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Parasite Eve "3": The Third Birthday |OT| Showers are Duckroll's fetish


Wolf Akela said:
That was for the Japanese version. For the English versions, you had to do feats. I think 50% for all feats?
Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!


Even knowing the plot twist in advance, it still couldn't prepare me for how horrible this game's story was.

With all that voice acting talent, this game still managed to be the worst written and acted Square game I have ever. played.

Just a trainwreck from start to finish. I loved the gameplay, but next time I play this, I'm going to pretend there is no script and make up my own.


voice acting "talent"?

That was talent? One of my bigger complaints was how bad most of the voice acting was in this game. I didn't mind the atrocious story as much as I did the voice acting.


I'm so slow in this game, been playing it like for seconds each day..yesterday played for like an hour!! :O!! :p

On Chapter 3, and still like it.
Yeah, story wise..I don't really care of what's going on, but I'm happy to be controlling Aya around, the intro-music always bring a few memories and it looks damn good on the PSPGo..so I'm glad I got this. Gameplay is cool, love the whole thing about "diving" into bodies.

Oh! and the official response from Square-Enix regarding the no-digital booklet in the digital release? "We sent the game to Sony, so Sony decides what to and how to release it"..or something like that, so is like it's Sony's fault that there's no digital booklet. Haven't emailed Sony to know what they say.


AwShucks said:
voice acting "talent"?

That was talent? One of my bigger complaints was how bad most of the voice acting was in this game. I didn't mind the atrocious story as much as I did the voice acting.

They're good voice actors.

With horrible direction.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
RiderKairuu said:
Currently on Chapter 3 and I still don't know wtf is going on!

It starts to come together at chapter 5 (which I need to finish to get the last/Chapter 6). Though it still doesn't explain some of the stuff going on and throws you for a loop at that bit.


Lain said:
Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!

If you just want to see it you only need to complete one certain feat per episode. For example, Episode 1--Chapter 1: finish "Wad Annihilation" feat. Check the showers at Episode 2 start.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
God, Chapter 5's
battle is doing my head in. I can get past round one by diving like a maniac and using the supplied guns as available. But round two starts and my bodies start to hit the floor and there is no reinforcements as far as I know for that part of the battle. FFFFFFUUUUUUCK.

How the fuck do you get past the second part with so few bodies? ARGH. My guns don't put a dent on it and the key for the first round is pretty useless with it moving at twice the speed it had before.

Nevermind. Neat idea to throw you for a loop for the second round, but fucking annoying with the camera. Forgot I had sniper rifles to abuse and use for quick damage, whoops. At least after abusing those (fighting the camera to get damage) the boss became manageable. Dive to a body on the otherside, potshots and pray. They notices you, dive to the other side once he's close. Pot shots and pray. Rinse and repeat while slowly damaging them through five health bars. :|

And there's apparently a glitch that you can use to cheat:
Pause while locking on and firing. Hold the lock-on and fire buttons while in pause to do damage through the pause and once you unpause after 10 mins or so you'll probably have a dead boss.
Cheap, but I can see that making the hardest PE3 mode less hard.

Geez, that was tough.
turns the game into a run and gun and dive through bodies shooter while praying they don't do enough damage to your bodies to where you can continue to battle. It took me at least fifteen attempts due to getting to one last body (no reinforcements?), running around dodging their basic attacks and then they throw out a petrify attack I can't dodge and die to due to no body to overdive into. :|

Beat it, finally. But still, fucking annoying.
TheSeks said:
God, Chapter 5's
battle is doing my head in. I can get past round one by diving like a maniac and using the supplied guns as available. But round two starts and my bodies start to hit the floor and there is no reinforcements as far as I know for that part of the battle. FFFFFFUUUUUUCK.

How the fuck do you get past the second part with so few bodies? ARGH. My guns don't put a dent on it and the key for the first round is pretty useless with it moving at twice the speed it had before.

Nevermind. Neat idea to throw you for a loop for the second round, but fucking annoying with the camera. Forgot I had sniper rifles to abuse and use for quick damage, whoops. At least after abusing those (fighting the camera to get damage) the boss became manageable. Dive to a body on the otherside, potshots and pray. They notices you, dive to the other side once he's close. Pot shots and pray. Rinse and repeat while slowly damaging them through five health bars. :|

And there's apparently a glitch that you can use to cheat:
Pause while locking on and firing. Hold the lock-on and fire buttons while in pause to do damage through the pause and once you unpause after 10 mins or so you'll probably have a dead boss.
Cheap, but I can see that making the hardest PE3 mode less hard.

