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Parasite Eve "3": The Third Birthday |OT| Showers are Duckroll's fetish


Best damn graphics ever on the PSP...man it`s gorgeous for a handheld game but the controls will take a while to get use to,i`ll need to redo that first tutorial a few more times...the crossfire thing went way over my head as well the Liberation,didn`t know what the hell I was doing,only reason I made it was probably because it was on easy lol...but damn it looks good for a PSP game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Beat Chapter 2. Man, the boss is hard. You really want high impact weapons, which on your first play-through you probably won't have. :/

Anyway, story-wise:
Kyle and Aya were going to get married (thereby making this a proper Parasite Eve link/story?), Eve was adopted by Aya at the end of Parasite Eve 2 (but still not explaining why she's a clone of Aya and the US Government/NeoArk were doing that project). Doesn't explain the wedding massacre and what happens.
I'm wagering
During the wedding someone attacks them to target Eve, who dies and then "awakens" in the afterlife/limbo and starts to wander time and space. Unfortunately this causes the "twisted"/monsters to appear in NYC and attack people in the present day. Aya, as the original person Eve is built from, gains the power to "dive" through time to correct these events and fight the twisted.

One thing I've noticed is that
the time line in the computer changes/adds new events.
For instance,
the number of twisted and the "extinction" date change as you continue through the chapters, widening and lessening the "twisted impacted nations" count.
Which is kinda neat. It does mean you're progressing somewhere.

I still don't get why
Monsigney died, didn't dive with Aya out of the boss body/area to return alive. Then, in the "present" she points her gun at the boss. I guess she figured out he's using Aya to build more twisted?
Story's still murky but it's starting to unravel a bit.

White Man

I'm liking this game but hating myself for getting a PSPgo. This is probably the worst product to bear the Playstation name since that PSX media\center or whatever that was only released in Japan. Having to reliably use the shoulder buttons on a PSPgo is basically equivalent to bumping up the difficulty about 3 notches, and if it happens to use the right shoulder a lot, prepare to accidentally power off\sleep\hold the psp once every several minutes. ggggggrrrrrrrrrr


WOW at the gametrailers review. Not buying the game unless other reviews or forum impressions make me. I hope FFIV CC will be ok...

What the hell has happened to Square?


If I ascend back into the lab mid mission, like if I want to go grab a few levels in a previous episode, do I have to totally restart the episode I was on, or does it checkpoint me somewhere?

I'd try it but I don't want to lose progress :/


Finished the game last night after two or so sittings. I don't really know if I want to replay the game right now on higher difficulties given how annoying the game was at some parts on normal. I personally think that the game wasn't terrible, but given how long we had to wait on this one, I do find it to be the biggest disappointment next to Dragon Age II and Metroid Other M for a few reasons.

Strictly in terms of controls and graphics, usually I'm not a big fan of arguments like "this game should be moved to the consoles, not kept on meek handhelds!" I mean, Peace Walker and Valkyria 2/3 works pretty well on the PSP because they are specifically built to accommodate for the PSP's issues, whether that be control or graphical. But if there is a continuum between Peace Walker's pretty suited control scheme and Portable Ops' "lifted straight from a PS2 controller scheme and doesn't quite work at all," 3rd Birthday falls more towards the Portable Ops spectrum. Given how you will have to move the camera a lot to essentially babysit utterly inept ally AI at times, the control scheme creates some obvious issues, especially since 90% of the game consists of very tiny rooms filled with chest-high walls. It's also very frustrating in one later encounter where you are forced to rely on a weapon that doesn't lock on, but Aya's 180-turn is very clumsily handled (you have to quickly push the button that aims your weapon to begin with; if you fuck up, it's most likely you'll eat an instant kill scythe to the back). And the magic really happens when you start having to fight multiple giant enemies that love covering the screen with their big-ness or shove you in corners, completely disorienting you before you're forced to overdive into another soldier/die.

The game is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but mostly for the fact that a fair amount of enemies have instant kill attacks. Some are fairly easy to telegraph, others... not so much, especially when the controls seem to be working against you at every turn. And one especially annoying aspect of Aya is that when she runs out of ammo while firing peaking outside of her chest-high wall, she remains standing during a painfully slow reload period unlike 99% of all TPS games where they at least have the sense to automatically reload behind cover. These all may seem like minor issues, but they really add up and become the different between winning a frustrating boss fight or having to push the retry button, especially in situations where the game can't decide whether it wants to be a methodical TPS or balls-to-the-wall action titles with absurdly fast moving enemies (usually faster than Aya's aim) out of Vanquish.

