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Panic at Nigerian 'killer calls'

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BBC News

A rumour has spread rapidly in the commercial capital, Lagos, that if one answers calls from certain "killer numbers" then one will die immediately.

A BBC reporter says experts and mobile phone operators have been reassuring the public via the media that death cannot result from receiving a call.

He says that in such a superstitious country unfounded rumours are common.

A list of alleged killer numbers has been circulated but no-one is reported to have died from answering the phone.

The BBC's reporter in Lagos, Sola Odunfa, says that the current scare story is reminiscent of a rumour that spread a few years ago that a handshake could cause sexual organs to disappear.

That rumour turned to tragedy as mobs rounded on people accused of making organs disappear.

Despite the massive public interest, no-one was found to have lost their organs.




Suerte said:
BBC News

A rumour has spread rapidly in the commercial capital, Lagos, that if one answers calls from certain "killer numbers" then one will die immediately.

A BBC reporter says experts and mobile phone operators have been reassuring the public via the media that death cannot result from receiving a call.

He says that in such a superstitious country unfounded rumours are common.

A list of alleged killer numbers has been circulated but no-one is reported to have died from answering the phone.

The BBC's reporter in Lagos, Sola Odunfa, says that the current scare story is reminiscent of a rumour that spread a few years ago that a handshake could cause sexual organs to disappear.

That rumour turned to tragedy as mobs rounded on people accused of making organs disappear.

Despite the massive public interest, no-one was found to have lost their organs.


Deadly phone calls? Handshake sex organ diappearances? How um.... mentally deficent does a person have to be to believe that kind of stuff?

That rumour turned to tragedy as mobs rounded on people accused of making organs disappear.
Nigeria needs to start locking up the stupid part of its population. In most countries, the stupid lead relatively harmless lives, but they apparently can be deadly in Nigeria. Can you imagine a scene like that: "YOOOUUU!!! You stole people's genitals by shaking their hands!! DDDIIIEEEEE!" :p
There needs to be a school in Nigeria to teach people how to shake hands properly. I mean, if you're shaking hands with someone and you accidentally rip off their genitals, you're obviously screwing up the concept of a little.


It's funnier how there were no reported cases of lost organs, these people make no sense!

No wonder 419 baiting is so easy lol!
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