Captain Zyrain
Self explanatory.
It's rated 'PG' but that's early 80s PG.
I remember seeing it when I was like 7 or 8 and it literally traumatized me for life. I couldn't go in the deep end of a swimming pool without hearing the theme. To this day it's in the back of my mind whenever I'm in the ocean.
One of my kids loves sharks and shark week and I'd love to show him Jaws but can't think when the right time would be. What say you, GAF?
It's rated 'PG' but that's early 80s PG.
I remember seeing it when I was like 7 or 8 and it literally traumatized me for life. I couldn't go in the deep end of a swimming pool without hearing the theme. To this day it's in the back of my mind whenever I'm in the ocean.
One of my kids loves sharks and shark week and I'd love to show him Jaws but can't think when the right time would be. What say you, GAF?