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OutRun 2 SP Preview!!!


First of all, this is NOT about the Xbox version! This is a preview that Kikizo just put up regarding the upcoming OutRun 2 SP arcade upgrade! Check this out.....

(This is an excerpt from Kikizo’s Outrun2SP preview impressions) :

Each of the fifteen segments is brand new, and they're teeming with life. Take the closing, pre-goal segments. Instead of the emotionally bankrupt look of its predecessor lined with spartan walls, OutRun2SP has all manner of flying objects littering the skies. From birds and hot-air balloons to the After Burner fighter jet and (what looks like) the Panzer Dragoon Orta flying dragon, the tracks will keep your eye-balls in ecstasy all the way through.

The tracks themselves are a significant improvement over the previous fifteen, and most of them contain dynamic elements that steal your concentration. Levels are based on obvious locations, like Niagara Falls, Las Vegas and San Francisco, but it's the awe-inspiring Cape Canaveral that forms the closing stage of route D that tops all. The night-time course is bedecked with twinkling stars and a gorgeous full moon, all while a meteor shower lights up the sky. Course design seems to favour drifting. While you can still make it through at least the first level without swinging the back out once, further down the path you'll be expected to have mastered the OutRun standard, and repeated hard-S curves will push your skills to the limit.

This sounds excitingly awesome! It sounds like AM2 has added the “roadside” attractions animations appeal that we have been talking about. Darthsol: Please let us know if you hear about an Outrun2SP game release or XboxLiveupdate! If its 15 new stages, that is a huge download, sounds like more it would be a new game?

HOLY CRAP!!! That sounds awesome!!!!


I don't know what's going on but I'm surpised Adam posted this already.

My goodness...from that description, you'd think they took inspiration DIRECTLY from the Scud Race tracks as well as the Fun Park stage in Daytona 2.

I wonder if Outrun 2 SP gets released as a standalone title, if Sega would allow for SCUD and Day 2 to be fully included. Now THAT'D be one hell of a bonus, but maybe there would have to be some liscencing agreements or something. Anyway, I think that'd be the perfect progression for the game, and Sega wouldn't have to worry about marketing SCUD/Daytona 2 as a separate game. Let's hope that at least the newer SP version in under consideration

Adam give us more impressions m8 :)


OMIGODDDDDDDDDDDDDD this better be on Xbox either in downloadable content or at least as another release.




Sho Nuff said:

This had BETTER come out for a home console, STAT!

Looks like you're finally starting to come around Sho. I'm proud of you :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Well I hope my arcade upgrades soon. I've been kinda bored with Outrun 2 lately, this would be the perfect thing to get me back into it. I say I'm bored with it, yet I play the damn game everytime I'm downtown.


Damn..I'm gonna check if that's in the arcades in my area, that sounds pretty slick. Why are they surprised of the 200 yen price, racing games are always 200 yen, I've never seen cheaper.
I hate to nitpick, but I love it when someone who used to think of something highly (if I'm not mistaken, OutRun has never really criticized the look of OutRun 2, but if I'm wrong, please correct me) goes around and bashes it as soon as something slightly better is around the corner.

Instead of the emotionally bankrupt look of its predecessor lined with spartan walls

Seriously, where did that come from?

Anyway, back on topic, this all sounds good. One should hope for an add-on disc is prepped for the Xbox version to brings these tracks home.


kpop100 said:
Damn..I'm gonna check if that's in the arcades in my area, that sounds pretty slick. Why are they surprised of the 200 yen price, racing games are always 200 yen, I've never seen cheaper.

The pricing of the games has really hurt the profit margin and therefore the overall arcade business IMO :(


FortNinety said:
I hate to nitpick, but I love it when someone who used to think of something highly (if I'm not mistaken, OutRun has never really criticized the look of OutRun 2, but if I'm wrong, please correct me) goes around and bashes it as soon as something slightly better is around the corner.

Seriously, where did that come from?

Anyway, back on topic, this all sounds good. One should hope for an add-on disc is prepped for the Xbox version to brings these tracks home.

Hi Fort. Can I ask, why are you and Sho Nuff always so negetive? You should learn not to be so jaded and think positive...y'know, smile once in a while and don't take it too seriously man. It's just a videogame :)


I don't mind 200 yen for a racing game personally, I think the price is justified with the high quality of the arcade cabinets. I still don't think that experience is completely recreated in the home versions.


not an idiot
isamu said:
Hi Fort. Can I ask, why are you and Sho Nuff always so negetive? You should learn not to be so jaded and think positive...y'know, smile once in a while and don't take it too seriously man. It's just a videogame :)

heh, I have been wondering the same thing. Good advice btw.

