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OXM February 09 Issue: Brutal Legends Cover, First Street Fighter IV Review


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
duk said:
day 1 SF4 then

'then' ?? You needed one review to buy the game?
Come on !!!! Its Street Fighter IV ,it has Hadoukens and all !! :lol


PS3 version of SFIV for me. Only reason being is I stopped paying for XBL. but I'll make sure to get a stick for both PS3 / 360.


armubaba said:
I'm still trying to pick between the PS3 and 360 version of SF4. Decisions, decisions.

From a competitive standpoint, it's very possible that most "hardcore" tournaments (i.e. not random online tournaments or WCG stuff) will be run on the PS3 version. However, stuff like WCG will almost certainly use the 360 version... assuming it gets picked up.


We also liked the ability for anyone on our friends list to challenge us in the middle o our match-as if they walked up next to us in the arcade and dropped in a quarter.

Awesome. "Here comes a new challenger".


Gas Guzzler
We also liked the ability for anyone on our friends list to challenge us in the middle of our match-as if they walked up next to us in the arcade and dropped in a quarter.

Will this be in the PS3 version too?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Good to know they waited for a solid online community to be around so they could properly test Street Fighter IV's online mode for the review.

Oh wait...


Every once in awhile, a feature is implented in a fighter where you say, "Why didn't they do this before?"

DoA2Us lobbies and now SF4s matchmaking while playing single player. Yay. :D

Day one!


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Sinatar said:
Good to know they waited for a solid online community to be around so they could properly test Street Fighter IV's online mode for the review.

Oh wait...

(neutral) Sinatar
Official GAF Bottom Feeder
(Today, 09:52 PM)
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Jtyettis said:
Former EA Chicago guys that Activision has signed up has taken over the Tony Hawk franchise, and that you will be able to play it with a skateboarding peripheral made by Red Octane.
Hahaha, the lamest news of all.


Skilletor said:
Every once in awhile, a feature is implented in a fighter where you say, "Why didn't they do this before?"

DoA2Us lobbies and now SF4s matchmaking while playing single player. Yay. :D

Day one!

Except that lobbies in DOA4 became pretty bad (DOA2U was much better, not sure what happened there), and what's going to happen when everyone is "waiting in arcade mode" and no one is looking for a match? I hope the system does the matchmaking itself instead of the typical, "one person hosts and the other searches for a game" setup.


duk said:
hahahaha :D :lol

dj heavygrinder

luv luv beam!!!


DrDogg said:
Except that lobbies in DOA4 became pretty bad (DOA2U was much better, not sure what happened there), and what's going to happen when everyone is "waiting in arcade mode" and no one is looking for a match? I hope the system does the matchmaking itself instead of the typical, "one person hosts and the other searches for a game" setup.


luv luv beam!!!

Yeah, but now we have lobbies like DoA2U in pretty much every fighter. Hopefully this will become the norm as well.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DrDogg said:
The only important thing about online in SF4 is the latency. We already know it's not using GGPO and any pre-release review won't tell us what it will be like when we get our hands on it.

100 journalists/devs online is not the same as 100,000+ gamers.

Also, apply this line of thinking to ANY game with a major online component that gets a review prior to release.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Jyettis: What did OXM say about R-Type and Death-Tank?

+Gimmicky video options are fun.
+Actually playable with infinite continues.
-Niche genre appeal, despite sexy upgrades.
? R-Type's Stage 4 sectional boss: Are you kidding?

Death Tank:
Tank delivers bite sized fun against bots or friends. But basic and advanced 20 round campaigns (which only take 10-15 minutes to complete) are all you get for solo play. At $15, Death Tank is ludicrously overpriced.
DrDogg said:
From a competitive standpoint, it's very possible that most "hardcore" tournaments (i.e. not random online tournaments or WCG stuff) will be run on the PS3 version.

Yeah, I mean, OBVIOUSLY.


Jtyettis said:
+Gimmicky video options are fun.
+Actually playable with infinite continues.
-Niche genre appeal, despite sexy upgrades.

Do they review the game or the sales potential ?

edit : wow, Death Tank at 1200 points ? : /

Do they talk prices for other XBLA games ?


Fatghost said:
Will this be in the PS3 version too?

Yup, it is. You can set it so that your friends or just anyone can jump in at any time, if you set your "open for business" sign on. Pretty cool feature ^^

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Jtyettis said:
--Gives a bit more background on what is next then from here you’re free to explore Brutal Legends open world finding battles and joining them at open will. NOOOOO

fixed :(

that's not great news for me... i was hoping for a more linear adventure a la grim fandango.


op_ivy said:
more details on the race pro review please. the +'s and -'s arent all that telling of how the game turned out.