I would suppose this identity crisis is another issue that the game has. It tries to sell itself as a TPS with RPG elements, but I can't say it does either quite well. Even if the controls worked well, as a TPS, 3rd Birthday would be incredibly rudimentary; it really doesn't have anything to distinguish itself from every other third person shooter on the market, and at the end of the day, you're just overdiving from soldier to soldier keeping your finger glued to the fire button until an enemy dies. The only form of differentiation in the game comes from a brief helicopter segment and a Gears Hammer of Dawn ripoff. Perhaps more skills from Aya in the vein of her Parasite Powers would have mixed things up, as it definitely lifted Parasite Eve 2 from being a mere Resident Evil clone. The only thing she has is her Liberation hyper-mode, which is almost always depleted within 5 seconds and takes an eternity to build. Aya does level up and there's a DNA board kinda like Crisis Core's materia fusion system. But the fusion process for the 9 DNA nodes Aya can have at a time is so random to first-time players and so inconsequential that it doesn't even really matter.

The music is really awesome though. There are some surprising references to a fair amount of Parasite Eve 1 tunes and the new pieces are pretty good too. I may even buy the OST for the game, since it seems like there was clearly more motivation in making the soundtrack than some parts of the actual game.

And the story... Oh damn, the story. It's not Star Ocean 4 bad, but it is like the writers didn't even attempt to have anything make a lick of sense towards the very end. The game does well by building suspense at the beginning, but it either concludes such suspense in logic-defying fashions or opts to completely ignore it entirely. I want to say it is like Resonance of Fate in the sense that the main plot isn't really well told, but Resonance of Fate at least had very interesting characters to drive things home even up to the very end.
But instead, we get characters vanishing into plot holes like the CTI Boss, characters with absolutely inexplicable motives and incredibly shoddy betrayals (Cray and Hyde), characters that are absolutely wasted potential (Gabrielle), and one old character that goes so far beyond his act of shyness and difficulty speaking English in his initial appearance to straight up creepy rapist (Maeda... oh God, what in the fuck did they do to you? I'm almost glad they didn't have Daniel comeback because I wouldn't want to see what they would have done to him). And the ending... okay... so time kinda repeats, but I mean... Aya's soul wasn't destroyed, or was it still? So do we still have to worry about the Twisted? Wait, why did Aya even need to die to begin with?
It's like Toriyama tried to one-up Nomura in making an exceptionally convoluted Kingdom Hearts story that only adds more questions with zero means of obtaining answers.

In short, not a terrible game like GameTrailers surmises (although, I can't say they are wrong with any of their complaints), but given how long I waited for this, this... was not quite what I was expecting. I could have gotten past the ridiculous story if the gameplay was good enough, but I feel like outside of unlocking a few weapons and costumes, the gameplay is ridiculously bare-bones for the amount of time it must have spent to make the game. It does replace PE2 as being the worst game of the series, though. I'm just disappointed that SE had to fumble the ball here of all places.


MechaX said:
Great Awesome Fantastic write-up
Amazing, thanks for taking the time ;D

You said something about Crisis Core, have you played it? Which game would you say is better if so?

Thanks again for the review, I would've posted it in the review thread for you it's so awesome :)
I broke my promise to myself and ended up starting the game today. I'm having a blast! Just passed the part where
you get a soldier with a satellite cannon, but HOW THE F do you use it? I hold L, press R, nothing happens. I got him killed before I even saw what happens. :(

I only played at Normal. Strange how Hard is highlighted by default. Like the customization so far but I hate the randomness of the DNA. This is just for artificially padding the game time. I'd much rather have it like in Crisis Core where you don't have to re-roll since you'll always get the expected result.