P.S. that SP version looks amazing. I love the sound of it. Hope the Xbox can get it in a downloadable content package. I would seriously pay for that download!
isamu said:
Hi Fort. Can I ask, why are you and Sho Nuff always so negetive? You should learn not to be so jaded and think positive...y'know, smile once in a while and don't take it too seriously man. It's just a videogame :)

First off, if you look at all my posts, you'll see that I'm not always negative. By the way, there's nothing wrong with being negative, as long as it's constructive. I'd like to think that when I criticize, I try not be a troll and bitch for the sake of bitching, and at the very least explain myself. But then again, this is a video game forum, and I think we're all guilty of saying stupid stuff off the cuff at one point or another. But does that mean I'm backing down from anything I've said? By all means, no.

Secondly, you seem to have a real problem with me being critical. Fair enough, you like what you like, and for me to not like what you like, I suppose is cause enough to get defensive. You're entitled to your own opinion, I can live with it, and without the need to resort to a "deal with it" type of response.

But let's make this super clear, and for the last time: you like Sega. I like Sega. You love OutRun 2. Guess what? I love OutRun 2 too. At least I'd still like to. Cuz you, and other Sega diehards, who know who they are (and I'm pretty sure, and yourself included, are just really nice folks with good intentions) drove a good deal of us here on the GAF totally nuts with the mindless, blabbering OutRun 2 hype. And this is coming from a Sega fan. But it just got annoying, to the point where many of us were simply sick of hearing about the game, and hence why you guys got so much backlash. But that was last week, and you guys have been quieted down since then, and that is to be commended.

But, what the hell is your problem with what I just said? Did you even read my post? I wasn't picking on the game, just the curious wording of Kikizo's report.


FortNinety said:
First off, if you look at all my posts, you'll see that I'm not always negative. By the way, there's nothing wrong with being negative, as long as it's constructive. I'd like to think that when I criticize, I try not be a troll and bitch for the sake of bitching, and at the very least explain myself. But then again, this is a video game forum, and I think we're all guilty of saying stupid stuff off the cuff at one point or another. But does that mean I'm backing down from anything I've said? By all means, no.

Secondly, you seem to have a real problem with me being critical. Fair enough, you like what you like, and for me to not like what you like, I suppose is cause enough to get defensive. You're entitled to your own opinion, I can live with it, and without the need to resort to a "deal with it" type of response.

But let's make this super clear, and for the last time: you like Sega. I like Sega. You love OutRun 2. Guess what? I love OutRun 2 too. At least I'd still like to. Cuz you, and other Sega diehards, who know who they are (and I'm pretty sure, and yourself included, are just really nice folks with good intentions) drove a good deal of us here on the GAF totally nuts with the mindless, blabbering OutRun 2 hype. And this is coming from a Sega fan. But it just got annoying, to the point where many of us were simply sick of hearing about the game, and hence why you guys got so much backlash. But that was last week, and you guys have been quieted down since then, and that is to be commended.

But, what the hell is your problem with what I just said? Did you even read my post? I wasn't picking on the game, just the curious wording of Kikizo's report.

Wooooaaaah Nelly!!! It's all good man :) I just like being silly and messing around. Trust me....your post didn';t bother me at all. Infact, you made some really good points that I agree with. My post, believe it or not, was just sarcasm for the most part. Meant nothing by it. Sorry I got you so upset....friends? :)

Sho Nuff

Negativity? I am a huge AM2 racing fan, but the amount of endless Model 2 / Model 3 fanboy masturbation and nitpicking just makes me wanna strangle some people. (Note that I DO feel the bonus tracks in OR2 feel spartan without the extra animation/effects/level of polish, but I'm not going to write a 5,000 word essay about it.)

OutRun 2 is brilliant and I cannot wait to get my mitts on the SP version.

BTW, where is this on test in Japan? Shinjuku Sportsland has been getting renovated for what seems like forever and is closed...


Sho Nuff said:
BTW, where is this on test in Japan? Shinjuku Sportsland has been getting renovated for what seems like forever and is closed...

The machine I played for the preview was at Club Sega in Akihabara. The old OutRun2 was gone and in its place was SP. I would assume it's just a refit of the cabinet.

I went into as many arcades as I could before leaving last Friday, but this was the only place I saw it. It didn't say anything about it being a location test (as it did upstairs for the new shooter who's name I've not forgotten).
I'd definetly would pay extra for this in a content download, but personally, I'd rather have waited till next year to get the definitive version of Outrun 2 at home. So yeah, content downloads is a must.

Far as the negativety spewed by some folks (not really in this thread yet, but in others), I don't think much of it is constructive (obviously). Just the same mantra of Sega sucks over and over. Repeating it in threads of Sega's best games as if to suggest this is some type of fluke is bashing, not constructive. Who cares if some fans get overly excited, let them.

BTW, this is more proof that Sega is not dead, to suggest otherwise is rediculous, I don't care how many times you say it.


