I still doubt a thread would remain active.
They said that about the Sega CD community thread.
I still doubt a thread would remain active.
I would be in it.
It's the same on Android.
Girl's Side right? Because TokiMemo 1 isn't Otome, and nor is the majority of the series for that matter
I gotta ask: what was everyone's first otome?
I gotta ask: what was everyone's first otome?
Mine was... Well, I didn't even realize it was an otome game at the time. I didn't even know what an otome game was. Regardeless of all that, this was my gateway to the genre.
Thank you so much for this thread!! <3 Subbed!
Sweet Fuse on PS Vita. I was complaining to my friend about wanting more Bioware style romances and she was like "you should really play this game... <_<" and now I'm in Otome hell, thanks a lot Jen.
I just beat Code: Realize and I'm currently playing through Norn9. I stopped because I had ordered Haukuouki: Sweet School Life in Japanese and I was so excited to try it out. But my Japanese isn't quite where it needs to be for that game so between slogging through it with my own knowledge and then using a dictionary and translator app it just takes me forever to do anything. I'm also a bit skeeved out at some of the dudes being your teachers. It'd be different if you were like 18, though still sort of inappropriate but at least it wouldn't be weird underage shit. I'm gonna try to ignore it but maaan.
Is there any word at all of when Oz Mafia is going to be released? I couldn't find any info at all. :/ I need more shit to look forward to dammit! I particularly enjoy Vita releases but I'll do Steam as well. I don't really love mobile games though... the first one I tried seemed to be almost a complete ripoff of Hakuouki and paying per chapter is so annoying. I'd rather pay money for the whole game.
According to MangaGamer's latest project status update:
"Translation: 90% (Caesar route: 100%)
Editing: 8.21%"
So it's getting there
Out of curiosity, are there any otome games with plot quality that rivals Hakuoki?
I really enjoyed that one, but it seems like most other otome games I have seen are not set in a similarly interesting scenario.
Out of curiosity, are there any otome games with plot quality that rivals Hakuoki?
I really enjoyed that one, but it seems like most other otome games I have seen are not set in a similarly interesting scenario.
I'd suggest Code Realize. The others might have better romance, but not better plots.
As for DL....no , please.
I have Hatoful Boyfriend, Amnesia: Memories, and Yo-Jin-Bo. Got some OELVN ones too, but I'm not as excited about them. Which of those three should I start with?
You have to perform the Dance of Seven Veils.Given this is a CAVE game, what's the condition for reaching True Last Boss?
I didn't realize it either till a couple years ago when I was playing it.Princess Debut is an Otome game????? I've been a fan all along and I had no idea.
Out of curiosity, are there any otome games with plot quality that rivals Hakuoki?
I really enjoyed that one, but it seems like most other otome games I have seen are not set in a similarly interesting scenario.
Have you played Sweet Fuse? That one still is in the top for me, Hakuouki was great but it was relentlessly bleak at times and the Japanese historical bits were a bit much at times. (also like someone else mentioned the Furies thing was a bit strange).
How is Yo-Jin-Bo in the romance department? I can't tell just from looking at it.
Those were my favorite parts . Despair + you get to learn some history! My favorites .
Haha, not sure here.Hatoful Boyfriend, definitely.
Mine was the Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden game.I gotta ask: what was everyone's first otome?
The most I can say is that it seemed like a good idea at the time. I never got all the ends because, in all honesty, I didn't really know what I was doing... but it still counts right? ^^;
Okay, so they're a little fussy on the design front, but I love them anyway (well, maybe not Rex). My favourite is still Rempo <3 (the dude with the horns and the arm restraints)
I have an android tablet but I find it hard to make myself play stuff on it for some reason (mainly because it crashes regularly). That said...I seem to be the only one that plays the Voltage stuff on mobile?
This one is actually on my radar after someone linked me to hot pics of Hades on tumblr. I mean, they were attempting to point out the whole mythology thing because they knew I go for that, but... well, Hades.They only recently started to branch out with their art styles and introduced a more action/mystery related story (now renamed to "Fates of Astoria") which has the first female love interest of any Voltage game.
Yeah, the midriff is totally what I'm looking at. Ahem.
I gotta ask: what was everyone's first otome?
Fantastic thread; subbed in a heartbeat. I'll have to post my review of Nameless here once I get around to writing it. It's a Korean otome on Steam that everyone must play because it's so awesome. :O
I believe my forest otome was Hakuoki on the PSP. Been a fan ever since.
Is Yo Jin Bo any good? I bought it cheap a while back, but I don't know much about it.
Seeing those images reminded me; which otome games have older guys who look their age as a romance option? I found it refreshing in Sweet Fuse. It was a nice surprise.
Some of the guys there are pushing it . Even I have my limits. 50+? No, thank you. Although it does look nice.
Edit: second game looks much better!
So to elaborate on the "Your first Otome" question, here is my wall of text. But first of all thanks to anyone who posted theirs, I will try to check all those out, especially the DS games mentioned here!
