Unconfirmed Member
Smart TVs on my ass - I really hope I'm wrong - Send Help
Smart TVs on my ass - I really hope I'm wrong - Send Help
I kind of have the urge to do this...
Thread title: "gaf how many ghosts"
Subject text: "gaf I grew up in Farm with evry one and we all know there ghosts. Kids would say that there are ghosts a lot and the ghosts would say yes.
I was scared all time and ghosts would move things and shake and say names. Five ghosts at least but more.
but evruobe have lots of ghosts. Its true! So I Want to hear how many ghosts and where they loud and ghosts?
How many ghosts gaf?? "
It would be spelled worse than that, but my phone keeps spellchecking. But that's the gist of it. Then after the inevitable joking replies, I would post, " gaf stop. How many ghosts? "
Then just wing it from there.
If you could only talk about one Marvel character who would it be?
Is the world ready for a female video game console?
BREAKING: Rand Paul chokes on femdom
The world is your cloister, and sometimes, cloisters can be your world.
good to see you back Daveypoo
I just had an adult sleepover with my middle school friends.
I'm so sorry
Nintendo for kids, confirmed.What is wrong with you? Why haven't you done anything with your life? And when are you going to get married? You really need to settle down and have some children. And play Tropical Freeze.
i only laugh at my parody thread urges. none of theses other ones are funny. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
"As a straight man have you ever..."
Zombine I need a PM re: Sunday! I'm just going to assume you're coming...!
I like this thread title.
I'm just going to assume you're coming...!