I did if you read the comments.
It would at least bar them from certain platforms.If you think that banning innocuous hand-signs is going to combat any kind of radicalization, you're sorely mistaken.
No, but thats also not the point of it. It is a dogwhistle for people who already have been radicalized.Nobody is radicalizing his belief-system through a mere hand-sign.
Given the Christchurch terrorist was basically just your average 8chan shit poster I would argue that the line between trolls and terrorists is not clear cut at all. The way from "just kidding" to "50 victims" isn't that long.Then of course, there's also the people who are not radicals, but simply enjoy getting a rise out of people, such as yourself.
Deplatforming isn't censorship, though.You don't combat ideological radicalization through censorship, you combat it by attacking its ideas and arguments with formulating better arguments.
It is the height of ignorance and privilege to live in a society founded on freedom of speech, to be able to cast it aside in favor of authoritarian measures, and to not immediately suffer the consequences for your stupidity.It would at least bar them from certain platforms.
No, but thats also not the point of it. It is a dogwhistle for people who already have been radicalized.
Given the Christchurch terrorist was basically just your average 8chan shit poster I would argue that the line between trolls and terrorists is not clear cut at all. The way from "just kidding" to "50 victims" isn't that long.
Deplatforming isn't censorship, though.
The Internet basically functions as the great equalizer for opinions, because its a tools that allows anyone to reach everyone with virtually no effort.
This sounds good at first, but its actually quite dangerous because opinions aren't equal and if nonsense or dangerous stuff are broadcasted to the masses that is not a good thing.
Also, its not like the kind of populism and relativism we've seen pop up on the right over the last 10 years is interested in finding out who has the "better arguments". They are interested in the most asinine and anti-intellectual discourse possible, because thats best for them.
They're operating on outrage, fear and ignorance and I don't see any value in having that as part of our political discourse.
Same reason why I think it's right for universities to reject certain speakers. If what you have to say is dumb shit, you do not deserve an academic platform. Thats not censorship but common sense.
Well, yeah. The reasoning the terrorists have is that their group (white, christian, western people) is threatened by the influx of another group(brown/black, muslim people).
This entire white genocide nonsense is about putting their own identity into the role of the victim in order to justify a violent response.
Freud explained this mechanism in his "Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego" in 1921 and a little more than 10 years later his book became the blueprint for how Hitler radicalized 50 million Germans and brought them to commit unspeakable atrocities.
He did it by creating a group that revolves around a concept of identity(nation and race) and then he created scapegoats who presented threats to the integrity and generally to the interests of the group. And because the strict concept of identity always dealt with "the other" in a big way it was easy to dehumanize "the other" to the point where violence against them can be justified.
I'm here saying that a meaning doesn't mean that actual racists don't use it for an alternative meaning and that it isn't simply a 4chan troll anymore? If it's so f*cking obvious then why don't you get it? As for not everyone using it is conveying the same meaning as the new zealand shooter, no shit, even I use it, what was that again about pointing out the obvious?Then what in the flying f*ck are you doing in this topic about Blizzard essentially banning a hand-gesture because somebody showed it on stream?
So, what's your point? Other than stating the obvious only to imply that Blizzard's decision was correct. After all, that's the point of this discussion here.
You don't have a point other than that some people associate the hand-sign with racist ideology. Well duh... we certainly don't need you to tell us that.
That's rich coming from the person who is unable to formulate a coherent argument without constantly godwinning and invoking mass murderers. I've already explained to you, the fact that the New Zealand shooter used that hand-sign doesn't make it taboo for others to use it and it certainly doesn't imply that those who use it do so in the same way as the New Zealand shooter. So all of this is of absolutely no significance in the context of this discussion, other than to abuse the emotional connotations with this horrible incident only to manipulate other into swallowing your bullcrap.
No, but thats also not the point of it. It is a dogwhistle for people who already have been radicalized.
Given the Christchurch terrorist was basically just your average 8chan shit poster I would argue that the line between trolls and terrorists is not clear cut at all. The way from "just kidding" to "50 victims" isn't that long.