I was always interested in the genre, from an outsider's perspective. I found it absurd and weird, yet was enthusiastic that there actually was a genre catering to girls and women, something that seemed strange and sorely lacking for me in the video games I knew. It seemed to form a counterpoint, a bit of a weak and dada counterpoint, but well, worth to check it out maybe.
I read a lot of Let's Plays of stuff. A lot. I got hooked on the pretty legendary Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1 and 2 Let's Plays from Angie Gallant (click here and here to read them yourself, I can not recommend them enough).
Eventually I got my hands on the fan translation and played Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2 on an emulator myself.
It was hard.
That game was hard.
But it had everything.
See that STRESS stat? Yeah? Fuck that.
Complicated clothing combination systems:
Now, if my taste in clothing was existant, this would show up as a good combination with a specific style: "cool", "sexy" or "sporty" for example.
Abstruse touching system, where you have to learn specific movements with you stylus to TOUCH BOYS IN THE FACE:
This tells you, you did it WRONG.
Awesome girlfriend sidekicks:
... who turn into your mortal enemies once you touch their preferred boys:
And the best part: You could turn down the guy at the end and go with the second best, you have been friendzoning all game. Muahahahahaha!!
I love these games.
Did you know, that in Girl's Side 3 you can start a love triangle, and keep it running by carefully balancing the dates with your two love interests? There is even a hand holding mini game, where you have to equally hold hands with both, so they don't get upset, haha, it's amazing.
As to who I dated: I dated Chris, and it was fun.
His stat requirements though, holy hell. Had to reload earlier save states multiple times and cancel lots of dates to meet them eventually.
Despite his nasal Kansai dialect (the game is fully voiced!!!) I grew to like him a lot. I always enjoy the nice and approachable guys in these games. I don't want to fight for three years with a boy for him to give a half-hearted "I actually like you, well, kinda." at the end. These characters are usually not well-written enough to pull that off (there are exceptions).
Anyway, TokiMemo (yes, the boy's side too) are super fun, and I can fully recommend them. 1 and 2 have pretty weird boys as picks (i.e. the creepy school super intendent from 1!!), but 3 got it all right finally, with a really dreamy and varied selection of boys to go after. I recommend skipping 1, unless you accept that the whole premise is hilarious, and just play it for fun. 2 has some really good emotional moments here and there on the routes though, despite the asshole main guy from the box cover.
Just keep in mind that you might need a walkthrough to get the guy of your choice. And work hard for it. And abuse save states.
I'd say give it a shot! It's pretty short, but the story and characters were cute. CG art is a little wonky as well but hey.
Ah man, you're playing Nameless? I really need to get back to that, I think I had only two or three routes left.
Edit: This also reminded me to go get my Steam key off of Cheritz's website. Maybe I'll start with a fresh playthrough.
How old are we talking about?Seeing those images reminded me; which otome games have older guys who look their age as a romance option? I found it refreshing in Sweet Fuse. It was a nice surprise.
Maybe TokiMeki GS 1 Himuro Route might be interesting for you? Romancing a teacher is not easily stomachable for most, but this one was done nicely, he keeps it pretty distanced and professional for the most part of your 3 years at school. He actually felt like an older guy, who you only end up dating because you pretty much pester him for 3 years.
(Except that one time where you go drinking in a bar, and he takes you home in his sport's car. whooo.)
Don't go for the superintendant though, that route is horrendous.
Oh, if you are not opposed to mobile otome games, "Kissed by the baddest bidder" and "In Your Arms Tonight" might interest you when it comes to a choice of more adult men. Actually, a lot of the voltage stuff is suited more towards women then girls.
How old are we talking about?
If you can understand Japanese, have some patience (game isn't out yet) and with 'older', you mean out of school, check out Collar x Malice, with all characters being in their 20s. Posterboy is 28.
EDIT: BinaryStar has 2 older characters that are 28 and 35 years old. Rest is very late teens and early 20s. Game's good too.
EDIT 2: And if you're into the REALLY old there's KLAP!! where character ages lie between 100 and 400 or something wtf. Didn't play it since it's not my cup of tea, but my friend loved it.
I've long debated making a BL/gay gaming thread, but as you said, I don't know what the turn out would be. The OT I made for Coming Out on Top was quite successful, while No, Thank You!!! got a bit of traction, but not nearly the same level. When I post any news bits about upcoming gay themed games in the VN thread or whatever, I barely get any response at all, so I'm never sure what the general interest level is.BL is even worse. I love the genre, Hours Left love it even more, but what are we, two people? How many games are there in English, three? If you guys want to get a community thread going for those genres, start by making OTs for the big upcoming releases and see if there is enough traffic and people. If there's not, maybe it'd be best just to keep the discussion to the overall visual novels thread.
The premise for this game is really cool, but none of them really look like Banchos except for maybe one guy. Disappointing.Box art for Kenka Bancho Otome game