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Overclocked 240 MHz Dreamcast on ebay


This is your chance to own the worlds fastest dreamcast! This dreamcast has been overclocked to a Processor speed of 240MHZ thats 40 MHZ (20%) faster than any other dreamcasts.

E.G.This will allow you to play Shenmue 2 with much less slowdown (I can vouch for this, running it side by side with another DC, its quite amazing).

Other things which are quicker are DreamSnes and Undercover 2025


Obviously due to the speedy / experimental nature of the machine, some games may not work. Also remember the DC already has lots of games that do not suffer from slowdown so you will not notice a difference on every game. Another thing to remember is that even though the CPU is faster this may not speed up a game as it may be a Draw issue (Graphics chip), which is slowing it down, so these will not be affected. There is a chance after a long period that it may overheat (although i have left it on for over 8 hours to no ill effect due to the extra cooling I added to the machine). The machine is an experimental Beast. Saving with VMUs has not been tested and this may cause a problem. The machine is also hardwired for 60 Hz PAL Even though it is an NTSC machine. So overseas bidders please consider this. Also I have not tried it with VGA so I do not know if this has been affected with the overclock.

You will need a stepdown Adaptor.

Any questions feel free to ask. I can try certain games etc for you. It did cost me a lot of hardwork and effort to get the components and get this to work, but unfortuantely I need the cash so I hope it will go to someone who will love it like I do.

Lastly, this is a unique machine so enjoy it, the King of Dreamcasts.

oh, and its also painted in a loverly silver colour.


might be worth checking out if running an overclocked Dreamcast reliably over long periods of time is possible....


I wouldn't even consider buying this. To many variables and "I don't knows" from this guy. Does it effect VGA output or not? Exactly what games has he tried that DON"T work with it?.. Those are important things if you ask me...


Aren't a lot of games locked to the CPU, meaning if you increase the CPU speed you increase the game speed? I heard it's a problem on the 1.4ghz xbox, so I assume it would affect OC'd DCs too..


Yes, this is a very bad idea. A lot of games have their timing sync'ed up with processor clock cycles. They sell an Xbox with a faster processor installed but it fucks up a lot of games....they end up running too fast. If you've ever turned off the framerate-limiter in an N64/PSX emulator or run an increased-speed timedemo on a PC game, you know exactly what it looks like. The framerate might go up, but the speed at which the game runs and inputs are taken also increases significantly.

This might be tempting, but there are so few DC games that have framerate problems that I don't see any real justification. The games that annoyingly skip between 30fps/60fps (Sonic 2, Sega Rally 2) probably won't be helped that much, and at the same time you will introduce a whole host of compatibility problems.

If you want DC games to run faster, I think you are better off just waiting for a full fledged PC emulator.
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