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Parody Thread Urges

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Not a parody thread but a thread that I will never have the balls to make, so I post it here I guess...

Title: DOOM vs. Uncharted 4: Which has the better single player campaign?

OP: Rip and Tear vs. Walking Simulator, you decide ;)


'*Heavy Breathing*' Trailer. new original Horror film by the same team that brought you Meme Run

Quick question regarding my bathroom self


Donald Trump talks to Giant Bomb about Shadow Complex 2

New Star Fox drama (Lenny Henry, Queen Elizabeth)

Ghostbusters is the Adam Sandler of Youtube trailers

Call of Duty is the Battlefield of Michael Jordan successors

Michael Jordan is the Adam Sandler of sports trailers


Wasn't this the exact thread title?

It was "What's the deal with erect (upright) Yoshi". I think the original title was funnier because the OP felt the urge to use erect and upright for clarification, even though he just could've used upright and called it a day. Guess he really wanted to have the word erect in his title.

Oh, talking about humor is like dancing about architecture.


How good are you at holding a convention...



How much longer does traditional Internet have left?

It seems pretty clear that the internet is outdated. More and more people are going to start looking for alternatives. More and more kids are becoming bored with it. The idea of having to spend a quarter of your viewing time seeing online ads is strange to these kids; the idea of having to spend a quarter of your viewing time seeing ads after paying $50+ a month for internet is surely insane.

So how long until internet goes the way of rabbit ears? 10, 15, 20 years?
I don't like controlling computers to do my bidding. Should I get used to it?

Teens React To Girls Who Code

Was "Friends" considered a "show"?

Best things to drink and eat to get food poisoning
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