still believe you can get away, for the vast majority of the times, with zarya/hog combo without a rein
top tier zaryas can literally carry a team
True, but Rein is such a huge fallback as Tank, that he really is a necessity to "push"
Zarya needs to build up to be outstanding, she almost is like a MMORPG character trying to keep her "stacks up", she loses that, it pushes her down for a bit,
Rein on other hand can bully past certain situation Defense can set up, due to shield being such a big thing for him
Hell Quick Play is just to try stuff, goof off, chill mode, yet sometimes you see teams who have no Rein on both sides by 2-3 minutes into the match start swapping towards him
I mean sometimes QP you just want say 6 DPS each side and just rumble brawl
You get it with other tanks, but when Rein shows up on either side tactics change, everything slows down, now its a tug of war of real estate to reach the objective
Rein is a necessity, until another archetype can come in do something similar he will get played a lot to switch up whatever is happening
Was wondering if a new Hero down the pipeline can set up stationary shields
1/3rd the size of Reins, plop them down
Maybe give them an ammo count of 3 shield placements
Long cooldown
2 can be active at 1 time
Closer the Tank to the shield, better "link" and Health, move away further, Health starts depleting faster
This way you have a mobile shield setup
Give it maybe a 2000 Health stat, but once 2 activate it shares and splits to 1000 health each, Tank can keep shields alive by being in vicinity
Just a random thought I had