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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Mei when used along side other characters is extremely effective at area denial, there is no question about that. She is by far the best area denial hero in the game.

I'm not sure we can use god-tier players against randos in quickplay as proof of anything.

I don't know if it was against randos, hasn't he been playing custom games against other pros.
Hey. If I'm Zarya, and I say "Wait for the team," don't run off ahead as Genji, die, and then bitch at me for not protecting you.

Actually if Genji was doing his job correctly he should have been flanking the enemy and using hit and run tactics. Not saying you're wrong but he's a flanker character.


Is there some secret to Winston?

He seems to be very hard to kill, unless I play certain characters. But when I tried playing him myself, he doesn't feel that tanky.

Big Brett

Oh, no wonder someone was raging at me yesterday for playing as Mei in a group from gaf I was invited to. The OT hivemind thinks Mei is bad. Lol.


Actually if Genji was doing his job correctly he should have been flanking the enemy and using hit and run tactics. Not saying you're wrong but he's a flanker character.

I think his complaint is the Genji was whining that he didn't get help. But yeah, a good Genji can go off on his own and get work done.
What's this like on PC? would probably play with a controller since it's 2comfy4me but I'm gonna guess I'll be massively disadvantaged...?

You could definitely do any of the tanks or supports just fine along with someone like Torbjorn. I can't imagine playing the snipers or a bunch of the offensive characters (Genji, Tracer) on a controller though.


Is there some secret to Winston?

He seems to be very hard to kill, unless I play certain characters. But when I tried playing him myself, he doesn't feel that tanky.

Pick on the characters you should beat in a fight, avoid the ones you can't unless you have support. The bubble makes a great deal of difference if you attract the attention of ranged DPS.


Hey. If I'm Zarya, and I say "Wait for the team," don't run off ahead as Genji, die, and then bitch at me for not protecting you.

Genji isn't suppose to be with others actually, he is a flanker who is most effective when he goes solo so that he can get behind enemies and get a jump on them while they come for the rest of your team.


Zarya slowly becoming my favorite tank. Especially in terms of pushing forward she will march into the shit like it's nothing and with you having the option to shield yourself and someone else it's clutch for pushing forward


Ah, got it.

I don't like playing him, but I want to learn every character a bit.

There isn't much a widowmaker can do to stop him, as an example. So if your team is getting whacked by a good one, a winston can throw her off her game. He isn't easy to kill with the way other heroes are. He might be the least rewarding hero in the game in that regard. Instead, he is more of an area denial tool, especially with his ultimate. If he was better at killing, he'd be OP.
I'm finding the game to be very skewed against support characters to be honest, in terms of how it highlights POTG. The game would rather reward shitty flimsy kills that are on the point rather than the efforts of a lucio or symmetra who have done most of the work keeping their team alive the whole game.

And playing support in some instances is just not fun and an exercise in frustration. No wodner no one wants to pick them on most matches and I always gotta mercy or lucio up only to see the genjis and reapers go in guns blazing and then blaming the healer because there's no output good enough to keep them alive in a pack of 4 enemies

It skews towards ults as well if the number of kills is similar. I went on a few 3-4 multikill rampages with Reinhardt in the same game and the POTG ended up a no-frills Genji ultimate
Is there some secret to Winston?

He seems to be very hard to kill, unless I play certain characters. But when I tried playing him myself, he doesn't feel that tanky.

Hang out with your team a lot. Only go in solo if you're picking off stragglers like Widowmaker or a support character. He's amazing on KOTH maps because you can shield your team while dancing and jumping around the enemies shooting. His ult is good at knocking people off points or cliffs too.

As for fighting him, characters with high DPS, like Bastion, Tracer, and Zenyatta counter him pretty well. A tank with a Mercy will definitely beat him clean too.


For some reason matches are taking longer to get and at level 37 my matches with complete doofs are at an all time high. Its not fun anymore in the beta 75 percent of my game at this level were fun and close. This is god awful.
Yea but hes dead if he goes in v 6, while the rest of the team are dead.

Yea that's on the Genji then. A Genji should know when to engage and when to retreat. But he shouldn't have to group up. Him just staying and hiding behind enemy lines while waiting for the rest of the team to recoup and attack is way more effective than the 1 man army thing I see most Genjis do.


The biggest issue with randoms is.


Playing in pubs actually adds a whole new layer of strategy to the game - you have to plan your attack accordingly to make the most use of your dumb teammates blindly charging to the frontlines alone or in pairs.

Hah, in a sense Overwatch actually IS a MOBA!
Hey, quick question: has anyone seen any decent heat maps yet? Really looking forward to getting my hands on some, I think they'll improve my Symmetra game immensely.


not characteristic of ants at all
The biggest issue with randoms is.


try using the quick chat commands to get your team together. i've had pretty good success with choosing reinhardt, saying group up on me, and the team starts working together

Sou Da

These damn forums.



Feels like Lucio's boost to escort speed could be taken out, even though I like Mercy I feel Lucio offers a significant boost for missions with escort portions. Probably not as big of an issue when you arent in shit pubs pushing the payload by yourself ;)
Playing in pubs actually adds a whole new layer of strategy to the game - you have to plan your attack accordingly to make the most use of your dumb teammates blindly charging to the frontlines alone or in pairs.

Hah, in a sense Overwatch actually IS a MOBA!

Gross, I've been tricked into playing a moba
Winston's a huge asset when there's dangerous Widowmakers or supports on the enemy team. He can make sure they stay out of the fight pretty much the entire game and there's very little the enemy can do to stop him, short of balling up. Only problem with this is that he's not going to be doing his job as a damage-soaking tank while on assassination duty, which makes him better as a kind of off-tank.


Just impulse bought the game on PC. Still getting the hang of kb/m controls, so is there a mode in the game where I can just practice characters offline with bots?


These damn forums.

People love to speak in absolutes. Mei is either overpowered or garbage.

Nah, she's pretty solid but by no means is she unbeatable.

Just impulse bought the game on PC. Still getting the hang of kb/m controls, so is there a mode in the game where I can just practice characters offline with bots?

There's a practice mode and a play vs AI mode, though I'm not sure if that is co-op with others. There's a custom game mode as well.
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