What a weird ability. Gotta look back to Verelios' claim to see how you responded.
Why did you wait till last night to use it? The longer you held on the higher the chance you'd be lynched/killed before you could use it.
Well it's not like they're mutually exclusive.I would be inclined to believe Stan's claim over Xam's.
I'm struggling to credible believe either of them currently.
Well it's not like they're mutually exclusive.
Although I think you and Xam is odd.
Ty4on didn't do my homework. Do I have to do everything(/something) myself?
Which kinda seems to have it in the back of his mind if I project a lot.Two things
1. This is a role madness game
2. This is also being run by Sorian
Balance does not exist within this tiny realm
Not reacting doesn't seem that weird to me. It's role madness and your role commuted at different nights. Ignoring Verelios seems weirder because the roles overlapped so much and he was a bigger talking point at the time.Xam's voting record is solid though, He voted both for Vere and Cherry really early on the train.
It sounded reasonable (albeit powerful) at the time, but back then it was cop/vigi/doctor and I didn't know about my voting restriction.Also, a Veteran/Vigi/Alignment Check JOAT >>>>> Two commuters.
Lover, what was your reaction to nin's reveal? You think thats a realistic JOAT, sounds like you got the seriously short straw.
Xam's voting record is solid though, He voted both for Vere and Cherry really early on the train.
VOTE: Blargonaut
Probably because I actually post.
Oh Blarg did the thing
Xam will be thrilled
You know what? Fuck my mystery set-up, you're all terrible at this
Ok, Blarg what were you doing with the votes during Cherry's lynch?
Why are you being mean, Blarg?
I thought we were friends.
Well that's all the effort I'm willing to make.
Let's lynch Blarg
Winston was on his way to work when he noticed some shit going down and decided to intervene.
*cough* *cough*
Winston had gotten the payload to the second checkpoint. Clever use of his shield and primal rage had let him solo most of the defending team but with no cooldowns left, things were looking grim. He decided to jump away from the battlefield but this was it, finally Reinhardt's time to shine. Winston had jumped right in front of his charge and they went careening off the edge of the map together.
One of the spectator's flung their hand up instantly.
"Does that section of the map even have an edge to fall off of?"
No, no it doesn't. And you're a nerd for knowing that offhand.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare to attack. You are mafia.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Winston. A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, you are a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity’s potential. Notable achievement: Escaped from a literal Rise of the Planet of the Apes on the moon.
You are a Mafia Reactive Commuter. On a night that you would die, you will automatically enter a primal rage that causes all actions that were targeting you that night to miss. This can only occur once during the game and you will not be notified when it has happened.
The factional kill command is KILL <playername>. Defense players are scrubs so it’s usually that easy.
The scum thread can be found here and your teammates are your intellect and that dead guy you stole those glasses from.
You win when you are able to overwhelm the defending team (town). In other words, you win when you control 50% of the votes.
With the payload in the final area, the game was all about attrition at this point. Zarya was just the woman we needed. Proper timing of shields would allow her team all the time they needed to force the attackers back into their spawn to run out the clock. It was all a fine balance. A great shield to a teammate, back onto herself due focus fire, a push with her, now charged, cannon.
And so it went until the attacker's were fed up. So they did the only plausible thing they could do (because switching heroes to counter is not plausible and anyone who suggests that is a fool), and all burned their ultimates on one player. And just like that, Zarya was gone.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Zarya. Aleksandra Zaryanova, you are one of the worlds strongest women and a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war. You are also more buff than I could ever dream of being.
You are a Town Doctor Vigilante. At night, you may PM me the command BARRIER: <Playername> to protect a player. You may self target but you may not target the same player twice in a row. If you successfully protect against a kill, you will unlock the command PARTICLE CANNON: <Playername>. The use of this second command gives you access to a night kill. If you successfully protect against two kills, then your personal kill command will be upgraded to a strong kill. Your protection power is unlimited use, your killing power is 1-shot. Please note, you will be told when your killing power is activated but you will not be told if/when it is upgraded to strong status. Please also note, a strong kill allows you to ignore roleblock, protection, or redirecting effects.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Was there anything melon did recently that would cause scum to target them?
Hmmm. Doesn't help out with tracking the last scum that much.She was confirmed town and hadn't claimed.
I'm gonna need a list of your hooks statHmmm. Doesn't help out with tracking the last scum that much.
As for claims, I am ROADHOG. I am the town magnet. Every night I have the option to type CHAINHOOK and whoever I target will target me with their night ability instead of who they originally targeted.
I haven't used the power all game.I'm gonna need a list of your hooks stat