Deplatforming isn't censorship, though.
This sounds good at first, but its actually quite dangerous because opinions aren't equal and if nonsense or dangerous stuff are broadcasted to the masses that is not a good thing.
Also, its not like the kind of populism and relativism we've seen pop up on the right over the last 10 years is interested in finding out who has the "better arguments". They are interested in the most asinine and anti-intellectual discourse possible, because thats best for them.
They're operating on outrage, fear and ignorance...
If it's so f*cking obvious then why don't you get it?
The only person you cited was the NZ shooter, who also claimed he was inspired by Pewdiepie, Spyro 3, and the Navy Seal Copypasta. You’d have to be water-headed to believe he represents anyone but himself.
Is that your only example?
What in the hell are you on about? I've told you numerous times by now that I recognize that certain people try to subvert the meaning of this hand-sign, hence why we should not play their silly game. I couldn't have made my whole argument if I were unable to recognize that, captain obvious.
Just 4chan rustling jimmies of sensitive snowflakes by meaningless trolling. I was telling you that it has actually been picked up by the real idiots. Like the shooter. That rustled your jimmies though and here we areYes because the national symbol of a very real totalitarian regime that was responsible for the systematic eradication of 6 million Jews is totally comparable to a couple of meaningless trolls on 4chan, who just want to rustle the jimmies of a couple of overly sensitive snowflakes that are falling for this sh*t. Get a sense of perspective, man! You are the ones giving these people power, not the other way round.
It is the height of ignorance and privilege to live in a society founded on freedom of speech, to be able to cast it aside in favor of authoritarian measures, and to not immediately suffer the consequences for your stupidity.
Thankfully, though, this ideology is falling out of favor for the brainwashed slop it truly is. Commie-Lite isn't nearly as invigorating as "true Communism", and as a result the ideology is growing lazier and fatter and more fragile with each passing day.
Every extremists goal is to normalize his extremist views. The best way to achieve that is by making them present in the public eye.So by implication, the only people who positively view this hand-sign in a racist way are people who are already radicalized. Meaning that censoring this hand-sign won't to sh*t to combat radical ideology.
Funnily enough, 8chan is the result of your attempts at censoring certain views, creating just another secretive underbelly of society where these radical ideas are allowed to fester unhindered. Censor and deplatform all you want, it will never make ideas go away, on the contrary, it will only make them more popular. People certainly like their forbidden fruits.
Huh? The scientific method is basically a massive deplatforming schtick.You're right, it's ostracism and history has shown us time and time again that it doesn't work to combat ideas.
That a "No." from me mate. And educated opinion will always hold infinitely more worth than an uneducated one, because ultimately every opinion is just the result of the level of information a person had and how that information got prioritized.All opinions are equal
Okay. So start teaching the Frankfurt School of Thought in the US so people will be able to recognize Nazi ideology before they vote for it., but rational arguments are not. A healthy and well-educated mind is not influenced by radical ideology and dehumanizing thoughts. Education is the best way to shield people from radicalization, but in order to do so, you need to confront them with these nefarious ideas so that they are able to recognize and disarm them.
Dude, I studied this shit. Thats like telling Buzz Aldrin that the only reason he isn't debating moon landing hoaxers is because he has so little faith in his own believes.Well by supporting the deplatforming and censoring of ideas, you're also quite obviously very much uninterested in finding out the "better argument". If you have so little faith in the power of your truth that you absolutely must deplatform others, you're not showing confidence in your views, you're merely expressing fear that your faulty truth might not prevail.
How do you create mutual understanding with someone who rejects all evidence that doesn't line up with his preconceived believes, while at the same time accepting every nonsense as evidence as long as it lines up with his preconceived believes? Someone who lacks pretty much all necessary understanding of a field to comprehend a particular issue.I'm not afraid of these ideas, I counter them with reason by trying to create mutual understanding instead of vilifying and silencing my opponents. In the end, truth will prevail as it always does.