I liked the remixes too. "hey this is the remix for PE1's battle theme and and and this looks like the chinatown level.... wait, don't those the monkey boomerang-arm enemies from the original?"
I played it a bit more. Much more manageable on normal. I am still pissed about the manual (i don't find the tutorial well made). I complained to square enix, but no news. Maybe i should have complained to sony instead?
Just beat it. No fucking clue what happened. But
did anyone else think the Reaper fight was particularly terrible? It can teleport, and the only weapon that can hurt it at first doesn't lock on. Which means by the time I turn around and fire at it it's usually right up my ass. Fucking annoying.


So what are the basic shooting mechanics of this like? I liked Resistance: Retribution and Peace Walker, so if it's anything like that I might bite. Or is it like portable Dirge of Cerberus or some shit?


Ordered it on impulse, but after watching the Gametrailer review I'm thinking about returning it afyer it arrives. It appears that this games has everything that annoys me.
Slime said:
So what are the basic shooting mechanics of this like? I liked Resistance: Retribution and Peace Walker, so if it's anything like that I might bite. Or is it like portable Dirge of Cerberus or some shit?

None of those to be honest. Peace Walker and Dirge have optional Aim Assist while Retribution has super aim assist.

T3B lets you lock on when you hold L, then you press R to shoot. Some weapons only have manual aiming such as sniper rifles and launchers.

Unlocking weapons is kinda like Peace Walker, but you can customize your weapons.


Darkness no more
About 2 hours in. This game is terrible. It's just roaming from room to room fighting the same crap over and over. It's a well made game and it looks amazing, but there's just nothing fun about it. I'm already horribly bored with it.


hide your water-based mammals
Darkness said:
About 2 hours in. This game is terrible. It's just roaming from room to room fighting the same crap over and over. It's a well made game and it looks amazing, but there's just nothing fun about it. I'm already horribly bored with it.
Had a choice between this or Legend of Heroes and went with LoH. I will buy this later for cheaper though. Interesting impressions.


I've played it today for about 2 hours and I'm not really feeling it. Level design is non-existent, just corridors filled with cannon-fodder until you get to a more open chamber with not very subtly placed cover walls. The second you see them you know there's gonna be a big shoot out. Obviously the games' story is dreadful, but really, who expected otherwise? I have no idea what's going on at any given time.

It is a pretty game though, but I'm not so hot on the oversexualization of it all. It begins with the manual, showing basically nothing but Aya's ass in a tight, ripped pair of jeans. The more you use overdrive the skimpier Aya's outfit gets? Lame. It's like a horny teenager's wet dream. Nothing wrong with a little eye candy, but this game is just bordering on ridiculous.

The mechanics are okay. Needlessly complicated, but they work and customizing weapons and such adds some needed depth to it all. I do find myself having fun with it so far, so I'm gonna stick with it a little longer, but I'm not expecting things to get any better.


rainking187 said:
Just beat it. No fucking clue what happened. But
did anyone else think the Reaper fight was particularly terrible? It can teleport, and the only weapon that can hurt it at first doesn't lock on. Which means by the time I turn around and fire at it it's usually right up my ass. Fucking annoying.

Yeah, I also found it annoying, and what I disliked the most about that was that
the reaper would sometimes trap a soldier (having limited room). It sucked when the soldier trapped was the one with the laser.

I finished the game, and have no intentions of playing it again. The unlockable stuff doesn't make me want to back and play this game. The game was frustrating and boring, especially that one boss fight
where you're floating in the babel has to be one of most tedious fights ever. All you do is hold L and R for ten minutes with the occasional overdrive - Liberation mode wasn't available in this fight. If you get sucked in, you have to redo the whole fight again!
The story was pretty bad especially the ending, and none of the characters stood out for me expect for
; he is hilarious for the wrong reasons.
"I would like to drink your tears."
That line is pure gold.
Darkness said:
About 2 hours in. This game is terrible. It's just roaming from room to room fighting the same crap over and over. It's a well made game and it looks amazing, but there's just nothing fun about it. I'm already horribly bored with it.

yeah, I impulse imported it for $85 and was very salty about that. It could have been better with some enemy variety.
Finally managed to beat this earlier this morning. I'm not even going to make any attempt to make sense of the ending. (or the entire plot, for that matter.)

What in the fuck happened to Maeda, though? He sounds like some creepy date rapist now...


rainking187 said:
Just beat it. No fucking clue what happened. But
did anyone else think the Reaper fight was particularly terrible? It can teleport, and the only weapon that can hurt it at first doesn't lock on. Which means by the time I turn around and fire at it it's usually right up my ass. Fucking annoying.

