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Outrun2 Review (Xboxgamer Mag UK)


The game gets 9/10

"The arcade mode is a bit on the easy side but 101 challenges will keep you going for months"
The Live options are pretty straight forward but great fun none the less

The handling is spot on and with the stunning grahics are straight out of Seg Mythology- its got the look!

The music is viewed as such " a man who's tired of listerning to Magical Sound Showe is tired of life itself. NO wait-he's desd. And an idiot. Best music ever.

By the way Magical sound shower is the demo available in the UK. Its classics 80's Sega, I think they're being ironic.

Other scores

CM5 8
Headhunter 6
Samurai Warriors 7
SH 4 6
TG PGA 2005 9

Kingdom under fire 8
FIFA 2005 6


Keyser Soze said:
Burnout 3 has probably ruined Outrun 2 for me; the game will seemed bad compared to the magic Criterion has preformed.

Like no one's ever said this before

Seriously, they are different games and fans of the original Outrun will like the sequel a great deal, imo.
Pug said:
By the way Magical sound shower is the demo available in the UK. Its classics 80's Sega, I think they're being ironic.

I seriously doubt it, it's one of the more beloved and well-known classic game songs. I've been listening to it for almost 20 years now and still haven't lost the urge to bop every time it blares. For real, no irony!


Keyser Soze said:
Burnout 3 has probably ruined Outrun 2 for me; the game will seemed bad compared to the magic Criterion has preformed.
Well guess what, noone gives a fuck about magic that Criterion performed on you, this is a thread about Outrun 2 score in certain UK magazine not your gaming diary.
Outrun2's focus on drifting is enough for me to buy it. Not enough racers focus on that aspect even though it can add so much more to a game.


SolidSnakex said:
Outrun2's focus on drifting is enough for me to buy it. Not enough racers focus on that aspect even though it can add so much more to a game.

Well, drifts are really really easy to pull off, brake, steer, accelerate and keep your steering steady. You can swing between turns easily.


Just wanted to say Tulip garden and cape way (which looks a lot like the greek island santorini) mop the toilet floor with the entire burnout series :D


force push the doodoo rock
actually, the key to fast times in outrun to is to do a quick shift to drift instead of brake. They say you should never have to break in the game.


sp0rsk said:
actually, the key to fast times in outrun to is to do a quick shift to drift instead of brake. They say you should never have to break in the game.

Those playing AT will have to, and brake, steer and accelerate is shown on the screen while loading, heh !


sp0rsk said:
actually, the key to fast times in outrun to is to do a quick shift to drift instead of brake. They say you should never have to break in the game.

People use the brake in arcade racers???


According to the replay videos at Team Marubaku, the player is focusing more on racing a clean line and only drifting when absolutely necessary, in order to get the best times.


not having to connect thru EAs LIVE system alone would make OR2 better than BO3. i'm gonna keep it fair though as much as i want to put my sega fan slant on things and say that the games are too different to directly compair. yes they are both "racers" but one is like the morning rush to work after waking up 1/2 hour late while the other is like that saturday drive you take with ur girl where its just you, the road, and beautiful scenery. that said, outrun 2 should compliment BO3 quite well in any arcade racing fans collection!


Banstick Emeritus
bloke said:
Well guess what, noone gives a fuck about magic that Criterion performed on you, this is a thread about Outrun 2 score in certain UK magazine not your gaming diary.
I found this amazingly funny. Lack of sleep, I suppose.
bloke said:
Well guess what, noone gives a fuck about magic that Criterion performed on you, this is a thread about Outrun 2 score in certain UK magazine not your gaming diary.

Dear bloke,

I never said Outrun 2 was bad, infact it is a fantastic game, a game infact that I had to be dragged away from at GameStars Live. I am just saying it won't seem as good after playing Burnout3, which in my opinion has redefined the arcade racing genre. I will still play the game and will probably put many hours of gaming into it.


If the above was to hard for you to read with your low grade English skills, settle the fuck down and shut the fuck up

fo•rum Pronunciation Key (fôrm, fr-)
n. pl.
fo•rums, also fo•ra (fôr, fr)

1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
A public meeting place for open discussion.
2. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
3. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
4. A court of law; a tribunal.


Kiriku said:
Drifting in Outrun 2 is easy, and it's made even easier with the road usually being so wide.

Yeah, really, the game makes it pretty damned easy, even people who've never played it before tend to figure it out very quickly.

What would've been nice is to have each car react to drifts slightly differently. Like, make it harded to pull out of it if you're in the F50 instead of the Testarossa.


bobbyconover said:
I seriously doubt it, it's one of the more beloved and well-known classic game songs. I've been listening to it for almost 20 years now and still haven't lost the urge to bop every time it blares. For real, no irony!

You know, ever since I played Outrun in the 80s, I've always placed Splash Wave above MGS. Now, I'm not saying that it's bad, just, you know, not my favorite.
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