Alright buddy.Just like you are.
Given the Christchurch terrorist was basically just your average 8chan shit poster I would argue that the line between trolls and terrorists is not clear cut at all. The way from "just kidding" to "50 victims" isn't that long.
Huh? That is literally the definition of authoritarianism....Restricting access to reputable platforms isn't authoritarianism.
I'd like to draw your attention to number 3. And number 1. And number 2. What the heck, number 4.Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
- Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
- A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as enemies of the people or state, underdevelopment or insurgency;
- Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
- Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting, but vast powers.
No I've actually seen idiot kids using it but whatever. If you think it's just an internet thing still then more power to you.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. If the person wasn't an insane person then they wouldn't be a white supremacist now would they. They would not be a notable person but if that killer is not an indication that they are using the symbol outside a 4chan troll then what is? Not everyone walks around with a swastika tattoo either but you would be dumb to suggest neo nazi groups aren't about.So you cannot provide examples except one insane shitposter-turned-killer and some “idiot kids”?
All of those standpoints have been allowed to speak, which allows them to be disproven. Universities should actually be the FIRST place where those ideas are brought up because -- ideally, assuming the university is a good one -- the overwhelming evidence and intellectual curiosity will shred the wishy-washy ideas that don't have any real world application. Universities would be able to destroy bad ideas and prevent them from spreading through society at large. This would achieve the goal you are hoping to achieve.Restricting access to reputable platforms isn't authoritarianism. And it also isn't new.
We wouldn't let astrologists speak at universities, we wouldn't let scientologists speak at universities, we wouldn't let anti-vaxxers speak at universities.
Indeed, why should we let identity-politics ideologues speak at universities?So why would we let climate change deniers and nationalists speak at universities?
Quite the opposite: it sounds like your country's policy has turned you into a bigoted airhead who can't handle a diversity of ideas and cannot argue properly.I'm really glad this kind of debate hasn't popped up in Germany yet because Universities here chose their speakers according to merit, and this already rules out the right wing airheads.
You have an inaccurate recollection of how that happened. Jordan Peterson's ideas are hardly new and could be argued against within the university environment. Instead, people ostracized him and mischaracterized his standpoints. If anything, Peterson was applying "academic scrutiny" to what was happening to his field and the ideologues started shrieking at high volume (as usual).Also, regarding this whole thing. Jordan Peterson for example specifically abandoned the academic platform he already had because his bullshit didn't fly there. He couldn't stand the academic scrutiny so he found a less critical audience online. And now he tries to use this audience and their fandom towards him to pressure Universities into giving him a platform again. Thats really pathetic, I have to say.
No you didn't. You made it seem like it was some internet crap which wasn't real and that me pointing out a symbol can be appropriated is me having no perspective and using hyperbole to suggest I was saying anyone using it is Hitler.
Just 4chan rustling jimmies of sensitive snowflakes by meaningless trolling. I was telling you that it has actually been picked up by the real idiots. Like the shooter. That rustled your jimmies though and here we are
I'm really glad this kind of debate hasn't popped up in Germany yet because Universities here chose their speakers according to merit, and this already rules out the right wing airheads.
Der Hochschulrat, das Rektorat, der Senat und die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Siegen bekennen sich zur Wissenschaftsfreiheit gemäß Artikel 5 GG. Vor dem Hintergrund der Freiheit von Forschung und Lehre betrachtet es die Universität Siegen deshalb grundsätzlich nicht nur als legitim, sondern als begrüßenswert, wenn sich ihre Angehörigen auf wissenschaftlicher Basis auch mit politisch umstrittenen Positionen und Meinungen auseinandersetzen. Der Diskurs ist ein wichtiges Privileg und eine wesentliche Alternative zu bloßer Ausgrenzung oder Sprachlosigkeit. Folgerichtig gab es und gibt es keine Bestrebungen, das Seminar zu unterbinden.
Also, regarding this whole thing. Jordan Peterson for example specifically abandoned the academic platform he already had because his bullshit didn't fly there.