I trapped it between two soldiers and took it out in no time. At first it was one soldier with the special laser and the other with a normal rifle but eventually it ended up being between two soldiers with the laser.

The idea was to shoot him enough to have him turn around and start taking steps towards you, then just as he did that you dive into the soldier behind him and start shooting. The moment he turns his attention to that soldier you again immediately dive into the one behind him. Doing it this way, by constantly diving and not letting him focus on one soldier, he went down without hitting me once or trapping one of my soldiers in that circle.
LevelNth said:
Is your avatar a character from a game? Which if so?

The lady's monicker is... Lady.


Damn this game is hard...I hate some of the controls,i`m dying on easy...I hope there isn`t many escape the Reaver type missions also...the graphics where awesome in the first few levels but the jaggies appeared in the casino,so yeah,not as nice anymore....still enjoying it though but I don`t think i`ll have the patience(or skills lol) to finish it :p
I finally beat the game on easy, but that's more due to lack of time than anything else - it really isn't all that long.

It took a while to get the concepts down. Crossfire and moving soldiers around to get the best out of it took the longest.

I died a bunch of times when the first Reaper appeared, I just couldn't keep track of where it was in relation to me and it kept nailing me from behind. :-/

I've played a ton of Monster Hunter and Phantasy Star Portable, I know how "the claw" works, it was just the small space with a fast teleporting monster right behind that killed me.

I can't see myself playing through it multiple times, it's just too frustrating in places.
I'm a "claw" veteran as well, but the camera just moves too slow and the spaces are small which cases the camera to go wonky.
Just finishing my third playthrough now (very fast replay when skipping cutscenes), will check out Hard mode next time. I played Easy first because I wasn't sure if the costume earned in that mode would be unlocked under Normal. Normal is still pretty challenging at times, and this second time through it seems to be more of a Normal+ boosted difficulty.

But that could also be related to how I like to constantly switch DNA boards for gameplay variety, which can significantly alter how one should approach (and survive) any given situation. I also dig playing for better ratings/challenges/new guns, etc.

Beyond that, I'm popping into the thread just to follow up after noting that I picked it up earlier...but the game has me so conflicted I'm not sure what I more want to say about it yet, primarily uncertainty relating to the story. Currently reading the timeline, and some notes/mail keep arriving as I continue to play.

Again though, I do enjoy the gameplay, sometimes playing until I need to give my contorted left index finger a time out lest it stay bent...lol. Even though this isn't what I expected of a PE3. I guess soon after PE2 I expected perhaps an enhanced PS2 sequel with Aya and Kyle fighting some new threat together like a more committed duo variant of RE2/4 Leon and Ada. But it is a different market now. Story/character-wise...in a way, 3rd Birthday feels like the Alien 3 to PE2's Aliens (though gameplay-wise the squad-supported shooting scenario is very Aliens).


Darkness said:
About 2 hours in. This game is terrible. It's just roaming from room to room fighting the same crap over and over. It's a well made game and it looks amazing, but there's just nothing fun about it. I'm already horribly bored with it.

The gameplay is somewhat interesting...sorta reminds me of Resonance of Fate with the crossfire stuff. Story line and voice acting is incredibly bad though. Controls are especially frustrating. Not sure whether this one will survive in the PSP much longer.


Finally finished it on normal. Chapter 4 was brutal but once I got used to sniper rifle I was able to take out the mini boss twisted easily.

Story may suck but cut scenes were beautiful and music rocked. Loved the game overall but I won't be going thru multiple playthroughs anytime soon. Burnt out at the end really from fighting same enemies over and over.


MechaX said:
But the fusion process for the 9 DNA nodes Aya can have at a time is so random to first-time players and so inconsequential that it doesn't even really matter.

That's probably why you found the game hard. The DNA board and weapons upgrading systems are both HUGELY important and the sooner you master the two (well the weapons upgrading takes like 5 mins to "get") the easier and more fun the game becomes. Mixing and matching high level skills makes combat a lot more enjoyable. The DNA board and weapon selection really let you make your own combat style. I know me and duckroll played totally different styles using different weapon types the whole game.

