I recently replayed all 3 games in the Parasite Eve franchise and while Parasite Eve 2 and The 3rd Birthday are horseshit that without a doubt killed the franchise, the first game really does deserve a second chance in these modern times, the story is really good (probably due to being loosely based around the novel) and there's no better time to do it than now that everyone is remaking their survival horror games from the 90s and 2000s.
However I think a direct remake would be a bad idea, Square no longer has the rights for the Parasite Eve novel so they would have to change the plot anyway but the combat...man the combat just needs a complete rehaul it ruins any type of horror you could experience, for those that haven't played it, the combat uses random encounters for no reason and it's essentially an extremely outdated version of the combat in FFVII Remake, Magic spells feel out of place and there's barely any tension during combat other than the super telegraphed enemy attacks, you can just heal back any damage you take, you never run out of bullets, enemies are just trash mobs waiting to be grinded for levels in typical JRPG fashion and well it basically needs a complete redesign in that area, the combat single handedly erradicates the survival horror aspect of the game.
I think a Survival Horror with JRPG mechanics could work but going full Final Fantasy with the protagonist like Parasite Eve does is just not going to be well received in modern times, I have no doubt in my mind that if the game was remade as it is, it would be poorly received and many would bash it with the "not scary" line.
However I think a direct remake would be a bad idea, Square no longer has the rights for the Parasite Eve novel so they would have to change the plot anyway but the combat...man the combat just needs a complete rehaul it ruins any type of horror you could experience, for those that haven't played it, the combat uses random encounters for no reason and it's essentially an extremely outdated version of the combat in FFVII Remake, Magic spells feel out of place and there's barely any tension during combat other than the super telegraphed enemy attacks, you can just heal back any damage you take, you never run out of bullets, enemies are just trash mobs waiting to be grinded for levels in typical JRPG fashion and well it basically needs a complete redesign in that area, the combat single handedly erradicates the survival horror aspect of the game.
I think a Survival Horror with JRPG mechanics could work but going full Final Fantasy with the protagonist like Parasite Eve does is just not going to be well received in modern times, I have no doubt in my mind that if the game was remade as it is, it would be poorly received and many would bash it with the "not scary" line.