Geez, that was tough.
turns the game into a run and gun and dive through bodies shooter while praying they don't do enough damage to your bodies to where you can continue to battle. It took me at least fifteen attempts due to getting to one last body (no reinforcements?), running around dodging their basic attacks and then they throw out a petrify attack I can't dodge and die to due to no body to overdive into. :|

Beat it, finally. But still, fucking annoying.

The chapter 6 fight is even more fun, but there is a trick to it.
Use the surrounding bodies to build up liberation, and then when Hyde surrounds you and you can't dive anymore, pop it and quickly eliminate all the bodies, which will make him vulnerable for a while. You'll have to do it twice tops on normal assuming you can do damage to him properly afterwards I was able to take the bodies out the first time with the handgun and only had to liberate the second time he did it.


Lol, took me 6 hours and a half to reach and beat the boss of episode 1 on hard mode.
I started the game on hard mode because it was pre-selected on the new game screen :p

Well, took me too much time because I exited the episode, thinking I would start back on the last chapter I was in but no. You have to start all over :/

Oh well, doesn't matter. I enjoy the game :) I just hope enemies are getting more varied later in the game. For level design, I expect nothing else than corridors (because Tabata is a corridor game maker XD Maybe he'll prove me wrong with Type-0 though :p).


I gave up on this game...it goes in my pile of shame backlog games,along with Etrian Odyssey,Demon Souls(made it a little over halfway in that one at least) and the like(shame is me because they are too hard hehe)....I can`t beat the second Boss in this game on easy,even with your tips here so it`s time to move on :p


I'm at the last boss (normal mode, just under 8 hours). Saved before the final encounter. It's challenging, but die a few times and you get past most areas. Saving your "Liberation" for just the right moment pays off.

The game is, what it is. I'm pleased with what we got for $29. Had it been more I'd be a little disappointed. Voice acting aside, I think they did a pretty good job. The story from a narrative standpoint makes no sense. However, I had no trouble following it (reading the updated timeline, bios etc.. helps). The gameplay was fun, all be it repetitive at times. The graphics and soundtrack all ace! I'd rate this game about a 7/10.
Aru said:
Lol, took me 6 hours and a half to reach and beat the boss of episode 1 on hard mode.
I started the game on hard mode because it was pre-selected on the new game screen :p

Well, took me too much time because I exited the episode, thinking I would start back on the last chapter I was in but no. You have to start all over :/

Oh well, doesn't matter. I enjoy the game :) I just hope enemies are getting more varied later in the game. For level design, I expect nothing else than corridors (because Tabata is a corridor game maker XD Maybe he'll prove me wrong with Type-0 though :p).

I did that too, put it back to normal for the first playthrough or you'll tear your eyes out.


pancakesandsex said:
I did that too, put it back to normal for the first playthrough or you'll tear your eyes out.

Yeah, actually there were 2 bosses at the end of episode 1, I only beat the first one in hard mode but couldn't beat the second :(
So I started over in normal mode and catched up in 1 hour and a half IIRC. Strangely, the game kept track of my previous game and is displaying the count of hours of my 2 games.
I thought this happens only when you choose new game+.
When did Square's writing start to suck so bad?
All of their plots since FFVII (with a few excpetions like Vagrant Story, FFT, Xenogears and FFXII) have been increasingly borderline incoherent and terrible.
Aru said:
Yeah, actually there were 2 bosses at the end of episode 1, I only beat the first one in hard mode but couldn't beat the second :(
So I started over in normal mode and catched up in 1 hour and a half IIRC. Strangely, the game kept track of my previous game and is displaying the count of hours of my 2 games.
I thought this happens only when you choose new game+.

There is a separate system save that the game doesn't really tell you about.


i think i'm done with the game,unlocked most of the stuff and there isn't really much else to do besides grinding bp to upgrade weapons

stupid story aside the gameplay was pure awesomeness,the game got better with every playthrough,i couldn't put the game down and played nothing else for the past 2 weeks >____>


<3 lightning's costume (too bad you can't use her gunblade as a melee weapon)

I finished the game yesterday I think. Regardless of whatever the story was about, the game was fun. I think it had some frustrating aspects and at least for me some of the gameplay was not very clear, but as far as PSP action games go, it's up there. The battles were pretty tense pretty much every time and jumping around to survive is a pretty good anti-death mechanic. Controls weren't that bad, but the slowness of the camera can be frustrating when you want to quickly turn around, but still the overall game was really fun.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
pancakesandsex said:
The chapter 6 fight is even more fun, but there is a trick to it.
Use the surrounding bodies to build up liberation, and then when Hyde surrounds you and you can't dive anymore, pop it and quickly eliminate all the bodies, which will make him vulnerable for a while. You'll have to do it twice tops on normal assuming you can do damage to him properly afterwards I was able to take the bodies out the first time with the handgun and only had to liberate the second time he did it.