If you're going to take on hard at any point, get the hang of the DNA board and get some good lvl.20+ skills going.
This game is frustrating the hell out of me. Just how much do I have to grind until the game becomes "easy and fun" because it is neither right now. Just spent an hour on that damn
Bee boss at the end of Episode 2
and I'm close to just saying screw it.

I've been leveling up my OE as much as I can, upgrading guns as much as I can and it's just making a shit of difference.

Sorry this game is making me angry right now. >_<
CecilMcW00t said:
This game is frustrating the hell out of me. Just how much do I have to grind until the game becomes "easy and fun" because it is neither right now. Just spent an hour on that damn
Bee boss at the end of Episode 2
and I'm close to just saying screw it.

There is no grinding required, at least on Normal. Yes, the game can be hard, but it relies on just a few mechanics that are easy to understand. Make sure to have good skills with on OE board, make use of OD to switch positions, study and understand the boss mechanics, and
do not let armored car soldier die

I just finished Episode 3, and I'm liking it a lot. Yes, the story is convoluted mess, but at least it's a modern mess + Aya, instead of Disney characters and Nomura's variation of light/dark, etc. Makes it easy. Gameplay is top notch, because how the levels are structured you don't need to rely on "MH claw" so much.


Bebpo said:
That's probably why you found the game hard. The DNA board and weapons upgrading systems are both HUGELY important and the sooner you master the two (well the weapons upgrading takes like 5 mins to "get") the easier and more fun the game becomes. Mixing and matching high level skills makes combat a lot more enjoyable. The DNA board and weapon selection really let you make your own combat style. I know me and duckroll played totally different styles using different weapon types the whole game.

If you're going to take on hard at any point, get the hang of the DNA board and get some good lvl.20+ skills going.

Even if that is true, I really don't see how making Aya vastly more powerful would suddenly escalate a pretty shallow third person shooter into something suddenly fun (especially more often than not, there's no fixing awkward control schemes through leveling up). Unless the DNA board adds in absolutely different magic attacks or skills that completely alter how the game is played, I'm not really seeing how it can make that big of a difference. The difficulty in the game was seldom due to enemies doing too much damage/Aya doing too little damage; with the exception of the instant kill attacks from enemies, nearly everything else is telegraphed to a ridiculous extent and upgrading weapons makes combat pretty manageable even with poor DNA skills.

Okay, we use the DNA board to have an absurdly more powerful Aya, but how does that solve the overarching problem in this game where you're just going from tiny chest-high wall filled room to the next tiny chest-high wall filled room?
bigswords said:
whoa Gametrailers review is brutal. Is it really that bad?

No, it's decent and fun. Not a masterpiece by any means, but their review was devastatingly harsh. Granted I've only played the first two chapters, but it's been pretty enjoyable so far. It's a fun little shooter with a few issues.


Tragic victim of fan death
I think GT just wanted to bunch up the entirety of the game as bad just because one portion of it wasn't to their liking. aka, the plot. I didn't like the plot but I'm just used to this kind of mess.


MechaX said:
Okay, we use the DNA board to have an absurdly more powerful Aya, but how does that solve the overarching problem in this game where you're just going from tiny chest-high wall filled room to the next tiny chest-high wall filled room?

The DNA board isn't entirely about "you do more damage/take less"; it's about the unique skills that change up how you play. Yes, the game is going from room to room taking out waves of enemies. It's called a Gears of War cover shooter, like Vanquish. But it's a cover shooter with an interesting rpg gameplay twist through the skill system, OD, and weapon upgrade system. It helps, along with some actual challenge to reward using the systems, turn an otherwise plain cover shooter into a great gameplay game.

It's been a while since I've played so I don't remember what skills I had, but mixing up things like reload with low ammo/high power sniper rifles; critical %++ skills combined with assault rifles upgraded in a way to focus entirely on breaking the enemy for OD kills rather than doing normal damage, etc...etc...; I played entirely using AR and Sniper Rifle personally and built my skills around them. Never really touched the other weapons. SR is amazing because of free control and the ability to kill large enemies/bosses in 2-4 shots. AR is good for run n' gun grunt fights. Also mastering OD is really essential. They give you enough "lives" to get through any part in the game quickly and elegantly.