If the phrase "Racing Sim" summons an image of solemn, cave like space kited out with a high end wheel, multiple monitors and a cockpit(rather than chair)-and that counts as a good thing-you are so gonna love Race Pro. It's monk-like devotion to pure race simulation is remarkable.... and it kind of a turn off for the rest of us.

Race Pro would really benefit from just one ounce of sex appeal. But instead, the career mode i an unapologetically dry list of races-you're tasked with a series of events in Groups A-H. No rookie drivers with stars in their eyes, no fictional leagues to master....not even a garage like hub for fiddling with your unlocked cars. The cars and environments are equally austere, and the slowdown when your car goes off the track is disappointing. Race Pro isn't ugly per se, but it seems hellbent on impressing you with the handling of it's cars and nothing else.

In that, it shines Switch to the cockpit view and turn off all the assists and you're in for one demanding ride. It feels extremely authentic, and it's gratifying to master the proper line around a atrack and start clocking better lap times it handles like a dream using the 360 wireless wheel-the finer degree control over the throttel and steering pays off enormously.

But some perplexing decisions make it hard for mere mortals to master. The medium setting becomes pretty easy after a short while, but he hard setting requires you to turn off all the assists-which means you'll barely be able to drive in a straight line unless your last name is Andretti. Since the difficulty levels don't let you tweak the opponent AI skill in the career mode, most players will be stuck 17+ seconds in Semi Pro, or screaming in frustration at their inability to stop spinning out every 10 feet in Pro.

Actually, most run of the mill race fans who try this game probably won't stay long before returning to Forza or Grid. The 12 player Live races might grab you a night or two, and you should try the oddball co-op mode that lets two players take turns driving one car in a race just so you can marvel at how weird it is. But Race Pro is really aimed at the hearts of a rare few, and you know who you are.



no fictional leagues to master.

So a real world simulation has "no fictional leagues" as a complaint? Who lets this shit pass?

But Race Pro is really aimed at the hearts of a rare few, and you know who you are.

Again, sounds like the reviewer wanted it to be accessible like Forza or Grid. Do reviewers actually know anything about the games they're reviewing BEFORE they do it? This is amateur stuff.


Varth said:
Yup, it is. You can set it so that your friends or just anyone can jump in at any time, if you set your "open for business" sign on. Pretty cool feature ^^

And i suppose that you can disable it, right?


Threi said:
PC sim game is too hardcore for "hardcore" console owners news at 11

Pretty much. I'm also wondering if they even had the final build because IIRC they held it back an extra month to work on it some more I believe.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Prepare to strike... now!
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend

Yeah, this is really anal, but it still baffles me how you can see the correct title on the freaking cover right in front of you and still repeatedly get it wrong.


Father_Brain said:
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend

Yeah, this is really anal, but it still baffles me how you can see the correct title on the freaking cover right in front of you and still repeatedly get it wrong.

Bit anal. Shit. :lol

So sorry. Totally fixed all that minus the title of course, heh.


Gas Guzzler
Varth said:
Yup, it is. You can set it so that your friends or just anyone can jump in at any time, if you set your "open for business" sign on. Pretty cool feature ^^


Guymelef said:
Why not?.

I dunno, I thought it might have something to do with the Live infrastructure.

Glad to know it's the same on both platforms. The only way this game could be any better is if somehow PS3 and X360 players could play each other...
Father_Brain said:
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend

Yeah, this is really anal, but it still baffles me how you can see the correct title on the freaking cover right in front of you and still repeatedly get it wrong.
Brütal Legend
Brütal Legend
Brütal Legend

Kydd BlaZe

Jtyettis said:
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai 8.0
+Feels good, controls well, looks lovely.
+ Substantial number of modes and options
-You’re too easily lost amid the onscreen chaos.
? Will there be a Dishwasher: Dead Again Samurai? Hope so!


Where the fuck is this game?


methane47 said:
really? hmmm nicee!!!! it was PC that got snuffed then?

Yep...at least thus far. Even the game's art director (Scott Campbell) doesn't seem to know whether or not there will be a PC version (or at least that's what he claims):
Kwanzoo: Lastly, and I know you probably can’t make an announcement on this, but someone wants me to ask if Brütal Legend will have a PC release.

Scott: Heh, yeah, people ask that a lot. And I honestly don’t know the answer. I’m just drawing demons and warriors!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SFIV's legacy is going to be made or broken then on the quality of its online play. I know GGPO quality likely won't happen, but VF5 quality given the design of the game from what I've read should work quite well.


Threi said:
PC sim game is too hardcore for "hardcore" console owners news at 11

So basically it's aimed at the NR2003/iRacing crowd? I'm intrigued. I'd rather it be on PS3 for the Logitech wheel support however....I can't think of a nice thing to say about the 360 wheel.
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