So basically just dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive until you get to that point? How do you build the Liberation gauge anyway? It's been very slow for me just doing damage and trying to avoid damage.

I've gotten the boss to the green/last health bar but get fucked up before the fight is over. Stupid lock on disregarding the boss and going for decoys. UGH.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And... finished.


Was Eve the whole time in Overdives until the "Time Zero"/time-point where the twisted were created. Aya is dead. Permanently.

Died at the wedding until Aya let Eve destroy her in her body. Kyle is alive at the end but knows Eve is really in Aya's body. Leaves to do something else?

Was the main character all along. The events that unfold in "Aya"'s body was her wish to be Aya. When reaching Time Zero/the flashpoint for the events of the PE3. We find out Eve wanted to save Aya after the US Army comes in to massacre Kyle and Aya.
(Why? Never explained.)
Due to this, Aya's soul/life is destroyed when Eve merges/overdives into her. Aya's mitochondrial powers cause the Twisted enemies we fight. At the end, Eve is to destroy Aya instead of Aya's body decomposing/soul scattering into time. Eve can't do it as she wants to be Aya/strong and beautiful like her. After a bitter goodbye, Aya and Eve switch bodies and Eve's body is destroyed with Aya in it. Eve becomes Aya essentially in 2010. Thus, Eve is "born."/Third Birthday for Aya.

Dead/Alive. Doesn't explain it and we don't see him outside the church.

Alive. Seen outside the church, why she is there isn't explained. Neither is her choice to be one of the high ones.

Alive. Seen outside the church, why he is there isn't explained. Neither is his choice to be one of the high ones. Well, outside of past events where his daughter Isabella (who is there at the church in "Time Zero") died and he wanted to be with her anyway...

Like Klamp in PE1, wanted to merge with Eve to create a new breed of evolutionary "humans"/Twisted. Failed when Aya's "soul"/life didn't die in the recreation of the wedding/Time Zero.

The events of the story: Never explained beyond that point. The conclusion does answer the "what?" bits of the story leading up but it doesn't flesh it out fully. For instance:
Why is the singer in Chapter 1 a high-one, but she is no where near the wedding in the closing FMV's AFAIK.

I say it's slightly connected to PE1-2 (even if Square is trying to distance themselves) and I'm slightly pissed that
Aya is dead
. But for the most part it is a Parasite Eve story even if it doesn't use the mito powers and goes a bit batshit insane at times.

Gameplay wise: I enjoyed it but the PSP's hardware limitations get in the way of the fun a bit. For a "cellphone game" it works on the PSP but it needed a better genre/camera for hassle-free fun.

Overall: I'm a mixed bag. I liked it, but I'm disappointed as well. It isn't the "Parasite Eve 3" I was looking for and it also closes the book for the most part on a bunch of characters from Parasite Eve 2 that didn't get their stories answered in Parasite Eve 2 (for instance: Why is Eve a clone of Aya. What did the government want to gain from this?
Unless the whole overdive ability is secretly what they wanted Eve for and Hyde was one of the researchers/cloners at Neo-ARK
). But it will hold me over until Square makes a Parasite Eve 4 and brings in some better writers and people that know the series and want to give it a proper HD console/PC release with a bunch of love (oh how I wish. ;___;)



Arklite said:
If you just want to see it you only need to complete one certain feat per episode. For example, Episode 1--Chapter 1: finish "Wad Annihilation" feat. Check the showers at Episode 2 start.
I still have no idea what I need to do to complete that oneGot this done, but I guess it doesn't matter if it's gotten during case training, or maybe it's a question of the wrong difficulty level.
That and the rendezvous with unharmed soldiers are the only 2 left for me from Episode 1.

Eteric Rice

So basically, from what I'm reading, I should just pretend that this game doesn't exist and that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 are the only ones?

Because I haven't heard much good about this.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Eteric Rice said:
So basically, from what I'm reading, I should just pretend that this game doesn't exist and that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 are the only ones?

Because I haven't heard much good about this.

Given the ending to this, yeah. But it's related to the two somewhat in connections and the main character(s).
Eteric Rice said:
So basically, from what I'm reading, I should just pretend that this game doesn't exist and that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 are the only ones?

