I kind of wonder if this lady is or is anything like this other lady I saw down at my local mall one day a few weeks ago. I was sitting down to lunch at the food court, and only after a few minutes did I notice a commotion outside, which some of the other nearby people had already been watching as it progressed. According to witnesses, one lady had been looking for a parking space, and another lady in a smaller car (the first was driving alone in...guess what....an SUV!) had pulled into a spot before her. So, acting in a manner consistent with one who feels the need to take an SUV with her anywhere she drives, no matter that she's the only one in the vehicle, she pulls up behind the parked car, blocking her in and refusing to move.
Although it was the first-parked lady who called the police on a cell phone, from what it looked like, the other lady seemed to be trying to justify her actions to the police, who by the time I was eating, numbered at about 3-4 cars plus a mall security truck. Yay for medium towns with an exploding commercial establishment in which so little happens that the well-equipped police force can send 4 cars to a parking disturbance.
In the end, all the idiot lady got out of her crusade against people with more efficient cars was a citation or ticket, and having to leave mall property. Unfortunately, I guess the lady who got trapped in her parking space was either asked to leave, or just had her day spoiled so that she didn't feel like sticking around.