 2 > Ninja Gaiden?

I read in the latest EGM review. Che (is that the same Che from here? :eek:)
said about Otogi 2 "This is the best Japanese developed Xbox game to date".

Is it really that good? Better than Ninja Gaiden? I should probably go back and finish playing the demo.
I'm looking forward to it. It seems far more playable than the first one...and it looks more eye-blazingly surrreal than ever with particle-overload that gives ZOE2 a run for its money. Oh and I don't think it'll be 'better' than NG. NG's just on another level, gameplay-wise.
Otogi rocked, Otogi 2 from the demo has more of the same rockage, but Ninja Gaiden sorta redefined the Ninja genre for me. I mean, I expect a lot more from ninja games, and that says something


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Probably not better, but probably easier to get in to for "regular" folks.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

Ninja Gaiden is a very tight package that is very focused. It is a fine example of high quality game design.
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