So it's the afternoon. I'm in work, on the toilet watching my porn as I usually do at that time of day. Someone walks into the stall next to me, so I immediately start furiously tapping the volume button on a phone until it's dead silence. Not a mood killer, but the experience is somewhat lessened.
And then the guys proceeds to do his business, goddamn it was terrible. I don't know what he had for lunch, but he should definitely have brought some air freshener. And it's not just the smell...the farts, the moaning, the weird noises coming from both topside and below... I gagged, and my mood was shot. By the time I recovered my bearings (and my pants), the guy was gone. So I washed my hands and went back to my desk. One of my colleagues was already there, giving me the stink eye. I think to myself: "What a dick."
Society has made it okay to poo within feet of other people, I'm not entirely comfortable with it, but I usually don't get bothered. But someone unloading himself in such a manner, after some toxic Taco Bell or similar is overstepping the boundaries. People really can't wait to go home when they know they'll do such a mess.
Cmon man.