HuffPo: Pineapple Pizzas sent to White House. National State of Emergency Declared
🚨🚨 tag alert!! 🚨🚨
On this day, the Fifteenth of April in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Fifteen, I give for your viewing pleasure:
Timeaisis' 10,000th Post
Huzzah.I think.
I'm sharing this most special moment with Parody-GAF because god knows no one else would give a shit.
Thank you for your time.
On this day, the Fifteenth of April in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Fifteen, I give for your viewing pleasure:
Timeaisis' 10,000th Post
Huzzah.I think.
I'm sharing this most special moment with Parody-GAF because god knows no one else would give a shit.
Thank you for your time.
Is there a special place in hell for people who have almost 10k posts in a year of membership? What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Fisting Gaf what are some of your thrusting hands?
Florida Man finds Shulk Amiibo in his backyard
Would Michael Jordan have been famous if it wasn't for basketball?
Would basketball have been famous if it wasn't for Michael Jackson?