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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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bubble removes healing grenade debuff, mei slow/freeze, and stun tho, it's just an inconsistent purge
I don't think it removes McCree stun? Just prevents them from taking damage. Also I don't know if it affects Venom Mine, and I'm p sure it doesn't remove freeze if they're already frozen - only if they're in the process of being frozen.

Either way yeah it is weirdly inconsistent.
Ideally the alternative would have bad synergy with Rein. Having the tank give no real damage, but strong defenses would probably discourage rein use in the comp/provide better synergy with other tanks. If you have like no damage on one tank, you have to have it on the other, or you are not going to kill anything. Trip tank worked because the tanks were sturdy, but also dealt decent damage on their own. Eliminating the damage in addition to the recent ana nerfs should help to prevent these issues in the future.

The downside to this is that no one will want to play the spider tank for the same reason no one likes to play Rectangle Man. Most people play first person shooters to shooter persons first. Adding another rein just exacerbates the problems we already have with the rein we got. A big blob that's boring to pound into and that a lot of people would rather dodge playing in matchmaking. There's a reason that character has no popularity when looked at the game modes as a whole and is only ever present in the mode that holds your e-penis points hostage.

The "Tank" role is something that sounds cute on paper but doesn't work out in practice for action games. It's more suited to RPGs and MMOs (although I personally don't like the 'holy trinity' design there either but that's another can of worms) since all the roles in those games share a common gameplay loop; activating abilities, using items, and just clicking on icons in general.


Wait, why is she connected to Widow?


The eye is connected to everything.


I would argue the position that Overwatch is massively popular because you can play the game without embracing a lot of FPS mechanics, and when you do play more mechanical heroes it's nowhere near as demanding as other FPS games :T

A lot of people do like to play Rein and Mercy.
The downside to this is that no one will want to play the spider tank for the same reason no one likes to play Rectangle Man. Most people play first person shooters to shooter persons first. Adding another rein just exacerbates the problems we already have with the rein we got. A big blob that's boring to pound into and that a lot of people would rather dodge playing in matchmaking. There's a reason that character has no popularity when looked at the game modes as a whole and is only ever present in the mode that holds your e-penis points hostage.

The "Tank" role is something that sounds cute on paper but doesn't work out in practice for action games. It's more suited to RPGs and MMOs (although I personally don't like the 'holy trinity' design there either but that's another can of worms) since all the roles in those games share a common gameplay loop; activating abilities, using items, and just clicking on icons in general.

They don't have to be another Rein, but a main tank who absorbs damage for the team in some way and is the building block for whatever comp is being run. Having unique positioning abilities would be enough to accomplish that. You don't have to be a big shield, just something that the team is built around and has enough presence that the enemy has to focus you first.

Like my idea of a tank that could be that kind of threat without needing shielding would be like what I put on the last page.

My favorite ideas for mechanics for a new tank (kind of assuming wall climbing, repositioning heavy spider tank here):

Has a sphere of influence. Teammates inside that sphere can travel with the tank as it repositions.

Can pull teammates to their current position.

Can lay webbing in an area that catches and slows any opponents who use movement abilities or move faster than their current base speed. A hard counter for Lucio, and something to catch Tracer/Genji more reliably.

Like area control to that extent would be a huge advantage, and a complete joy to play. with that kind of power over a fight, I would argue you wouldn't need rein, and may be at a disadvantage running him as other tanks could synergize better with added mobility and spot shielding.


Yeah I mean if the new tank was hypothetically able to reduce or remove damage like reinhardt and therefore deny ult charge. They could take it in turns tanking and doing damage.

So click bait.

Agree, probably the most click-baity title Your Overwatch has done concerning these new hero rumors. Was disappointed.


Was playing mystery heros and encountered another one of the superhero prodigy hanzos with 4 hour playtime as hanzo and is literally the best Hanzo player I've ever seen, team killing literally all 6 enemies alone everytime my team spawned and went for an attack. I don't think any other player on their team got more than 2 kills. 4 Hours. Yeah fucking right. Server browser is literally the only thing that will keep me playing this game. I'm so ready to commit myself into servers with no Genjis, Tracers or Hanzos. When that happens I will never see any of these characters again and know anything about their updates etc. They will simply cease to exist.
I truly do not understand how there has been literally nothing said regarding the completely broken bullshit that is Symmetra's beam range. She can kill almost any hero in the game with it, it ruins entire arcade modes.


the holder of the trombone
I truly do not understand how there has been literally nothing said regarding the completely broken bullshit that is Symmetra's beam range. She can kill almost any hero in the game with it, it ruins entire arcade modes.

You can kill almost any hero with every hero in the game.

Nothing has been said because it's still not that amazing.
I would argue the position that Overwatch is massively popular because you can play the game without embracing a lot of FPS mechanics, and when you do play more mechanical heroes it's nowhere near as demanding as other FPS games :T

A lot of people do like to play Rein and Mercy.

I'm not saying they don't exist. Different strokes for different folks and all that. There are a few people from TF2 Gaf that I know fall into those categories. But, you can't rely that one of them is always gonna be in match if you solo q. I mean what's more likely: multiple genji one tricks winding up in the same match fighting over who gets to be genji or people begging to be support/tank?

Overwatch has a very good honey moon period because of it's design. Probably the best I've experienced in a multiplayer game to be honest. It's not a big surprise that the game reviews well at pressers. But long term mechanical depth is important. It's what maintains interest for years rather than months. It's not just playing the game either, but also watching it as a spectator for e-sports. One of the reasons why the "tank meta" was obnoxious was not only because the execution was overly simple but it was extremely boring to watch.

