Few years ago I dropped about 120lbs following ketosis, maintaining around 20g of carbs a day, essentially from veggies in eggs in the morning and a small salad at dinner. Did that strict for about 6 months then gradually upped it to the point where I was at/around 60-80 carbs a day, mostly all still from veggies, occasional whole grain. Lifted during that time, got my body fat down from around 36% to 14%, everything was going great but then life got in the way, as it does. I've been trying to maintain for the last 6 or so months by just being on a caloric diet and avoiding sugars (with the exception of natural fruit/vegie sugars) but found myself retaining a ton of water weight and generally still feeling bloated more than I should.
I don't want to do keto again because quite frankly I don't have the time to dedicate to making meal plans, keeping my proteins/fats/carbs at certain %'s, so on and so forth, so I'm thinking paleo is for me.
In principal it's similar to the keto, so the biggest hurdle (getting over eating a bunch of meat and staying away from wheats and grains) is already behind me, but I have a few general questions, mostly regarding fruits/snacking/preparations.
1. I skimmed and see that fruit is generally accepted. For the last 6 months a half hour prior to working out (heavy lifting 3 times a week) I have an apple. After dinner to curb my hunger, I'll have a handful of berries, generally blueberries/black berries. I also love grapes and nanas. Now, am I better off skipping them all together? Are they ok but only 1 a day, a serving every few days, etc etc. What are the overall best fruits to fall in line with the diet?
2. So still in the keto mindset, I know the natural sugars in veggies pretty well. I wasn't allowed to have peas or carrots and my favorite things like brussel sprouts, I was only allowed to have in moderation. Are all veggies free game (with the obvious exception of potatoes)? I read that sweet potatoes are ok :-O magical if true.
3. What about butter? How do you guys saute your veggies for your morning omelets? Olive oil seems like it would make my eggies taste weird.
4. I love eggs more than anyone else, but sometimes they get boring....breakfast alternatives?
TLDR: Coming with a ketosis background so used to low carbs, but not sure about fruits and certain veggies. Are fruits ok? How many servings a day? Can I eat my precious carrots and brussel sprouts again? BUTTTTTERRRR?