Because I haven't heard much good about this.
I don't know, you could actually play the game and see for yourself.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
dubc35 said:
I haven't picked this up yet but still plan to eventually. Rpgfan put up another review of it on Monday for any interested.

The earlier review I slightly agree with. I'm disappointed with the story and characterization, and the PSP hardware limitations. But for the most part I'm willing to take the game and play it because goddamn it it's been 10 years since Aya's last outing. >:|


Finished the game last night. I enjoyed it a lot and the story was really surprising (and very Toriyama-ish).
I read some of TheSeks spoilers above, and I really shouldn't have since I learned some elements I would have learned by playing the previous games :( Oh well, not a big deal anyway. I'm still gonna play PE1 and 2.
Also, it's too bad they don't explain
why the SWAT team attacks Aya and the others. Every other thing is kinda explained, maybe except for a few High Ones selection ?
. The story was far from award worthy, but I enjoyed it.
Ready for the sequel
, playing with Eve Brea again


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Aru said:
Also, it's too bad they don't explain
why the SWAT team attacks Aya and the others. Every other thing is kinda explained, maybe except for a few High Ones selection ?

This is what made me scratch my head at the end.
The singer was related to Eve through being a schoolmate/friend, but if that was the case why was Monsig and Theo a high-one? Eve didn't know them, neither did Aya AFAIK.

The other spoiler bit is the major "WTF, you didn't explain this!" bit along with that plot twist for what pisses me off about the story.


Is the secret ending worth a second playthrough ? Also, what are the requirements ? Finish a second time in hard mode or any mode ?
I also have 2 differents versions of how to unlock the shower scene. The first one is: get all the feats from any mission. The second one: Have your gear totally damaged at the end of episode 3 and go to the showers before entering episode 4's mission.
Which one is the good one ?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Second time, no difficulty required.

Go for a certain feat during a chapter and then visit the shower the next chapter. I can't tell you as the difficulty and chapter changes the feat that wants to unlock the shower scene. GameFAQ's has a list, IIRC.


Just started playing this, seems really cool so far. I don't mind the voice acting, the music is great, graphics are amazing. Any tips for someone who just started out?
So I just finished playing Parasite Eve 1 off the PSN. I was basically playing TBD and PE1 parallel, it makes for some interesting comparisons. Well, I don't really want to get into which ones better, but honestly TBD feels like a natural part of Parasite Eve or what PE would be in this gaming climate. It's kind of the RE4(more like RE5) of PE. It still has the tension from encounters, only it's more actiony. It just lacks the world or rpg tinkling. I do believe PE1 is a much better game though.

I haven't played PE2, but it's coming to PSN hopefully soon, so I'll try it out. I do wonder if they made a PE3, how would it play?


Lain said:
Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!

The problem I'm having with the feats is that they're so vague. I'm just going to have to GameFAQs them. Such a great feature to encourage playability is ruined because they don't tell you what the criteria are.


TheSeks said:
Second time, no difficulty required.

Go for a certain feat during a chapter and then visit the shower the next chapter. I can't tell you as the difficulty and chapter changes the feat that wants to unlock the shower scene. GameFAQ's has a list, IIRC.

Only thing I can find on GameFaqs about the shower scene is:

Yes, the infamous shower scene can be viewed in game only if you fulfill
certain requirements. The requirements are that you obtain all achievements
for at least one episode
. After that, the shower scene can be viewed any time
during mission transitions by interacting with the shower. The shower scene
can also be unlocked in the video log only if you tediously beat the game 50
times. Have a fun time beating the game 50 times on any mode... you pervert.

EDIT: Okay, so this one was the right condition. I don't know about the other one I read on another website and I won't check.
The "Escape from Reapers unharmed" feat was annoying to get, even in Easy. When the reapers are in red ball mode, you are considered "damaged" if they touch you in that mode. Didn't know that before reading GFaqs forum.


TheSeks said:
This is what made me scratch my head at the end.
The singer was related to Eve through being a schoolmate/friend, but if that was the case why was Monsig and Theo a high-one? Eve didn't know them, neither did Aya AFAIK.

The other spoiler bit is the major "WTF, you didn't explain this!" bit along with that plot twist for what pisses me off about the story.

Just about to finish my second playthrough and I think you are mistaken on some points.
There are only 4 high ones, the 4 people that were at the church at the moment when Eve "awakened" and her memory was split: Hyde, Thelonious, Gabrielle and Kyle. Although Kyle should have died from the bullets, maybe he was resurrected thanks to that ?
Ginger is not a high one, neither is Blank.