BeOnEdge said:

:lol You high boy? :lol

Back on topic...

This sounds like a great expansion of OutRun 2. I would not be surprised if this is offered (at a cost...) for download on XBL after a while. :)


isamu said:
don't take it too seriously man. It's just a videogame :)


*looks at previous Outrun 2 OMG HI2U BEST GAME EVAR circlejerk threads*


*all 10 of them*



Well let's hope O2 don't totally bomb in sales, so Sega might think over about porting SP aswell.
Oh btw. Outrun 2 = best Sega console racer evar!


Downloadable content seems unlikely; that would be prolly at least 600/700Mb big.
They may release one stage a month, but that wouldn't work...
They may release a data disk or a sequel; but i don't think outrun 2 is going to do well enough.
Conclusion: Sega pissed off their fans once more: the new stages were already done by the time they released outrun 2 xbox; it would have been a smart move to include them as unlockable for those who completed all 101 missions. They could have doubled the number of stages for the home version with little effort, and this would have added great value to the xbox port...they didn't and i don't think we'll ever see the new stages at home.

: (


Kiriku said:

*looks at previous Outrun 2 OMG HI2U BEST GAME EVAR circlejerk threads*


*all 10 of them*


Hey...stay out the Kool-Aid :lol


What? This is playable in Akihabara, but it is not mentioned on sega.jp ANYWHERE!? Idjuts.
I wanna go play this weekend though, if I can get out of the house.


Jonnyram said:
What? This is playable in Akihabara, but it is not mentioned on sega.jp ANYWHERE!? Idjuts.
I wanna go play this weekend though, if I can get out of the house.

Yeah I looked too..it's freakin stupid
Jonnyram said:
What? This is playable in Akihabara, but it is not mentioned on sega.jp ANYWHERE!? Idjuts.
I wanna go play this weekend though, if I can get out of the house.

I know, it is comedy.
Club Sega, Akihabara, 2F ;-)
At least, it was there a week ago...


Are the layouts different or is this simply a background swap? I know this sounds obvious, but I didn't hear anything about track layout and the game is still called Outrun 2 so I have to ask.

P.S. A little fawning never hurt anyone. :)


eso76 said:
Downloadable content seems unlikely; that would be prolly at least 600/700Mb big.
They may release one stage a month, but that wouldn't work...
They may release a data disk or a sequel; but i don't think outrun 2 is going to do well enough.
Conclusion: Sega pissed off their fans once more: the new stages were already done by the time they released outrun 2 xbox; it would have been a smart move to include them as unlockable for those who completed all 101 missions. They could have doubled the number of stages for the home version with little effort, and this would have added great value to the xbox port...they didn't and i don't think we'll ever see the new stages at home.

: (

first time I've ever done this: iawtp.


Saturnman said:
Are the layouts different or is this simply a background swap? I know this sounds obvious, but I didn't hear anything about track layout and the game is still called Outrun 2 so I have to ask.

P.S. A little fawning never hurt anyone. :)

While I'll confess to not knowing every single nook and cranny of OutRun2, it seemed all new to me.


being watched
Wonder what secret tracks they could put into an Xbox version.

Sega Rally would be an obvious choice. I'd love to see Virtua Racing bonus route - with everything including the Ferrari's rendered as flat-shaded polys. :D

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Haha, way to go Sega!!! Before releasing the home version you announce the upgrade. Now some people might just wait.

Outrun 2SP ---> PS2 (and GC).... or not. But I wouldn't be surprised if they released it for the PS2 with the original 15 tracks plus those Daytona & Scud Race tracks.


Sega had to do something to keep arcade visitors interested in OutRun 2. The game must have been doing well for them to invest in an upgrade. It's only right for them to make sure money off of the arcade version first since the Xbox version will probably only sell to a small portion of the Xbox owners. How can you fault the company for that?

They added extra things to the Xbox version so some of the screwball Sega fans would be satisfied, Of course this didn't work because some of the fuckers are bitching about signs not spinning, bulls not running and waterfalls missing on the stage that was inspired by Super GT. And on another site, some idiot sounded like his life depended on a dome (a fucking dome!) being put over one of the courses that was inspired by Daytona 2! WTF is wrong with these people? No matter what Sega does, folks will find some shit to bitch about.

I couldn't wait to get a chance to FINALLY play this game, but some of the goofball threads and skitzo Sega fans have put a damper on me even wanting to try this game out on the Xbox Live service. I almost sick of hearing ANYTHING about Outfuckingrun 2.

I'm still buying the game.....


can I just check something?

This is awesome because it has animations on the tracks?

Are you all insane? animations on the tracks is a nice little feature. New tracks are OK too. But not exactly 'excitingly awesome'?


