you can't put a price on sparks
Would Michael Jackson have been famous if it wasn't for Neil Armstrong?
Would neogaf be famous if it weren't for Agamemnon?
Would Michael Jackson have been famous if it wasn't for Neil Armstrong?
Would Timedog have been famous if it wasn't for Blamespace?
Would neogaf be famous if it weren't for Agamemnon?
Would Plato have been famous if it wasn't for Aristotle?
I think I'm addicted to snozberries
I think I'm addicted to EvilLore
Would Socrates have been famous if it wasn't for Plato?
Would Pluto have been famous if it wasn't for Plato and/or the Cave?
Hey all.
I'm un-banned.
Hey all.
I'm un-banned.
Hey all.
I'm un-banned.
Hey all.
I'm un-banned.
By the Law Of Conservation of PTU, someone about to get bopped.
Welcom'e back, Terrisus,!Hey all.
I'm un-banned.
RIP Timey
Hey I'm alive and well!
Unless I'm not actually posting and the mods have created some alternate GAF reality where I think I'm posting but am actually banned.
Quick, someone quote me.
Sire, any sword aimed for ye shall strike me before it cometh near ye. Unless you do some really stupid shit in that case then try not to make it a perma-ban.
Am I considered a regular enough in here to be part of the communal banning?
You are offered a 2 dollar.
That's it.
You are offered a 2 dollar.
That's it.
People Who Think They Are Very Funny.
Isn't NateDog the name of a rapper?NateDog, you have passed the test and are now an official member of the ParodyGAF Brotherhood of Losers and People Who Think They Are Very Funny.
Who the fuck makes pizza with pineapple and not ham or chicken? Who feeds someone pineapple and not tell them? This is the sort of fruit you should tell people about beforehand as it up there with bananas and apples. Not everyone is fond of those type of fruit. It tasted good but on hearing I was eating something I never had I wanted to vomit as I had no intention of ever eating pineapple unless some apocalyptic event struck and only onion, broccoli or pineapple were left in the world.
I brushed my teeth and gargled with mouth wash but I'm waiting for it to come up as I'm lurching thinking about it.