Every extremists goal is to normalize his extremist views. The best way to achieve that is by making them present in the public eye. So no, this won't prevent radicalization, but it can help preventing further normalization and the radical views.
I am always fascinated by this weird argument that basically states that "we only became Nazis because you were mean to us". It's really one of the dumbest ones I have heard.
Huh? The scientific method is basically a massive deplatforming schtick.
The enlightenment that ushered in modern times was nothing but a huge deplatforming effort. It deplatformed the people who spouted nonsense without being able to back it up with a logical and evidence based line of argument.
That a "No." from me mate. And educated opinion will always hold infinitely more worth than an uneducated one, because ultimately every opinion is just the result of the level of information a person had and how that information got prioritized.
Okay. So start teaching the Frankfurt School of Thought in the US so people will be able to recognize Nazi ideology before they vote for it.
Dude, I studied this shit.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. If the person wasn't an insane person then they wouldn't be a white supremacist now would they. They would not be a notable person but if that killer is not an indication that they are using the symbol outside a 4chan troll then what is? Not everyone walks around with a swastiska tattoo either but you would be dumb to suggest neo nazi groups aren't about.
"Vox: How the Poop Emoji has become an Alt-Right symbol of hate"Someone needs to tell Blizzard about the Neo Nazi's decision to poop every single day going forward. If they keep letting people participate who poop more than 2 times a week, they are now condoning neo nazi's.
Its real.Is this satire? I can't tell...
Oh blizztards lol
Just because the origins of the hand gesture were not racist, it doesn't mean its not been adopted as a racist gesture now. It's pretty much seen now as a white power thing. But, like I said... Context. That stupid cow Zina Bash during the Kavanaugh hearings? Racist. Clear as day. It was being done for no reason at times, just because she was on camera. Don't give me the "she was asked a question" stuff either, because that's a one time excuse. You don't sit there with it on your arm for ages. The video above? Racist. Those stupid whitehouse intern on that photo? Racist. These were people that knew about the sign, knew about what it meant on both sides of the fence, and did it anyway. However, Bill Mother Fucking Clinton doing it, or Obama doing it, while talking... Not racist. Why? Because it was done before it was ever seen as a racist symbol, or hell, it was simply just the way they move their hands when talking. Why would Obama be flashing a white power symbol anyway?
Its all about the context, the use and the time. Its nothing about offended leftists, lol (thanks for showing what side of the fence you are btw), its more so about the way once something, no matter how innocent it was beforehand, is adopted for the wrong reasons... You just don't fucking do it. End of story.
I didn't avoid shit.There are plenty of pictures of skinheads with nazi tattoos.
You’re still trying to avoid giving me examples of confirmed white supremacists using the okay sign as a symbol related to white supremacy.
The NZ shooter said and did as many things to piss off and confuse as many people as possible. Again, you’d be water-headed to believe he represents anyone other than himself.
I bet you're one of those clowns who gets upset about swastikas in Japan.
I think he means you think a manji is a nazi symbol but I'm sure you understand context better than most in this thread.I actually have no idea what this means and assume it’s some meme bollocks I haven’t heard of.
I didn't avoid shit.
I gave you an example of a famous known white supremacist using it in the media. You dismiss it and ask for more. Sure I can find pictures if experience is nothing but here is the thing. If I show you pictures would you just say they are saying OK and that guy likes the letter W a lot? Luckly most social platforms remove the completely obvious hate groups from their platform and the ones that aren't obvious have plausible deniability at all times with that symbol.
If I show you pictures would you just say they are saying OK and that guy likes the letter W a lot?
Luckly most social platforms remove the completely obvious hate groups from their platform and the ones that aren't obvious have plausible deniability at all times with that symbol.
Meme magic. And lots of unified autism.How does 4chan keep getting away with it?