JC10001 said:
Outrun 2SP ---> PS2 (and GC).... or not. But I wouldn't be surprised if they released it for the PS2 with the original 15 tracks plus those Daytona & Scud Race tracks.

:lol :lol :lol oh man. the things you people come up with.


Hotsuma said:
Sega had to do something to keep arcade visitors interested in OutRun 2. The game must have been doing well for them to invest in an upgrade. It's only right for them to make sure money off of the arcade version first since the Xbox version will probably only sell to a small portion of the Xbox owners. How can you fault the company for that?

They added extra things to the Xbox version so some of the screwball Sega fans would be satisfied, Of course this didn't work because some of the fuckers are bitching about signs not spinning, bulls not running and waterfalls missing on the stage that was inspired by Super GT. And on another site, some idiot sounded like his life depended on a dome (a fucking dome!) being put over one of the courses that was inspired by Daytona 2! WTF is wrong with these people? No matter what Sega does, folks will find some shit to bitch about.

I couldn't wait to get a chance to FINALLY play this game, but some of the goofball threads and skitzo Sega fans have put a damper on me even wanting to try this game out on the Xbox Live service. I almost sick of hearing ANYTHING about Outfuckingrun 2.

Excellent post Hot. I agree some of the bitching is just out of control! I mean who fucking cares if there are a few signs and animations missing? Bleh!! These nutcase fans drive me up the wall with their nitpicking. Fuck 'em I say! I'm going to enjoy the bonus stages, Red Spider or no Red Spider!

Oh and by the way guys here's the direct link to the Kikizo article. It behooves you to check it out :)


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ArcadeStickMonk said:
Uh, Chihiro?

Uh, Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona USA, etc, etc. Take your pick. Sega clearly doesn't have any issues with releasing ports that aren't arcade perfect. Having played Outrun 2 I think the PS2 (and especially the GC) could do a decent port. Arcade perfect? No. Better than the aformentioned Saturn ports? Yes.
Here are the new courses in Outrun 2 SP

Taken from http://www.talesing.com/other/or2.htm

1 - Sunny Beach
2 -Bay Area
3 - National Park
4 - Water Falls
5 - Big Forest
6 - Canyon
7 - Lost City
8 - Casino Town
9 - Ice Scape
10 - Jungle
11 - Giant Statues
12 - Legend
13 - Floral Village
14 - Milky Way
15 - Sky Scrapers

I'm sure pics will surface soon.

And I wouldn't mind at all if the PS2 and GC got a version of this, but you know....the first game has to sell well probably...and that just might not happen unfortuantely.


BlackClouds said:
Here are the new courses in Outrun 2 SP

Taken from http://www.talesing.com/other/or2.htm

1 - Sunny Beach
2 -Bay Area
3 - National Park
4 - Water Falls
5 - Big Forest
6 - Canyon
7 - Lost City
8 - Casino Town
9 - Ice Scape
10 - Jungle
11 - Giant Statues
12 - Legend
13 - Floral Village
14 - Milky Way
15 - Sky Scrapers

I'm sure pics will surface soon.

And I wouldn't mind at all if the PS2 and GC got a version of this, but you know....the first game has to sell well probably...and that just might not happen unfortuantely.

Dude, GC and especially PS2 would choke on Outrun 2. Am2 even said they would have a really tough time trying to get it to run on PS2.
GC wouldn't have a problem running it IMO. PS2 with a bit of work (and of course a little loss of detail.)

Xbox is obviously the better platform due to the original Chihiro architecture. But to say it can't be ported to other machines is just silly.


JC10001 said:
Uh, Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona USA, etc, etc. Take your pick. Sega clearly doesn't have any issues with releasing ports that aren't arcade perfect. Having played Outrun 2 I think the PS2 (and especially the GC) could do a decent port. Arcade perfect? No. Better than the aformentioned Saturn ports? Yes.

dude give it up already. its not gonna happen. xbox or nothing. it costs sega next to nothing to get the game ported from chihiro. do you realize sumo digital made freakin excersise software for fitness centers or some crap before they teamed up with AM2? :lol it'll come out on xbox if the original sells atleast 200,000 world wide. that makes up for what the game cant bring in in arcades anymore. kyoto, PLEASE hurry on those vids!!!
BeOnEdge said:
dude give it up already. its not gonna happen. xbox or nothing. it costs sega next to nothing to get the game ported from chihiro. do you realize sumo digital made freakin excersise software for fitness centers or some crap before they teamed up with AM2? :lol

To be fair to Sumo they do a fair sight more to them than exercise bike software... they have a very proud lineage dating back to Gremlin Interactive.


KyotoMecca said:
Maybe some videos will as well ;-) (Stong hint)

*slaps Kyoto across the back of the head and tells him to "hurry up already!" Then grabs popcorn...* :D
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