Ana is example of how to handle a "support" in a game like this. Zarya is a good example of a "tank." They are both very active and there's lots of abilities to use that that have play and counterplay. Not a coincidence that these two characters get a lot play by the dps streamers that dominate twitch. You see Seagull play Ana all the time on stream, but when's the last time he played Mercy or Lucio? There's a lot of people in the community that don't want mercy to be "meta" (including a few in this thread) because they don't like her playstyle. For others that's rein for similar reasons.

It's certainly possible that the spider tank can be the Ana to Rein's Mercy. I really hope that's it not some kind of aura based thing that some people are theory crafting and involves hitting a lot of buttons and aim instead.
I think actually what bothers me so much about her beam is that it doesn't have a really hard line of site break rule. It follows around corners way too much.


Just won a game on numbani on defense with a team of anna(me), widow, hanzo, genji, mcree, and a symmetra. They didn't even get the first point.

Was the weirdest game ever.


I truly do not understand how there has been literally nothing said regarding the completely broken bullshit that is Symmetra's beam range. She can kill almost any hero in the game with it, it ruins entire arcade modes.

As someone who plays Symmetra more on the aggressive time it's a fault of the team and player if you let Symmetra have your space.

Symmetra is extremely useful in close quarters yes but no one even retreats from her and thinks they can take her on when she's at level two/three. Reaper and Mei both beat her hard in that range, they both have mechanics which can give them range to fight her too.

S76 can run, Tracer can blink away, Pharah will laugh at you, various tanks will too, Zarya will thank you for the free energy then bomb your feet to push you. Supports will have a harder time but they should be close to characters that can help her in the fight.

You should only have huge problems with Symmetra on Lijang: Garden/Night Market, Illios: Lighthouse, Nepal: Shrine/Village, Oasis: Gardens, Hanamura A, Anubis B.

Symmetra honestly isn't terribly OP. But I can understand a smart, paired up Symmetra giving you hell.

only bullshit about symmetra is having a slow on her turrets for some reason.

That is the reason they're so easy to destroy my dear.
Just a reiteration, as I've said it before, Pharah's rockets should do 160 on direct hit, 10 or so on splash, but have twice the impulse.

Also we should be able to ski to gain speed, with projectile inheritance.

And while I'm at it, symmetrical maps for CTF, and a working VGS system.

And, y'know, exploding frisbees really are just strictly better than rockets.


But that's the only good part about it.

Otherwise it's just something you use solely to build ult.

Good turret placement distracts enemies too, it just sucks you can so easily deal with them using Rein shield to take the damage and DPS to destroy them. They are very deceptively strong, and have a lot of purpose.

As everyone would probably know from me at this point, I still think she's kinda bad. She's effective if all goes according to plan, but when it doesn't you pay for it because she's not as useful elsewhere.


Just a reiteration, as I've said it before, Pharah's rockets should do 160 on direct hit, 10 or so on splash, but have twice the impulse.

Also we should be able to ski to gain speed, with projectile inheritance.

And while I'm at it, symmetrical maps for CTF, and a working VGS system.

And, y'know, exploding frisbees really are just strictly better than rockets.

LOL no.
And I'm a Pharah main. Pharmercy would do 208 per hit.
Played about 5 QP games today, three different lobbies. Every single game had a Widow on what I can only assume is a keyboard. None where good enough to be opressivevspawn-camping shits, but they are still irritating enough that it was suicide to engage them if they where looking in your direction at all or if I couldn't line up discord and headshots beforehand as Zen. I really hope this gets addressed soon because I noticed it creeping in at the end of this season of comp as well.

Also had a attacking Pharah on Watchpoint Gibraltar somehow glitch through the map before the match started and she was able to kill people through walls all the way to the 3rd point. Sigh.

At least I think I found a new main in Zen, he's really satisfying and fun to play.
Bastion will save us, don't you worry.

Also outside of comp I don't feel like playing this game much.

Arcade is a good warmup but at the same time it feels a bit meh in between seasons.


I just remembered how I lost 3 comp matches against a Bastion on the other team the last day of season 3. I can't wait for the Bastion mains to have a resurgence for season 4!


Neo Member
Hopefully after this tournament, Blizzard will look into Pharamaercy on console and balance it. If pros can't handle it, then us console plebs are screwed.

I am not looking forward to season 4. Season 3 was full of this cheap combo in high ranks, but in season 4 it's gonna be everywhere.


Hopefully after this tournament, Blizzard will look into Pharamaercy on console and balance it. If pros can't handle it, then us console plebs are screwed.

I am not looking forward to season 4. Season 3 was full of this cheap combo in high ranks, but in season 4 it's gonna be everywhere.

Pharmercy already dominates ps4 grandmaster level games. It's pretty well known that it's an op strategy on console.
*Watching a random twitch stream*

"Sometimes playing support is like taking a bunch of kids to the zoo, and you just hope they have a good time."


Sorry if it's been asked, but anyone think there's a chance in hell of OVERWATCH coming to Switch? I know the game is optimized for some lower end PCs, curious if the switch is powerful enough to run it at 60fps? And even if it CAN, do we think Blizzard will bring it to the system? I'm guessing not, but I'd love for it to happen. Thoughts?
I'd like a tank hero that creates little energy walls for people to hide behind. Each shield has 500 health or something, but they're small and don't cover the vertical.
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