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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia

I have some modding experience with both CK2. I would totally be for it. Maybe start with a blank map and give us, the users of GAF, various counties/duchies/kingdoms around?

I'm thinking a continent shaped like the GAF logo. Goal would be to unify NeoGAF as emperor, as Emperor Evilore decided to travel the world, leaving Mods, Admins, and Members to vie for supremacy.
The most recent episode of Three Moves Ahead has the CEO of Paradox on, and he touches on consoles and tablets a bit. He wants it to happen one day but they're not working on it yet and it might turn out to be impossible.

That was a very ... interesting interview. The head of Paradox has some different ideas about what he wants to do with his company.
I wish Paradox's UIs scaled with resolution. Playing Victoria 2 at 1440p I have to get super close to my monitor to read any text or see smaller items. It's a pain to open up a ledger or menu and 2/3s of the screen is empty space and I have to squint to read small text centered in the middle of the screen.

This drives me crazy:



Why? There's even a scroll bar on the diplomacy screen despite all that wasted space!


I just went to look up prices for EUIV and it seems there's some considerable gouging going on, at least in the UK. The "extreme" edition is £39.99, versus £28.98 for the same from the US store, not taking into account the 10% discount for owning another EU game.
Other than hearing about Aussies often getting screwed with prices, I'm not too familiar with cross region pricing, so to see such a disparity is quite surprising, and pretty disappointing.


I just went to look up prices for EUIV and it seems there's some considerable gouging going on, at least in the UK. The "extreme" edition is £39.99, versus £28.98 for the same from the US store, not taking into account the 10% discount for owning another EU game.
Other than hearing about Aussies often getting screwed with prices, I'm not too familiar with cross region pricing, so to see such a disparity is quite surprising, and pretty disappointing.

Doesn't Amazon allow pretty much anyone to order from the DD store?

Maybe try that?


Oh good idea, hadn't even occurred to me, they don't seem to be selling it there at the moment, but there's still 2 months yet.


Well if anyone is interested, I just purchased EUIV via GMG in dollars with only 1 issue. I loaded up Spotflux, created a new GMG account using my 2nd email account, and purchased the game as normal, selecting the cash-back. The only issue was that Paypal wasn't working, so I just entered my card details directly and the order went through fine. Just need to wait until release to get the Steam key now.


Just saw Steam is having a Paradox sale all weekend. No discount on Old Gods yet, just associated DLC packs. I'll hope for a 20% cut during the summer sale.


Stupidly bought all the stuff I wanted from the sale earlier today without releasing there would be new deals. Wasted like 10 bucks, but ah well what can you do.


Not Wario
What are the essential CK2 DLC packs for a total Paradox beginner, if any? Should I just go for the whole collection or grab vanilla and wait for old gods?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I would get Sword of Islam just because it is so big in the history and half the locations. It seems more like opening up something more that should be there already. Other than that one I feel like the DLC is just adding extra onto what is there.
What are the essential CK2 DLC packs for a total Paradox beginner, if any? Should I just go for the whole collection or grab vanilla and wait for old gods?

If you want to play as Muslims you'll need Sword of Islam, and Legacy of Rome ads some nice things to Byzantium if you wanted to play them. But if you're a total beginner and won't save money by buying it upfront now, I'm not sure you "need" any of them. I mean, I'd buy most of the content DLC because I think it's worth it, but you can still get a great experience out of vanilla because the core mechanics updates that each DLC brought were integrated into the base game through patches.


Like ThoseDeafMutes said, you don't really need any just yet, but you can get them if you want. I recommend Legacy of Rome, since it adds not only the flavor to the Byzzies, but also the retinues. Then perhaps The Old Gods (its not on sale yet though) for the playable pagans and better rebel system.

Republics and Sword of Islam only makes Republics (I believe there are 5 or so in vanilla) or Muslims playable and don't have any special features. Sunset Invasion is basically a fictional invasion from the west, its the only one I don't have.

Others are basically just for cosmetics, portrait packs, music, dynasty shields.


Works fine for me?

Is it really US only though? I bought my CK2 from that same store and I'm from Europe. I got the steam code and just added it to my steam account.


Gamestop's site seems to be having problems, and it's not just your link, their search gives me the same error page.

Was working when I posted it, but I do also seem to be getting an error at the moment, probably just temporary. EDIT: It's working again now.

Works fine for me?

Is it really US only though? I bought my CK2 from that same store and I'm from Europe. I got the steam code and just added it to my steam account.

You're probably right, I read that it was US only when I saw the link, however I haven't tried it myself yet. Will do as soon as I can access the page again.

EDIT 2: I managed to buy the game using a proxy and Paypal, however I got an order cancelled email just now.


