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I am speaking about the word gamer. It's a descriptive term used in modern dialect. i.e. "I identify as a gamer." or "Only 90's gamers will get this."

As liberal as GAF is, I see it daily. People should understand it's an offensive word.

If you are actually speaking about people viewing gaming as a hobby, the correct terminology is VGE. Video Gaming Enthusiast. i.e. "Yeah, my sister is a VGE. She suffers from social anxiety."

The G word is not allowed in my family. We are liberal democrats.


Nose how to spell and rede to
SCHOONER: SS more powerful than Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and the Incredible Hulk put together


Anyone ever deal with an itch at work? How did you deal?

Our office has a laid back environment and we're a very productive office that reaches their numbers, but lately we've all been getting an itch that needs constant scratching and our productivity has fallen off a cliff.
How do you deal with close friends or family who are considered terrorists?

M. Night Shyamalan announces there will be FOUR Avatar sequels

Lasted two weeks on no diet

Man accidentally Three's Company

Ted Cruz Brought 100 Cans of Soup On Honeymoon

Me and a girl from work shared hand cream
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