I'm sorry =(
i only laugh at my parody thread urges. none of theses other ones are funny. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Urinating in spittoons.
When you think about it, TLOU isn't too dissimilar to Pong.
Post pictures of video games without saying what the game is! |OT| of making people want something that they can't find
Post pictures of video games without saying what the game is! |OT| of making people want something that they can't find
Must resist temptation to create "Parody of Parody Thread Urges" thread.
Post pictures of video games without saying what the game is! |OT| of making people want something that they can't find
Doooo ittttt
I want to quote images and say "YES!! Best game ever!" or "." and never say what the game is.
"I really wish more people knew about this game!"
"So many people missed out on this game!"
"So underappreciated."
"A hidden gem."
Post your favorite spoiler ever. Spoiler: there may be spoilers
Post your favorite spoiler ever. Spoiler: there may be spoilers
post fake things that look real
any variation on that
Post real things that look fake