Whelp, EU4 is now mine.....and I can play it in a little over a month. Then it will consume my waking life until Rome 2 comes out. Then that will consume my life completely.


been playing the hell out of victoria 2 + expansions lately. they've really cleaned the game up since the last time I gave it a run through (pre-HOD). things finally seem to work as they should! though, for a colonization expansion, the colonization part is still pretty dull and is basically done solely within the five year period of 1870-1875 and the economy is still pointlessly convoluted.

the crisis system is very much welcome though. crushing austria + sphering + german unification has never been easier


been playing the hell out of victoria 2 + expansions lately. they've really cleaned the game up since the last time I gave it a run through (pre-HOD). things finally seem to work as they should! though, for a colonization expansion, the colonization part is still pretty dull and is basically done solely within the five year period of 1870-1875 and the economy is still pointlessly convoluted.

the crisis system is very much welcome though. crushing austria + sphering + german unification has never been easier

I have been playing Vicky 2 as well. Playing the USA and enjoying the ride. Won the Civil War in under two years, the CSA foolishly attacked my army along the Virginia coast and was destroyed and after that decisive battle I was able to occupy the country and reunite the Union! Now to claim my cores in Cuba from the Spaniards :D


Won't stop picking the right nation
The Civil War is a little too easy since you can prepare for it. I spent the years before the war fortifying the entire northern-southern border and basically did everything I could to deprive the south of infrastructure. There is also an enormous upside to simply bringing new states into the union as free states. It antagonizes the slave states, but they're probably going to rebel anyway, and it significantly tips the odds in your favor when the Civil War does come. In my present USA game, for example, I brought Texas into the union as a free state, and they stayed on the side of the Union.


From what I remember, you could pretty much cripple the South before the war pretty easily. But that was vanilla V2. Not sure how it is now.


Yeah, I accepted every state as a free state. Also all the Dixie soldiers that revolted were in armies with Yankee majorities so half of the CSA force was crushed instantly as they revolted. After that they only had one major army.


is HOI 3 still broken as hell? I loved HOI2 but I've been avoiding 3 because the "improvements" sounded more painful than fun. I could handle HOI2 no problem; I'm more concerned about it being either absurdly huge amounts of shit to control or the game runs itself and not much room in between... anyone have any impressions?
is HOI 3 still broken as hell? I loved HOI2 but I've been avoiding 3 because the "improvements" sounded more painful than fun. I could handle HOI2 no problem; I'm more concerned about it being either absurdly huge amounts of shit to control or the game runs itself and not much room in between... anyone have any impressions?

It's micro-intensive if you want to be good at it. You can automate nearly any aspect of the game, but the A.I. is fairly bad at doing things, and there's this irritating tendency for the A.I. to be incompetent predominantly when it's on your side. There are little tricks you learn as you play (and google) that make it easier but it's difficult to get into. Trying to reorganize the Soviet Order of Battle is a nightmare, and there's a temptation to just be lazy and leave things as they are (which is very sub-optimal).

I guess the biggest weakness I'd say is that there aren't any countries that are all that beginner friendly. The "easiest" to start with is probably Germany, but only until you defeat France, after which time it becomes really hard if you don't know what you're doing. Trying to deal with the Red Army is daunting for a newcomer, and you sort of had to be planning years in advance to launch a proper invasion of the UK (you can get by if you want to cheese it, but you sort of have to know how). There's always that moment when you launch the invasion and suddenly the army you shipped to the British isles is out of supplies and the Royal Navy has been sinking all of your convoys.

On the other hand, it's really fun when you can get into it. I think France is underpowered (for game balance reasons), but changing or replicating historical outcomes as the various teams can be really satisfying.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?


For someone who just picked up CK2 and is enjoying it, but finding it difficult, is it worth trying to jump into EU3? Or should I rather just stick with CK2 and maybe wait for EU4?

If it was me, I would wait.
I'm not even starting new EU3 games in antecipation of a EU4 discount.


Won't stop picking the right nation
EU3 feels really antiquated compared to CK2 and Paradox's newer games. There are a lot of undeveloped mechanics and other frustrating elements, though you probably wouldn't notice on your first play through. Also, Paradox has made great strides in their last few patches to improve the tool tip explanations so that the system isn't quite as opaque as it used to be. It might be worth it to play EU3 just to familiarize yourself with the mechanics, many of which will probably carry over to the sequel.
First game as Byz I played after LoR DLC came out:

Not pictured: Byzantine Africa from Abyssinia to Tunisia; Byzantine Arabian holdings.

There was like a 3 way blob cold war. I kept marrying into the HRE ruling family, so we were allies effectively the whole game and the Horde never declared war on either of us.
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