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Ouch, touched by the xbox live Banning

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1235
  • Start date

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Left the modchip on while trying to log into live, realised, switched it off and logged in successfully and played live for a couple of hours but was banned the next day. :(

Sucks bad, but I know the deal with the eeprom switch, however what I don't know is, what happens to the person down the line who owns the xbox of the eeprom I take? What if they got a live account or tried? also if I get a new eeprom, does my account still work or do I need to register again?



A lot of these people that sell the EEPROMS most likely modded someone's xbox with the
TSOP method or don't plan to go on Live at all so they don't transfer the EEPROM to that customer's new HDD. Your account should be fine, they ban the HDD EEPROM only. But let's just say someone did login with the same eeprom as you then you both get banned. Although both of you can login but just not at the same time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
isn't eeprom nothing to do with your hdd whatsoever?

If I take a friends eeprom, is his machine fucked forever?

I can't believe I banned myself. what a cock.


No, taking the EEPROM just copies it.. it doesn't physically remove the information. You can overwrite it with a different one though. I don't know all the techincal details but the EEPROM information is taken off the HDD.


if you get someone elses eeprom and they try to log on to LiVE I still think they can connect as long as you aren't logged on LiVE at the same time. Even then I don't know if MS really checks if two xboxes with same eeprom try log onto LiVE.


Isn't it possible to load a bios that disables live support when using your mod chip? I have that one loaded onto mine and I can't connect when the modchip is on. It's a gift from heaven(or team xecutor).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Sjoerd said:
Isn't it possible to load a bios that disables live support when using your mod chip? I have that one loaded onto mine and I can't connect when the modchip is on. It's a gift from heaven(or team xecutor).

point me at these instructions! I have a shitty cheapmod with xecuter 2 bios, which works really well (with a switch, that I left ON, durr)

So what happens if 2 eeproms the same try and log on to live at the same time? one banned? two banned?


Yeah but he may have an outdated bios or using the EvoX bios. The X2 bios that has the Live blocking feature is in the version 4981 and up.

If you both login with the same EEPROM, that specific EEPROM will be banned; something both of you have so neither of you will be able to get on afterwards. Just buy a new one for 3 dollars.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
eeprom is hardware, hence eeprom. it is not taken from the hard drivebut from the eeprom. go figure. for some reason, MS made the eeprom flashable. go figure again. :D

You copy a friend's eeprom and flash it to yours with configmagic. you are now on live again. have done this a couple of times. works like a charm. the exact step is to unlock your hard drive, load eeprom image, update xbox with eeprom image, lock hard drive, good to go.

the downside is that you and your buddy can NEVER be on live at the same time. NEVER. If you are on live at the same time the eeprom will be banned and then both of you will have to find a new image. this is why it's most common to find a friend who never plans on going on live and copy his eeprom.

bioses that disable live are only fine for non-live games to make sure the control panel doesn't go there. live games (particularly those nasty new live aware games) will still fuck you. the safest method is soft modding. unplug the network cable before launching games from EvoX, or leave the network cable plugged in and boot from a retail live game to play on live.

funcojoe said:
Fucking pirate, fucking thief, way to go loser.
you are absolutely clueless. the only thing I use my xbox for is classic console emulation and playing fansubbed anime. both completely legal. please tell me how I can do that on my xbox without modding it or better yet an eaiser way than a modded xbox on my HDTV.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Hey forgot about this topic, thanks for clearing that up borghe, I'm pretty happy with the loading new eeprom bit, just wasn't sure about what happens with 2 eeproms trying to use live. I'm pretty sure that I will be ok though, have a couple of friends.

Do I need to do an account recovery or anything or should my account just log right in?

Fucking pirate, fucking thief, way to go loser.

heh. I'll import and play region free whenever I want thanks fuck face.


borghe said:
you are absolutely clueless. the only thing I use my xbox for is classic console emulation and playing fansubbed anime. both completely legal.
No. Console emulation is in no way legal, and if an anime is licenced then that is illegal as well.


No. Console emulation is in no way legal, and if an anime is licenced then that is illegal as well.

Actually, I'd say "unlicensed" anime is also illegal, even though I watch it -- it's a violation of the WTO TRIPS Agreement. Just because it's airing on Japanese TV doesn't mean that you can watch it freely; broadcasting companies license these shows, and consumers pay the broadcasting company through their cable/satellite bill.


Arguing over fansub legality is so 1998.

Property is theft, therefore theft is property, therefore these cartoons are mine.



Tenkei said:
Actually, I'd say "unlicensed" anime is also illegal, even though I watch it -- it's a violation of the WTO TRIPS Agreement. Just because it's airing on Japanese TV doesn't mean that you can watch it freely; broadcasting companies license these shows, and consumers pay the broadcasting company through their cable/satellite bill.
Well, OK, then that too.


Thank Douglas Adams, it's his gag.

Was that in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or one of the Dirk Gently books? It's been a while. In any case, my vague recollection of a CS logic class prevents me from remembering whether the "is" translates to a one way implication or an equivalence.


Tenkei said:
Was that in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or one of the Dirk Gently books? It's been a while. In any case, my vague recollection of a CS logic class prevents me from remembering whether the "is" translates to a one way implication or an equivalence.

Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Or the fifth episode of the radio show, u-pick-'em. Zaphod Beeblebrox wants to steal a spaceship and says "Property is theft, therefore theft is property, therefore this ship is mine."

"Property is theft" you can attribute to some socialist asshole or another. Lemme look it up...Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, some French anarchist goober.

Anyway, I figure if he can steal a whole spaceship, I can steal a few episodes of Samurai Champloo or whatever the fuck.

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