You know box art, we really are on the cover of boxesWhat box art is the best box art with box art box art?
I lost 8 3/4ths cubits in 34 lunar revolutions! All by walking 6 hectares a day!
You know box art, we really are on the cover of boxes
P.S. I genuinely cannot believe this thread is near enough to 2 years old. I started posting here when I started becoming comfortable on GAF but I didn't think that was that long ago. My first post was on page 10 (thought it was earlier), we had the honour of Lionel Mandrake's presence here, we have lost some great soldiers along the way who helped to make Parody Thread Urges the juggernaut it is today at 142 pages like Terri and Fred. God bless you all.
There's very little upcoming box art that I'm interested in
GAF broke up with me
I lol'd heartilyKorean girls react to Scarlet Johansson in Ghost In The Shell
Korean girls react to Scarlet Johansson in Ghost In The Shell
The NX Rumours Appreciation and Collecting Thread
I audibly LOL'ed at this one