The only part in the game I found frustrating and got mad was the open area with the stinkers in stage 2 where you have to kill the orbs at the bottom while being chased by ground enemies and your camera keeps locking onto the sky. But once you know where the orbs are, you can dash at them, take them out, and then run to the next area no problem. The rest of the game shouldn't be too bad, though stage 5 is a nice challenge.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Fuck, I think I screwed myself in Chapter 3. One section has you going through it with no overdives/people around if you screw up with a bunch of the
stealing/hanging blue
Twisted. Fuck. I only have like 10% health after the last battle (stupid bubbles breaking cover) and fighting with the camera against that many enemies is kinda harsh on the PSP-1000.

I guess I should ascend and try again. But I don't have many guns. Does
overdiving into people with a "gun" icon
unlock them? Speaking of which, what do those icons mean?

Also I went to Gamestop this weekend and sat down with the manual and flipped through it. Outside of the cover, it isn't as "Playboy" as you guys made it out to be. Very spoilerish (ARGH MY BLACKOUT), though. :/ Thankfully, as soon as I saw it was spoiling things, I put it back in the case and wished I had the money to double dip for the UMD version just to hold onto as a PE collector. :/


Wolf Akela said:
I'm a "claw" veteran as well, but the camera just moves too slow and the spaces are small which cases the camera to go wonky.

I compensate for taht by turning her towards the enemies and hitting lock on. When weapons are free aim, I switch to them after that.

That and a ton of people to jump into that are facing all around the room (frequently at enemies) keeps things from becoming frustrating for me.
I guess I should ascend and try again. But I don't have many guns.
Does overdiving into people with a "gun" icon unlock them?
Speaking of which, what do those icons mean?

Yes you unlock them. You should make it a habit to overdive into soldiers at checkpoints since they can give you some DNA.

I wanna know what the eagle icon means.
Wolf Akela said:
Yes you unlock them. You should make it a habit to overdive into soldiers at checkpoints since they can give you some DNA.

I wanna know what the eagle icon means.

So this is what that icon meant, I wonder if I didn't skip weapons this way FFS. I'm also curious what eagle icon means. Some sort of Leader?
No idea. They didn't elaborate. When I overdive into them I never noticed a difference. But I wasn't really taking notes either.
I wish I'd known that about the gun thing before I started the game. I only had like six or seven different weapons. I did unlock one or two guns by overdiving into guys, but I didn't pay any attention to the icons.


bigswords said:
whoa Gametrailers review is brutal. Is it really that bad?

The GameTrailers review is a strange one. All of the complaints are perfectly valid, but I don't feel that they justify the score that it received. It really, really comes down to a "Your mileage may vary," but I guess that can be construed for each and every video game when it comes to it. But you know yourself better than any other; if you think that you'd find a more of a problem with the complaints than most, don't play it. If not, rent it or buy it used from GameStop so you can refund it for something else if you don't like it.

Bebpo said:
The DNA board isn't entirely about "you do more damage/take less"; it's about the unique skills that change up how you play. Yes, the game is going from room to room taking out waves of enemies. It's called a Gears of War cover shooter, like Vanquish. But it's a cover shooter with an interesting rpg gameplay twist through the skill system, OD, and weapon upgrade system. It helps, along with some actual challenge to reward using the systems, turn an otherwise plain cover shooter into a great gameplay game.

I'll have to look at the list of skills available for the DNA board. However, if it has more "conditional" type of skills (things that kick in when certain requirements are set or you're using certain weapons), that's at least a start in terms of more customization and at least altering how a player can approach battles. I'm still not entirely sold on the prospect of the DNA Board really changing my feelings on the game at a fundamental level since quite a few of the things I had issue with couldn't be easily solved by even the most robust leveling system (especially if Gears of War can be called the base line for cover shooters, Gears has the advantage of better set-pieces and scenarios, whether titles like Vanquish dramatically put twists on the concept and titles like Quantum Theory... well... kinda don't). But I'll definitely take that into consideration if/when I decide to go through the game again on a higher difficulty.


I personally loved the gameplay and thought the story was meh. If you took a big chunk of added complexity towards the end of the game and threw it out the story would make tons more sense. That's how I figured out what was happening, I just ignored like half of what I was seeing and focused on what mattered.

But again, the gameplay was good and what drove me to finish really. It's definitely a Parasite Eve game...albeit a very strange one.
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