I'm guessing it's going to be like the last section of Eichenwalde just extended to the entire map. We'll just be escorting the payload for no reason at all when we could instead just walk to the museum.A very minor change: the hologram at the museum is now off. They probably know that the whole exhibition is done.
Any PS4 bros online?
I'll be watching Netflix. Send me an inviteI'll be on in a bit.
Any PS4 bros online?
Any PS4 bros online?
Add me: Fersis_4
I mostly play Mercy and Pharah.
I play Mercy.
Any PS4 bros online?
Once had a comp game with two mercy mains on my team. Both of them had never played anything else ever.
Luckily the game got cancelled.Unluckily, they were on my team again anyway.
Once had a comp game with two mercy mains on my team. Both of them had never played anything else ever.
Luckily the game got cancelled.Unluckily, they were on my team again anyway.
What did they pick? The one that didn't get mercy went Dva and just ended up feeding all game. Probably picked it since the bunny blaster is similar weapon to mercy's I guess.One time I had a game with three Mercy mains and a Zen main on my team.
It was one of the shortest games I've ever had.
I was a Mercy main until I got forced to become Ana. I still love playing Mercy most, but she rely's way more on her team being decent/good than Ana does.
What did they pick? The one that didn't get mercy went Dva and just ended up feeding all game. Probably picked it since the bunny blaster is similar weapon to mercy's I guess.
What did they pick? The one that didn't get mercy went Dva and just ended up feeding all game. Probably picked it since the bunny blaster is similar weapon to mercy's I guess.
Good choice. Ana is best.
new spawn in PTR numbani
Any hours on them? The ones I had had like 200 on mercy 0 on anyone else so it was a quick game.If I remember correctly, they picked Mercy, D.Va, and Tracer. They didn't really know how to play those heroes though.
When my accuracy etc is on point, I do love playing Ana...but Mercy is my main gal. One of my favorite Overwatch moments was a desperate defense with me + Zarya on Volskaya A vs 4 of the Attackers and it was an absolutely desperate few seconds that lasted forever. L Shifting all over, a plucky 4x revive and it was just great.
I enjoy Mercy/Ana/Lucio, but I can do a shift on any "class"...but if a pro team gave me a call (>_>) then I would have to insist...
I do love sleep darting a nano boosted + charging enemy Reinhardt though, and just nulifying it completely. Also Biotic Grenades that get 2-3+ of the enemy team are super satisfying.
Any hours on them? The ones I had had like 200 on mercy 0 on anyone else so it was a quick game.
Tfw you dart somebody and they get nano'd while sleeping.
Then your team ignores them even though you call it out and they death blossom and wipe your team when they wake up.
Man, how is it not Doomfist????!!!!1
Why you do this Jeff?
When that happened the fight was over apart from the reaper. They were just cleaning up while ignoring the nanod reaper. This was back in season 2 when nano had the speed boost so he just destroyed everyone as soon as he woke up.Oh that's happened a bunch, but to be fair in those really hectic fights it sometimes can't be helped, but a second from a sleep dart can still give you that tiny window of opportunity.
My Ana is too passive (offensively), I think, to get much higher but I can still focus on improving accuracy and heals etc. I had one occurrence on Nepal where a boosted Reaper was jumping across from the ledge to the point, presumably to Death Blossom us all to death, and in one of those crystal clear slow-mo moments, I turned and pressed Shift and when it connected it was a bit like the end of Return of the Jedi.
For OW to be the first MP online game I've ever really played, getting to Platinum last season was a huge deal and working my way up from 2300SR to 3185ish SR this season, with KiraF37s help (I feel like a total dick for not helping him much after I hit 3000 but I had played like 100 matches in 5 days and was dying inside), it's a lot of fun. Whenever there's a tournament on, or just if I'm watching a friend, I'm always thinking "Hmm, they could have done this..." or "Holy shit, that play was amazing!".
sorry for the ramble![]()
I mean doomfist is just the fist.
The person who wields it might have their own name.
Jeff Kaplan wielding doomfist which is voiced by Terry Crews
Blizzard pls.
I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:
DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree
Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta
If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one trick and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T
I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:
DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree
Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta
If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T
I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but Zen has an interesting yet grim new voice line on New Numbani
"What has he done to my brothers and sisters?"
I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but Zen has an interesting yet grim new voice line on New Numbani
"What has he done to my brothers and sisters?"
I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:
DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree
Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta
If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T
Do they have to be to the same level?
I can play Ana, Lucio, Zarya and Soldier well. Tracer, zen and Reinhardt decently but haven't had to play them in ages so might have dropped off.
Got everything covered except DPS. Damn.
When that happened the fight was over apart from the reaper. They were just cleaning up while ignoring the nanod reaper. This was back in season 2 when nano had the speed boost so he just destroyed everyone as soon as he woke up.
Dart is such a satisfying ability when you cancel their ults.
Ooh you got Kira on Bnet? PC EU I take it?
Jeff Kaplan wielding doomfist which is voiced by Terry Crews
Blizzard pls.
Success! That's like the complete list of heroes I would be comfortable playing in compI need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:
DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree
Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta
If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T
What if I improve my skill tier using the 4 I'm good with but don't really get much use on the others so they are still on the previous tier. Most of the time it doesn't seem to be a problem since DPS is usually always taken first.Just at whatever level is acceptable for your skill tier. Like, if you don't have some of those heroes available to your team in a usable capacity you're just at a big disadvantage, and you can't count on others to have them.
If you wanna learn DPS stuff, I highly recommend Soldier to start learning. If you can play Soldier well, you have a good foundation for mos the DPS category if you wanna learn others.
Are there any specific situations where you would say Tracer is a bad pick? I know you've said that she's probably one of the best all around DPS
What if I improve my skill tier using the 4 I'm good with but don't really get much use on the others so they are still on the previous tier. Most of the time it doesn't seem to be a problem since DPS is usually always taken first.
yeah that doens't sound like something to be said about an 11 year old girl or her robot
She has vertical mobility and space issues in general. Also McCree shits on her, but that isn't the end all be all. If you can't generate space with your team, or you're on maps with big emphasis on vertical space she's a worse pick. In those situations Soldier/Genji are better picks.
As long as you have them to bust out in a comp game of your level and not completely suck you should be fine. Like, it's not end all be all, just saying at some point you'll get 3 Mercy mains on your team or be in some situation where you desperately need one of those heroes and you'll just be SoL if you don't have them.
If I have 3 mercy mains on my team it's a loss already regardless.
I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:
DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree
Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta
If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T