Mario said:
I had no idea blasphemy carried the death penalty in Pakistan. Wow.
Full disclosure: I personally support the death penalities for serious crimes like murder, rape, treason here.
But I do think anti-blasphemy laws (as well as the terrible "hudood ordinance") should be repealed.
Unfortunately whenever religion is involved in the equation, its extremely devisive.
Everybody always splits up into two camps about everything.
No majority = no dice
Plus, like the republicans in the US, politicians (who may even themselves be secular) use the fundamentalists to catch an easy ticket to election. All you have to do is spout religious rheoric, boom, built-in fanbase.
Witchfinder General said:
From my limited understanding of the country's history I believe a lot of the radicalism stems from a history of weak, corrupt governments further undermined by the military and intelligence department leading to a vacuum of moral order. Add paranoia about India which includes state-funded terrorist organisations including the harboring and training of Al-Queda and it's not a surprise that radicalism flourishes.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Pakistan became like this because of pandering to radicals for their proxy games for years, people lose confidence in corrupt politician after corrupt politician, and general economic neglect.
This. I don't even vote.
The people in power never belive their own shit. They too rich and well-educated for that.
Its just a tool to sway public opinion.
In before: Americans blaming this on Pakistani's hating their "freedom".
Sad to see the guy die, seemed a bit better then our governors in the past.
Punjab is the most thriving province.
Zapages said:
PML - N means nothing dude. Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz Shareef.
There is PML - Q - which was started by Musharaf.
In end of the of day, I rather support Imran Khan then any stupid corrupt politician in Pakistan who is wishing for a change.
Imran Khan is too much of a schoolboy to win in Pakistani politics.
I appreciate his efforts, but there's no way he can survive in that pool of sharks.
Zapages said:
High class probably makes less than 5% of nation.
PS: They live a lot more lavish lives then anyone of us here do. They have maids, that come and clean their place, sometimes cook food, and sometimes even to take care of their children. The difference is that there is no health care there compared to here.
They may make up 5% but they have most of the wealth. The wealth gap is atrocious.
Par for the course for any under developed (and even well-developed?) nation.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Didn't the supreme court overrule the decision to privatize the steel mills? How is the steel mills doing anyway? FDI plays a pretty big role in the country and I don't see why privatizing the steel mills would've been a bad idea considering how liable it was.
Yeah, wasn't the steel mill under crushing debt anyway? I also don't see the point in being against its privatisation.
Now if only the bloated, zombiefied corpse of PIA could be turned aroud...
Sad to know we have one of the worst national airlines in the world.
Instigator said:
I'm sure India and/or Israel has something to do with it.
Dude, not everything in Pakistan revolves around India, Israel or the US you know.