Even Top 500s run into Junkrat mainsElo hell is actually masters guys not gold or plat lul
Even Top 500s run into Junkrat mains
Are you sure you're in voice chat? Blizzard is stupid and doesn't enable it by default.after hitting level 50 on PS4, here's my assessment.
Easy to play casually
No cheaters
looks about the same as PC version
lower skill players all around
Controller Aiming makes characters like mcree, widowmaker, genji, hanzo, and sombra less useful.
Console teammates love picking hanzo and widowmaker and contributing very little to the team.(If you're skilled as them, fine, but don't pretend like using a controller for a precise aim character doesn't start you at a disadvantage)
Console teammates hate playing healer and I can go 10 matches in a row without one if I don't play healer.
Console teammates never talk. I am level 50 and played a range of quick play, arcade, and competitive, and never heard a single player say a single word in a game.
Console players tend to quit games quickly when they aren't going well. This makes competitive really tough to play since many games will be forfeited.
Overall I'm enjoying it now that I just play quick play and I'm going for trophies but I don't think the game is viable on console. The playerbase isn't smart enough on the whole to support anything but a super casual, basic overwatch experience, and their near total rejection of voicechat and teamwork makes it impossible to play the game as it's designed to be played.
Yeh I saw that guy on someones stream, there is also the infamous Stevo who is a 4k symm main.
Don't forget about Timmm, the top 500 Bastion main who actually somehow carries.
http://www.gosugamers.net/overwatchwhoa, faze dropped two easy?
is there any good places to stay up to date with overwatch e sports?
Elo hell is actually masters guys not gold or plat lul
Nothing strokes the ego harder.
For real. You gotta be big mad to type out any sort of message with a controller.
after hitting level 50 on PS4, here's my assessment.
Console teammates never talk. I am level 50 and played a range of quick play, arcade, and competitive, and never heard a single player say a single word in a game.
We're about to push a new build to the PTR with some new changes:
Roadhog Hook
- Added some more line of sight checks towards the left/right of a potential hook target. This means it should be easier to hook someone who is sticking halfway out of a doorway, or behind a thin pole, etc. These checks are also used for the persistent line of sight check, so if a hook target moves behind a slim object like a stump or a lightpole, they won't be released anymore.
- Hooked targets are now slowed heavily while they are stunned, even if they are in the air. This means if someone is strafe jumping away from you and you land a hook, they are a lot less likely to slide out of line on sight, breaking the hook.
- Fixed a bug that could allow you to hook someone and pull them behind you if you spun around before the hook landed.
- Biotic Grenade duration reduced from 5s to 4s
- Hack cooldown reduced from 12s to 8s
Thanks for the feedback so far! Hopefully we'll have this new patch up very soon so you guys can check it out and let us know what you think.
Pornhub gamely complied with my request for their top Overwatch character searches of last year. Here they are:
1. Tracer: 2,421,530
2. D. Va: 1,544,587
3. Mercy: 1,218,236
4. Widowmaker: 992,994
5. Sombra: 474,390
6. Mei: 311,874
7. Pharah: 213,440
8. Ana: 118,711
9. Symmetra: 32,352
10. Lucio: 22,808
11. Athena: 17,029
12. Reaper: 7,029
13. McCree: 6,423
14. Genji: 3,997
15. Roadhog: 3,661
16. Hanzo: 2,048
17. Soldier: 76: 1,676
18. Winston: 882
19. Reinhardt: 453
20. Bastion: 197
Pornhub gamely complied with my request for their top Overwatch character searches of last year. Here they are:
15. Roadhog: 3,661
greatest OW team of all time!
Elo hell is actually masters guys not gold or plat lul
how does athena have more than like 90% of the male cast lolalso found this stupid funny
how does athena have more than like 90% of the male cast lol
she's literally physically nothing.
I finished my ranking matches and got a score of ~1800 - is that good or bad?
I finished my ranking matches and got a score of ~1800 - is that good or bad?
No further changes to D.Va health I see. Meaning it's going through unchanged.
That is okay. I think you can climb to next rank, which is gold, easily.
Here's a reference
Thanks - what are the rewards, and when does the season end?
... then we went on to win. Teamed up. Eventually had 6 of us playing a handful of games in a row and winning with just horrible 4+ support teams. Was pretty damn fun, lol
Thanks - what are the rewards, and when does the season end?
If you're unaware of what the numbers mean by the previous posters, they're Competitive Points or CP. CP are used to redeem golden guns for a character (each skin has it's own different design which means you also get those golden guns as well). They cost 3000 CP for each character. You also get 10 CP per win and 3 per draw. You don't lose or gain anything for a loss. You can only stockpile 6000 points in total so if you're nearing that limit, you might as well redeem it for a character you like.
Golden guns are currently the only redeemable reward and in the future there maybe something different but as of now we're left with this.
"buy a smurf" I said, "if you just do solo comp on your smurf, you'll stay around gold and can chill with friends!"
9 hours later, I'm diamond. :V
welp dva is F-tier again.It was fun while it lasted.
Thanks everyone!
So if I don't like yellow guns, they're pointless?
guess I'll do that on my second smurf? :VShould have just missed on purpose during placement
Thanks everyone!
So if I don't like yellow guns, they're pointless?
congratulations you did it wrong"buy a smurf" I said, "if you just do solo comp on your smurf, you'll stay around gold and can chill with friends!"
9 hours later, I'm diamond. :V