My mind won't be blown because I'm not an idiot and can understand context. The FBI designated some of these groups as 'extremists with ties to white nationalism'. What do you know they all really seem to like the OK sign too must just be their love for 4chan.Yes, unless you can prove otherwise. If you think making an ok sign by itself makes someone a white supremacist, I have pictures of Obama that will blow your mind.
Sounds like some conspiracy-theorist shit to me.
You’re gonna have to explain who these people are. On the first pic I see a MAGA hat and a shirt calling antifa “commies”, and on the second pic the only person I recognize is that guy from Breitbart.
Just because you don’t like their politics doesn’t mean they’re white supremacists.
It's a good thing we have you around to let us know. You are the racist whisperer.Like I said it's somewhat obvious when somebody is telling you they are OK and when an actual racist is.
No, it's not "somewhat obvious" because most rational people don't share your delusion that you can tell what a person's secret motives are by looking at a hand gesture.My mind won't be blown because I'm not an idiot and can understand context. The FBI designated some of these groups as 'extremists with ties to white nationalism'. What do you know they all really seem to like the OK sign too must just be their love for 4chan.
Like I said it's somewhat obvious when somebody is telling you they are OK and when an actual racist is.
My mind won't be blown because I'm not an idiot and can understand context. The FBI designated some of these groups as 'extremists with ties to white nationalism'. What do you know they all really seem to like the OK sign too must just be their love for 4chan. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/inside-miami-alt-right-and-proud-boys-chapter-10945821
Like I said it's somewhat obvious when somebody is telling you they are OK and when an actual racist is.
My mind won't be blown because I'm not an idiot and can understand context. The FBI designated some of these groups as 'extremists with ties to white nationalism'. What do you know they all really seem to like the OK sign too must just be their love for 4chan.
Like I said it's somewhat obvious when somebody is telling you they are OK and when an actual racist is.
The hand gesture is there in the link in all the photos. The gesture predates 4chan too. If it is some crazy elaborate hoax then fine but it is fucking stupid because it gives the actual fuckers plausible deniability at all times. Yo dude I was just flashing it because I'm joking and you're so gullible. Don't mind that mass murderer he is not one of us we are only showing that symbol to joke about. If that's the case fine but shit is getting real. I'm not even surprised he was a pewdiepie fan either because he probably saw the clothes he was selling and thought he is one too.
- What groups? Are you trying to say that’s who the people in the picture are? Wha are you talking about?
- White nationalism isn’t the same as white supremacy, despite what your chosen pundits will have you believe.
How does this link relate to the conversation? It’s an article talking about miami Proud Boys and the “alt-right”. At no point is any hand gesture brought up.
You just use it as a bludgeon to call someone racist.
Obama does it? Who cares.
Some guy in a MAGA hat does it? Must be a white supremacist neo-nazi doing sign language to alert the alt-right motherbase.
The hand gesture is there in the link in all the photos. The gesture predates 4chan too. If it is some crazy elaborate hoax then fine but it is fucking stupid because it gives the actual fuckers plausible deniability at all times. Yo dude I was just flashing it because I'm joking and you're so gullible. Don't mind that mass murderer he is not one of us we are only showing that symbol to joke about. If that's the case fine but shit is getting real. I'm not even surprised he was a pewdiepie fan either because he probably saw the clothes he was selling and thought he is one too.
Nah, shit is not "getting real". If you honestly believe there's a rapidly-rising sentiment of white supremacy seizing power in our country, you need to step away from the internet, turn off CNN, leave the college campus, and join the rest of us in the real world. You're being frightened by the same people who claim to know the real truth on all this Russiagate nonsense.The hand gesture is there in the link in all the photos. The gesture predates 4chan too. If it is some crazy elaborate hoax then fine but it is fucking stupid because it gives the actual fuckers plausible deniability at all times. Yo dude I was just flashing it because I'm joking and you're so gullible. Don't mind that mass murderer he is not one of us we are only showing that symbol to joke about. If that's the case fine but shit is getting real. I'm not even surprised he was a pewdiepie fan either because he probably saw the clothes he was selling and thought he is one too.