I wasn't sure only for Blank but now I am.

EDIT: Finished my second playthrough. Damn it, the secret ending wasn't really worth a second playthrough :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rahxephon91 said:
I haven't played PE2, but it's coming to PSN hopefully soon, so I'll try it out. I do wonder if they made a PE3, how would it play?

Pref. something like a mish-mash of PE"3" and PE2. IE: Over the shoulder but real-time. And then add in PE1's leveling RPG system for magic powers. But that probably wouldn't work in a third person AjRPG. :/

Aru said:
Just about to finish my second playthrough and I think you are mistaken on some points.
There are only 4 high ones, the 4 people that were at the church at the moment when Eve "awakened" and her memory was split: Hyde, Thelonious, Gabrielle and Kyle. Although Kyle should have died from the bullets, maybe he was resurrected thanks to that ?
Ginger is not a high one, neither is Blank.

I wasn't sure only for Blank but now I am.

No. You're forgetting the PC that explains things/characters to you.

I didn't mention Blank like that. I was just telling their status at the end.

The singer:
Is a high one according to the PC. Those that "turned into a twisted with human memories" = high-one.
It's in the PC after the first Episode, IIRC. Which begs the question of how they're related.


Do weapons just level up as you use them? If so, which types of weapons should I focus on? I think Im on Chapter 2 so far and I have everything at level 1 and assault rifles at level 4.


Oyashiro said:
Do weapons just level up as you use them? If so, which types of weapons should I focus on? I think Im on Chapter 2 so far and I have everything at level 1 and assault rifles at level 4.

assault rifles were 85% of my focus. the majority of soldiers use them and at some point you can have 2 of your 3 load-out weapons being assault rifles with your 3rd being the required handgun.
What a weird game. It's been many years since I've played the first two games... I remember the gameplay and settings vividly but have forgotten almost everything about the stories. I thought this game would at least ring some bells but it seems to have nothing to do with anything from the other games. The story is incomprehensible and every second line of dialogue is totally ridiculous... it's pretty fun to play though, and I kind of dig some of the post-apocalyptic imagery and the... discomforting feel of "using" these soldiers' lives. I feel legit bad when I'm in a death grip and I switch to some other guy, unable to save the previous one.

But unless there's some incredible revelation during the climax of the game, this feels like a stupid use of the license, even though it's not a bad little game on its own.


This game is bloody annoying. I love the concept of overdiving and love how the battles are handled but man the game is not balanced. I'm stuck at that
hornet boss battle
in the second episode. I managed to take it down but for some reason I have to fight a buffed up version just after defeating it for the first time. I also hated the part where that unbeatable enemy follows you around and kills you in like 2 hits. It really drove down the fun factor for me. I really hope it's not like that all the way through the end because I'll trade it before it drops down in value. It's a real shame, the concept was great.

The story seems like a hot mess. I'm not sure if Aya is the only one that is able to travel through time and bodies or not. It seems there's only one piece of equipment so Aya seems the only one to use it but yet you met the other CIT agents during the time travel and they know about your ability so I guess they are also back in time?


Beat the game this afternoon. Overall, it was a decent game. The gameplay started off pretty fun, but it does get a bit boring towards the end. Graphics were great, soundtrack was awesome, but that was about it. The story was an absolute mess, and even though they tried to explain things at the end, there were still plot holes and things that were just simply nonsensical. Voice acting was decent, but the script itself was just plain bad. Replay value is good, but why would you want to replay a mediocre game? Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game at all. However, I do regret picking it up at full price. Don't think I'll be replaying it soon, but I might at some point.
Can anyone tell me about these plotholes? It's just that I always see that word get thrown around to say that the story of something is bad (or if they never understood it) even if there really weren't any plotholes.


^I think part of the problem is how vague and messy the whole story is. I still can't really make sense of the ending.

So gameFAQS seems to have failed, does anyone know if there's a resource that explains exactly what criteria are for earning specific feats in a mission chapter? They can be somewhat vague. I love how geared this game is to re-playability, but not being able to clearly understand what I need to do to get the extra feats done is really putting a damper on it for me. Things like 'quickly dispatch the roller'... you'd figure killing them off in like 10 seconds would get me the feat, but noo...


Running off of Custom Firmware
Took a PE2 break for a bit, but put a solid 5 hours into it tonight, and I must be nearing the end, now. Almost ready for PE3!
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